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Bodybuilding for women?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by stonesolid21 View Post
    Im not real good at documenting like you guys but on average for me.
    Morning start with protein shake, included milk, peanut butter and banana
    Then eggs, 1whole 2eggwhites with cheese
    Usually hit the gym then another protein shake same mix
    Lunch tuna and rice or tuna sandwich
    Various fruits for snack
    Dinner usually chicken or steak and veggies, baked potatoe or rice
    No sweets at night
    No soda
    Lots of water throughout the day
    How many calories are you taking in per day? Also, Fats/Carb/Protein per day?


    • #17
      Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
      How many calories are you taking in per day? Also, Fats/Carb/Protein per day?
      Well I just eat and workout, dont really document. But im doing great. Small portions dont overeat. And stay away from junk foods especially sugars. Sorry im New at This too but im doing amazing by just being careful. Tried a small dose of var then realized i didnt need it. Just working hard.


      • #18
        there are a good amount of figure and bikini girls in my circle of people. some train like BBers, some do more plyometric work. some girls can put on muscle, just looking at weights, while others have to bust their asses just to get a little shape. i guess it will depend not only on how she responds, but also to what her goals are. DLB looks pretty awesome but a lot of gals dont want that level of muscularity.

        one thing that seems to be universal is, girls have a much harder time losing fat. these poor girls suffer. most gals i know have to eat very low carbs when dieting and do a ton of cardio. as far as the basis of their diets, they are the same as a males diet, based around high protein, every 2-3 hours. my ex is a competitor and we both lived the lifestyle together. it was nice to be on the same page. if we traveled, we both had our chicken and both had to eat at the same times. usually, the only difference was our portions. i can tolerate so many carbs, that sometimes in the off season, i would eat in one meal what would be the equivalent of her whole daily allowance of carbs.

        what are her stats? age, weight, time lifting, BF%
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        • #19
          Originally posted by Big L View Post
          I have always wondered what steroids DAna lynn bailey is on She does every exercise a man does just with alittle less weight but i have seen her bench 135 incline.
          usually anavar and other mild AAS in low doses keep a fair amount of muscle before it gets to be "too much"
          Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


          • #20
            Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
            what are her stats? age, weight, time lifting, BF%
            20 years old, like 117lbs, been lift a little over a month and a half, bf% (according to my attempt at a pinch test) ~16%. She wants to put on some muscle and cut the fat down for bikini season.


            • #21
              ok. that doesnt sound too hard. i bet you could help her with this. how many times is she going to the gym? how committed is she to dieting?
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              • #22
                She is more addicted to the gym than me lol. I have to force her to take off days haha. She has been going 5-6 days a week, doing high intensity cardio 4days, and going in doing an hour of light cardio on her off days. As far as dieting goes, I'm easing her into it. I don't want to burn her out too quickly and make her hate it haha. As of right now, I have her only watching calories. I have her eating 1700-1900 calories per day until we see what that does for her. Starting next week she will be tracking her macros and cleaning some stuff up, ie. no sweets/junk foods lol.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
                  She is more addicted to the gym than me lol. I have to force her to take off days haha. She has been going 5-6 days a week, doing high intensity cardio 4days, and going in doing an hour of light cardio on her off days. As far as dieting goes, I'm easing her into it. I don't want to burn her out too quickly and make her hate it haha. As of right now, I have her only watching calories. I have her eating 1700-1900 calories per day until we see what that does for her. Starting next week she will be tracking her macros and cleaning some stuff up, ie. no sweets/junk foods lol.
                  way too much cardio its a great fat burner but she should start lifting to build. Good luck


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
                    She is more addicted to the gym than me lol. I have to force her to take off days haha. She has been going 5-6 days a week, doing high intensity cardio 4days, and going in doing an hour of light cardio on her off days. As far as dieting goes, I'm easing her into it. I don't want to burn her out too quickly and make her hate it haha. As of right now, I have her only watching calories. I have her eating 1700-1900 calories per day until we see what that does for her. Starting next week she will be tracking her macros and cleaning some stuff up, ie. no sweets/junk foods lol.
                    not picking on her, but was she fat before? i ask because woman who were then start losing the wt get addicted to losing and get OCD with their training and diet
                    Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by stonesolid21 View Post
                      way too much cardio its a great fat burner but she should start lifting to build. Good luck
                      Sorry should have specified lol. She is weight training 4-5 days and doing cardio some on those days and some on off days

                      Originally posted by ds222 View Post
                      not picking on her, but was she fat before? i ask because woman who were then start losing the wt get addicted to losing and get OCD with their training and diet
                      No, she was never fat but she acts like she is. Definitely has some skewed vision. I personally things she looks very good, but she wants to look better so I support her lol I've known her for almost 2 years and she has never been over 125


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by stonesolid21 View Post
                        way too much cardio its a great fat burner but she should start lifting to build. Good luck
                        totally agree!!! cardio is supposed to be a tool used in addition to the diet. i would back her down to 30min, slow, steady state. walk on the treadmill to begin with at an incline of 3, heart rate around 130 bpm. keep her away from the elliptical. that shuffle movement flattens asses out. over time, you can slowly add cardio to keep her burning fat and start introducing the step mill.

