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A couple of questions about injecting

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  • #16
    It dosent matter what time u inject some people do morning some do mid day some Do night just make a schedule and stick to it I like night before I hit the gym but its whatever works for u diet u can never have to much protien u should up it a bit the further in ur cycle carbs can be good as long as u eat good carbs just don't eat to many but everyone is different it also depends on what ur trying to acheive


    • #17
      I have read contradictory information on this. I've read 1 hr prior to work out. I've also read that running cyp or e test spikes 12-24 hrs after injection.

      I pin in the morning before work and workout in the evening.


      • #18
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        • #19
          I think it's time for a little update.I got quite good strength gains this week.Size is still the same though.

          I think I have test. flu..An hour or so after I woke up today I got some stomach aches and took a crap.Then at lunch I suddenly felt really ill.I ate my food,did another crap (diarrhea).I slept some and took another one (d. again).I had one more later and my stomach felt really bloated so I couldn't turn around to inject in my left glute today,lol (not from the bloat,but it was making me feel sick and I was going to throw up).

          So I gave the leg a shot.All in all pain was slight,but what amazed me was that after about 2-5 min my leg was getting sore.I stretched and did some squats and it's good now.Will see how it is tomorrow.

          I'm not feeling good today and I missed my workout..Is there any way to see if it's test flu or normal flu?Because if it's just from the test.,I should be able to train,right?

          Just measured temp. and it's 102.2 F (that's 39 C).Should I take something or just leave it to pass by?


          • #20
            i would not consider a fever to ever be normal, you may feel alittle beat down but i dont see a reason for it to raise your core temperature. also, im gonna guess tomorrow your leg is going to hurt like f. itll prob feel like you got knee'd or hit with something, but its ok. virgin muscles tend to be sore the first few times as they arent used to foreign objects inside of them. i rotate my delts, then glutes, then thighs. when i do my thigh, i hang my hand to the side of my knee, then i pin right about where my thumb muscle is. i still get alittle pain every once in a while, but ull grow to love that. also, i wouldnt blame diarrhea on gear, id blame that on diet, or possibly a bug, but most likely diet. and 120/80 isnt that normal of a blood pressure reading. 120 is great, but 80 is alittle high, and they will tell you the second number is the more dangerous of the 2. but just keep an eye on it, it wont hurt you if its high for a little while but u dont want to let it stay high too long or itll start affecting your vision, then your kidneys. my bp gets crazy on tren, ive seen mine as high as 150/90 while on tren, but 2 weeks after i stopped it, my bp was back at 125/60.
            Pain is just weakness leaving the body


            • #21
              Ok..last night was really tough.Had one of my worst nights ever.I took some coldrex and then some paracetamol which did help and I was able to go to sleep.I still have diarrhea (I never got that much,ever).I've flushed so much water I'm cramping all over the place.Today my temp is almost normal and overall I feel better,except for my upset stomach.

              I'll have a look for some Echinacea.I've been hearing good stuff about it and I hope it helps.

              @PushinWeight : So you think it's not test flu?Whatever it is I hope it goes away quickly.I want to be at 110% again ASAP.I don't think it's from my diet though,because I basically eat the same every day.Probably a virus.

              The leg is feeling good which is a shocker!I've had more soreness from some of my leg days lol.

              About the blood pressure - I've always been told that it's normal?Sometimes mine has been 130/90 and they still told me it's ok.I'll have a look at it though.


              • #22
                for blood pressure, the first number is the pump, how hard your heart pumps. the second number is the pressure held between pumps, not the actual pump itself. almost seems to me to be directly related to hermatocrit, but not sure if thats the case. according to the machine i use to test my pressure, 130 and below is normal, 130-140 is normal high, 140-150 is high, 150+ youre suppose to see a dr. 2nd number 60-70 is normal, 70-80 high normal, 80-90 is high, and 90+ see a dr. but after giving this some thought, i googled it and came up with this chart that says alittle different... ???

                Pain is just weakness leaving the body


                • #23
                  Well yes,that's what I also know about blood pressure (speaking about the chart).I spoke to some guy in the gym a long time ago,and he was in med school so I asked him a bunch of questions including about blood pressure.He confirmed that 140/90 is the top normal blood pressure for an adult.


                  • #24
                    Ok..time for another update.

                    Week 4 started bad..I missed 2 workouts last week due to my diarrhea which I still have in a mild state,and the fever.On top of all that,today I had to go move furniture and stuff to help out a family member who's doing some big changes at their home so it's like I did another workout before mine.I'm not bitching about it,I just had other plans and that was not among them.So when I got to the gym I was tired,and I did 1-2 less reps on all excercises.Not that bad,but I always try to push out one more rep every next week or at least keep the same reps.Last week I even planned to try a new PR today.You can add the thought of being on the "juice" and now I feel terrible.You wouldn't say that I'm on anything.I have the constant thought that I'm wasting the gear and it's killing me.You can call me a perfectionist,but I'm just serious about what I do and especially at my first cycle I want everything to be perfect.

                    P.S. I kind of turned this more into a log than a question thread,so it's up to the mods to decide whether to move this thread to the log's section or not.
                    Last edited by CellTech; 09-05-2011, 06:09 PM.


                    • #25
                      heat the oil and it will go into the pin like water.. also i noticed that if i leave the pin in for 10 seconds or so after all the oil is pushed in none of the oil drips back out.


                      • #26
                        Just a little question that's bothering me:

                        Is it normal for the injection pain to disappear?I used to get pain in my injection sites the day after the injection up until week #6 and now the pain is gone.Is it normal?I'm only hitting the glutes,so should I start pinning in the quads too?


                        • #27
                          One more thing from one new guy to another ( I'm on week 8). The best injection tip anyone has given me so far is: relax the muscle. relax relax relax. You should be able to jiggle your quad or glut before injection. Much more painful (at least for me) if I'm tense. If the muscle is relaxed I feel almost nothing.


                          • #28
                            ur about my stats. i have had good gains on sus though i pushed a little more than you. sometimes you nick a vein its nbd few drops is nothing. When i did sustanon i noticed i turned into a raging asshole and my strength went thru the roof. but i also bloated pretty bad off it. Did i get headaches? yup.. i also noticed it took about 3 weeks to kick in even though it has all 4 blends..mayb a front load next time. gud luck

