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I lost my cool I'm walmart

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  • #16
    300 hundred stitches? When you get mad do you have knives that come out like wolverine? (note to self: never ever make cage angry!!!!!!!)


    • #17
      Sounds to me like the guy had it coming!!!!! I would have done the exact same thing... Cagefighter gave the guy a big dose of act-right....Maybe he'll straighten up his attitude now???? If not there is more where that came from!!!! Ain't that right Cage???? lolololololololo (I would plead deffense of my daughter in this issue) Make sure you took pictures..........


      • #18
        Good luck cagefighter. He got what he deserved. Its too bad that most men are not men anymore and cant just take a buttkicking if they had it comin. Everybody has to get a lawyer now.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Nephilim View Post
          300 hundred stitches? When you get mad do you have knives that come out like wolverine? (note to self: never ever make cage angry!!!!!!!)
          Lol no knives just elbows they cut like knives lol I'm not going to lie I've never lost it like that I'm glad people pulled me off of him
          Cuzz I wasn't going to stop I never got that mad in my life my Thai couch came to see me lastnight and said you need to be like that in the cage that dude is all f ed up I don't like to fight but damn there's a point where you just can't see anyway but kick the shit out of some people
          You can't run when the cage door closes !!


          • #20
            Originally posted by mbig245 View Post
            Sounds to me like the guy had it coming!!!!! I would have done the exact same thing... Cagefighter gave the guy a big dose of act-right....Maybe he'll straighten up his attitude now???? If not there is more where that came from!!!! Ain't that right Cage???? lolololololololo (I would plead deffense of my daughter in this issue) Make sure you took pictures..........
            Lol yeah I have a few of my good friends that want to see him when he gets out of the hospital let's just say if he presses charges it's going to be bad bad new for this guy
            You can't run when the cage door closes !!


            • #21
              Sorry to hear that bro. I don't blame you for kicking his ass, not only did he plow into your daughter but he came at you first. I would of done the same thing.

              The fucking trash that comes into that store is unreal. I remember a while back I was in Wal-Mart really early in the morning, like 4am. I was rolling on X and I had a craving for blueberries so I had my sober friend drive me to the store before we went home. Anyways, I walked in with sweat pants and my shirt draped around my neck because I was trying to cool off from dancing. I get into the produce section and I'm looking for the berries and all of a sudden I hear this snort noise. I look around and I'm like what the fuck was that? I go back to my search for berries and I hear it again, that snort noise. It sounds like the snorting noise a cow or large animal makes. At this point I blow it off again thinking that maybe I am tripping from the E. I hear it again and look on the other side of the produce display, a 600 pound Snorlax of a woman on a motorized scooter was trying to get my attention. We lock eyes and she snarls "You shouldn't be in the store without a shirt, put your shirt on, blah blah blah..." I figure this woman is somehow threatened by slim, tone, and built figure so I grab my berries and go to turn the other way. She snarls again "Hey, I'm talking to you, put your shirt on!" and at the same time put's her scooter into drive to pursue me but crashes into a display of cantaloupes and makes a horrible horrible shit mess of the produce section as the Mexicans that clean the store at night look at the disaster with contempt. I get to the register and a girl rings me up and looks over at the produce section and makes small talk about how she hates working at such an hour and the freak show that she has to endure. Then she writes her number on my receipt and I walk out of the store like a boss with my berries. I never called her because even though I was single she was a 6.5/10 at best. I fucking hate Wal-Mart.
              Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.


              • #22
                If somebody have insulting my daughter,no matter who is I certainly smash his face into the cans, do not care what happens afterwards


                • #23
                  I had to pound on the trunk of a car that was going to back over my daughter while we were going into a walmart. Busy parking lot and she didn't even look backwards. Just jumped in her car, threw it in R and pressed the gas.

                  I picked up my daughter with one arm and slammed the trunk with my other and yelled at the driver. I thought the old lady was going to die when I yelled. She braked and I just kept walking. The driver looked like she was 100 years old.. what would be the point in any confrontation.


                  • #24
                    hahaha nice dude it sucks that u get in trouble for that but i guess shit happens i'd love to see the vid btw if u ever find it haha
                    but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


                    • #25
                      Good new guys the asshole I wrecked was winged in two states for beating his wife and step son he has been on the run for a year no charges for me . I do feel bad that my kids had too see me lose my cool like that but sometimes the animal in all of us comes out
                      You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                      • #26
                        Dang a women and kid beater, he deserved that whopping and more, your my hero cage fighter no homo lol. Congrats brother.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lifestyle View Post
                          Dang a women and kid beater, he deserved that whopping and more, your my hero cage fighter no homo lol. Congrats brother.
                          Lol thank bro . On a funny note my little girl went to school and was telling her teacher what happen to her eye and all she told the teacher my dad took care of that bad man he turned in to the hulk like the movie but dad didn't turn green lol I was cracking up when the teacher called me about this
                          You can't run when the cage door closes !!


                          • #28
                            To me thats good to hear, your daughter knows she has that protection and she will grow knowing that, Not the best way in showing her lol but when u dont have a choice and u didnt. Sounds like your her hero. Family First Brother..


                            • #29
                              Thats great he got what he deserved. Good lad cage, you did what any loving father would have done. Infact even if i had witnessed that happen to someone elses little girl i still would have kicked his face off. Some people are just disgusting. Jesus if i hit a little girl with my cart and made her bleed i probably would have started crying and then bought her loads of toys to say sorry ha ha... But behind my masculine front im a total softie me.


                              • #30
                                Good deal!

