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Quality Direct Labs

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mightymouse View Post
    Test E, TBol and A bombs... Figured I'd give QDL a try until GP is ready to release again...
    abomb suck send them to me to be disposed of properly
    Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


    • #32
      I can't wait for mine I'm ready
      You can't run when the cage door closes !!


      • #33
        I just hope it's as good as GP cuzz there dbol will make u feel like the hulk
        You can't run when the cage door closes !!


        • #34
          Originally posted by timguinness View Post
          thanx for the review Mightymouse..... just got mine today, QD test e didn't come for some reason, but luckily i had also ordered QD sust, so i pinned it this morning.....nice and smooth, it smells and looks right, and we should be able to compare to other brands in a couple weeks. stay in touch, i would like to compare notes with you, especially on the orals since i still had some GP d-bol left and didn't order any from QD yet. hit the ground runnin bro!
          I got all the Test E that's why you didn't get it bro separate gift most likely... Yup, give me a few weeks on the orals and I'll update with great news I'm sure of it...
          "I have found Iron Plates to be my greatest friend... They never freak out on me, never complain and are always there when I need them... Friends may come and go, but two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds and if YOU let up for one second, that is where YOU will finish...


          • #35
            Originally posted by ds222 View Post
            abomb suck send them to me to be disposed of properly
            Lol, I'll let you know if mine suck !!!
            "I have found Iron Plates to be my greatest friend... They never freak out on me, never complain and are always there when I need them... Friends may come and go, but two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds and if YOU let up for one second, that is where YOU will finish...


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mightymouse View Post
              I got all the Test E that's why you didn't get it bro separate gift most likely... Yup, give me a few weeks on the orals and I'll update with great news I'm sure of it...
              despite your attempt to corner the market i did receive the remainder of my goodies today. i must say that everything feels right so far with the injectables. looks right, feels right following injection and has the right beneficial symptoms at the right intervals. Yee-Haw!!! i'm king o' the world!
              Employ your time improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. -Socrates


              • #37
                I have used QDL twice now since they have been out. I ordered 2 cycles worth when they had the huge sale. I ordered Test Cyp and Tren E. First cycle with it was 500mgs per week of Test Cyp and 400mgs per week of Tren E. Results were fantastic dropped about 2% bodyfat which was my goal gained maybe an inch and a half on my biceps which was a nice plus. My second cycle of QDL consisted of the same products except I ran it this way. 250mgs Test Cyp and 200mgs Tren E every 5 days. I lost about 23lbs most noticably around my midriff basically my waste in general shrank. My legs leaned out nicely too in fact I think those leaned out the most and I wasn't even really concentrating on them. I train MMA 3-4 nights per week depending on work and as you can imagine with that sport loads and loads of cardio which is probably why it affected my legs so much. During this cycle my doctor ran a full check up on me due to my rare anemia I should also note I was on Dr. prescribed Anadrol at 200mgs per day for almost 5 weeks. My test levels were through the roof my test level was 1973!!! So is QDL legit? Absolutely. Although my personal preference has been and will always be GP just because GP SUST 270 is my call girll!!! lol.


                • #38
                  Has anyone used QDL CUT STACK??? I'm sure it's legit too but can anyone compare it to Andromix or Gen Shi? Thanks bros!

