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A couple of questions about injecting

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  • A couple of questions about injecting

    Hello everyone.This week I've started my first ever AAS cycle which is 10 weeks of Sustanon at 500mg./week.

    I did my first ever injection by myself this Monday in my right gluteal muscle and it went pretty good.I penetrated and pushed the needle all the way in,aspirated and injected.Pulled out fast and pushed over the mark with an alco-patch.I also have to note there was no blood whatsoever.The next day I started feeling slight pain (like a sore muscle after a workout),nothing bad.

    Today was my second injection,but it didn't go so well.First I have a hard time drawing the oil from the ampule.I'm using 22g 1/1.4 needles for drawing and injecting (grey ones).After I draw all of it,there is air left in the syringe and after I get it out,I'm left with about 0.8-0.7 cc instead of 1.0 . Is there a way to not waste it (except injecting air in myself )?

    And another thing - since I did my right glute on Monday I had to do my left one today and I had a really hard time twisting myself to get a good angle for injecting.I penetrated but my hands were shaking and I couldn't hold the needle with one hand and aspirate with the other and I had to do all that with only one hand.Overall I didn't aspirate and just injected.I don't want to continue like that,I want to do things the way they are supposed to be done - aspirate.Is it a problem if I only use my right glute for all injections?I'm scared of forming scared tissue.Next point is to try my leg,but I prefer the glutes.
    Last edited by CellTech; 08-26-2011, 12:40 PM.

  • #2
    you might want to rotate spots check out this site for various injections spots
    Looking for friends in the bodybuilding arena.... Perfection is not attainable, its just my goal.


    • #3
      a small amount of air is ok, as u flip the pin the air will move to the plunger, so when u inject the air will push the last little bit of gear in.
      or fill the pin to 1.1 or 1.2 cc then push some back into vial.

      as for left side practice + stretching help.
      I heard someone give the advice of wiping ur ass with your left hand as practice.
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        celltech you might want to try in the shoulder I thought it would be painful but its not. Its my favorite spot smooth as silk and I do 2 cc in each shoulder no problem
        Looking for friends in the bodybuilding arena.... Perfection is not attainable, its just my goal.


        • #5
          Thank you for your replies.

          @nympholvr : I'm not very keen on doing it in my shoulders for now.I'm a novice at this and I don't want do screw things up,plus there are a lot of blood vessels in there.The quads seem a more appropriate place to inject (since most people on TRT self inject there).I've heard that the glutes are best,because it's a very dense muscle and it helps absorb the most out of the medication.Not sure if this is broscience or not.

          @ODB : I get a huge amount of air in the syringe (maybe because I pull the plunger too fast and too much).I'll try doing it slower next time.Drawing more than 1cc isn't possible since the ampule contains only 1cc (1ml/250mg).Abut the wiping part - not sure if srs lol,but I can give it a try.


          • #6
            thighs are total cake. utterly painless, easy to reach, and the zone to hit is large!!!!!


            • #7
              draw with an 18g needle, then switch to your small needle before you inject.


              • #8
                glute and delt (shoulder) are best IMO if you think there are to many blood vessels and stuff in delt there are well more in quads check out the site nympholvr give you its got all the spots to hit you should try them out find whats best for you.


                • #9
                  100% Straight in the quads - Massive target area, nice and eassy
                  There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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                  • #10
                    Ok guys,today was my 4th injection and I decided to do it in my left glute again.I twisted myself better and I did it.After I injected and pulled the needle out,dark blood started running but I guess it''s normal.It was more than a few drops,but I think it's ok?It was the first time I saw blood coming out.

                    Another thing I want to ask you is,when should I start to notice some effects?I get slight head aches from time to time and my strength is up a little (5lbs or so),but I get those gains every few weeks so nothing quite new.I've heard it takes about 3 weeks to kick in,but what should I notice?My blood pressure is still normal 120/80.Overall I feel normal,except my fuse is a little bit shorter,but I think it's just placebo.

                    P.S. I forgot to state that I am 6'1 220lbs .All the gear I got is from a pharmacy so it should be the real deal.And it's actually Omnadren not Sustanon,but it has the same "ingredients".
                    Last edited by CellTech; 08-25-2011, 05:21 PM.


                    • #11
                      In reality it starts working on day 1. You have slightly better results each day. The compounded gains start becoming really noticeable around 4 weeks in. You gradually get more test releasing each week due to the long ester it could take 5 weeks or so to hit your peak levels.


                      • #12
                        hey bud

                        Just did last shot. I was doing Test Cyp twice a week 1cc each time. I had more than enough for total cycle so I always put a little more in syringe so when I got rid of air it would be perfect amount. I tried doing the glute thing a long time ago, now I don't know how I ever twisted around to do that. This cycle I just finished I did my leg every time. 80 percent of the time I went in right leg. Never a problem or pain. I draw with 23 then change needle to 25. I imagine a line going lengthwise up the middle of thigh, then another going horizontal through middle and inject into the upper outer box NOT the side of your leg mind you. When you do it, just do it don't think about it and you feel nothing. I saw girls on You Tube doing it like that who are trying to become men. Check it out on You Tube there are even Dr's showing you how.
                        Good Luck


                        • #13
                          Omnadren is the brand name buddy

                          Normally 4 weeks is enough time for test levels to stabilize and for you to see results
                          There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

                          if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE


                          • #14
                            I was really nervous about hitting the shoulder myself but after about 5 cycles I just did it one day. Once you finally get it done you will realize just how much you missed it. I use 1 inch pins in my shoulder. I definitely think that the thighs are more painful and after a couple bad injections in there you probably agree. good luck and enjoy.... I also usually pull about .1 of a cc of air into the syringe. You have that little spot at the bottom where the needle connects that has oil in it when you load it. I draw .9 of oil into the syringe and the last .1 I draw air. I them flip it and inject. I read somewhere that the air actually helps push the oil deeper in the muscle.
                            Last edited by Turtleneck; 08-26-2011, 09:29 AM.


                            • #15
                              Thanks again for the replies fellas.I have a few more questions bothering me though.

                              One of them is - what is the ideal time for injecting?I personally do it like this : take a shower,inject and after 30 min. or so I hit the gym.Is it ok?

                              Another one is about my diet - my diet is very simple : I basically eat every 3 hours or so and each meal contains about 200g. of meat and I don't eat carbs only on my last meal which is at about 00:30.I get about 210g. of protein daily ,should I increase it?

