I've been seeing a lot of people on the forum still wondering about QDL, I'm currently running: test C - Deca 250, and Tren Ace. I just finished up w/ my D Bol. ( yes I have PCT) I have been very pleased w/ the results with these products. I've gained weight - strength. I looking to break 1200 lbs in my next powerlifting meet in May, setting world records in SQ, BP & DL and total This is for a 63 year old @ 235lb. Yes its good and will buy again.
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Quality Direct Labs Reviews
ya i hope that gen-shi is good too,im sure if they done that too u i will probably be getting the same thing.I mean if there out of qdl it should say out of stock u would think,they got to be out to send u gen-shi.Oh well let us know how u like the gen-shi and good luck bro thanks.I gonna make a post just to see what others are saying about gen-shi,which im sure anything they have is good lol