Looking for some diet advice, want to gain some lean muscle mass with minimal fat gain. Im currently 12%bf at 212lbs 5ft ,11in. I workout 5 days a week with compound and isolation exercises with a mixture of heavy and moderately heavy weight lifting. Reps range from 6-8 heavy) or 8-12 moderately heavy. Have not begun cardio yet.....but plan to incorporate it soon. My daily caloric intake is
2413, Carbs-136g, Protein- 300g, and fats-98g. I eat 3-4 meals and drink 2-3 shakes daily depending on how my day goes. I have kept this diet for about 2 months now just to lose some body fat i acquired during some down time after surgery. Should i continue this diet until i reach a lower body fat
percentage and then start to add some calories? I feel that im not eating enough, and i can possibly increase my carb and or fat intake and still loose body fat, and put on some serious muscle mass.
Just looking for some advice, Thanks!
2413, Carbs-136g, Protein- 300g, and fats-98g. I eat 3-4 meals and drink 2-3 shakes daily depending on how my day goes. I have kept this diet for about 2 months now just to lose some body fat i acquired during some down time after surgery. Should i continue this diet until i reach a lower body fat
percentage and then start to add some calories? I feel that im not eating enough, and i can possibly increase my carb and or fat intake and still loose body fat, and put on some serious muscle mass.
Just looking for some advice, Thanks!