                        so im just one opinion, but this is what i would do....

                        i would try to get away from counting calories and focus on macros. and nutrient timing. get her to eat every 3 hours, basing her meals around protein. she can probably start with 25 g protein about 6 times a day. focus some carbs(brown rice, sweet potato or oats) in meal 1 and around her training. she probably doesnt need more than 100 per day. use healthy fats in the non carb meals. add in green veggies and a sugar free fiber sup.

                        i would suggest she get into circuit training. she can build muscle and burn a ton of energy in the process. 7 exercises, 1 per each body part, starting large and moving to small, working set of 12-15 reps, 45 seconds between each set, 4 min break between circuits, complete 3 circuits per session. train 3 times a wk. say mon, wed fri. with 30 min of cardio post training and 30 min cardio on tues and thrus
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                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
                          totally agree!!! cardio is supposed to be a tool used in addition to the diet. i would back her down to 30min, slow, steady state. walk on the treadmill to begin with at an incline of 3, heart rate around 130 bpm. keep her away from the elliptical. that shuffle movement flattens asses out. over time, you can slowly add cardio to keep her burning fat and start introducing the step mill.

                          so im just one opinion, but this is what i would do....

                          i would try to get away from counting calories and focus on macros. and nutrient timing. get her to eat every 3 hours, basing her meals around protein. she can probably start with 25 g protein about 6 times a day. focus some carbs(brown rice, sweet potato or oats) in meal 1 and around her training. she probably doesnt need more than 100 per day. use healthy fats in the non carb meals. add in green veggies and a sugar free fiber sup.

                          i would suggest she get into circuit training. she can build muscle and burn a ton of energy in the process. 7 exercises, 1 per each body part, starting large and moving to small, working set of 12-15 reps, 45 seconds between each set, 4 min break between circuits, complete 3 circuits per session. train 3 times a wk. say mon, wed fri. with 30 min of cardio post training and 30 min cardio on tues and thrus
                          Thats awesome


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
                            totally agree!!! cardio is supposed to be a tool used in addition to the diet. i would back her down to 30min, slow, steady state. walk on the treadmill to begin with at an incline of 3, heart rate around 130 bpm. keep her away from the elliptical. that shuffle movement flattens asses out. over time, you can slowly add cardio to keep her burning fat and start introducing the step mill.

                            so im just one opinion, but this is what i would do....

                            i would try to get away from counting calories and focus on macros. and nutrient timing. get her to eat every 3 hours, basing her meals around protein. she can probably start with 25 g protein about 6 times a day. focus some carbs(brown rice, sweet potato or oats) in meal 1 and around her training. she probably doesnt need more than 100 per day. use healthy fats in the non carb meals. add in green veggies and a sugar free fiber sup.

                            i would suggest she get into circuit training. she can build muscle and burn a ton of energy in the process. 7 exercises, 1 per each body part, starting large and moving to small, working set of 12-15 reps, 45 seconds between each set, 4 min break between circuits, complete 3 circuits per session. train 3 times a wk. say mon, wed fri. with 30 min of cardio post training and 30 min cardio on tues and thrus
                            Sounds like great advice, one question, why back the cardio down? I guess I don't really know much about cardio, but less intensity is better?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
                              Sounds like great advice, one question, why back the cardio down? I guess I don't really know much about cardio, but less intensity is better?
                              same reason you dont start with 2grams of gear on your first cycle. you want room to move up. like i said, the cardio should help the diet, not be a crutch. if her diet is right, the cardio is just there to aid in fat loss. as time goes on, it'll be harder for her to lose weight and you'll need to alter the diet and add cardio. i make changes to my cutting diet every wk to keep the ball rolling. so one wk, i might add a little more clen, the next wk, i cut a little bit of carbs. the following wk, i add 10 min of cardio. see where i'm going here? cardio is one of many tools you have at your disposal. use all of your tools sparingly, to make changes that are just big enough to keep fat mobilizing. start with a huge amount of cardio and you have already hit a wall.

                              there are a couple kinds of cardio. slow steady state, like i described will tap into fat for fuel. you can also use HIIT cardio, which i think is good too, but it isnt where i would start. as far as the effectiveness of SSS cardio, when i diet, i do nothing more than SSS cardio on the treadmill, like i described in my suggestion and i've gotten down into low single digit body fat
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                              • #30
                                I gotcha, yeah makes sense. She started tracking macros yesterday and realized she is eating way more carbs than she expected haha. Yesterday for her was 40g fat, 200g carbs, 80g protein. Nothing a few adjustments can't fix haha

