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Beginner diet plans

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  • Beginner diet plans


    1. One that begins something

    2. An inexperienced person

    3. One who has yet to learn the basic founding principles

    4. One who has never trained with serious intent


    -There is an exception for some who will follow this beginner?s outline. Someone who has trained, who has lived a disciplined lifestyle such as this at some point in there life, but has for whatever reason turned away and finds themselves back at square one. For this person, they should consider themselves as the above definitions state if they are to truly meet their goals.

    You?ve finally reached a point in your life where you?re ready to get into shape. You may be young you may be old, either way you?ve made the right choice. There is a good chance you?re here because you are ready to pile on pounds and pounds of muscle. There is a good chance you?re here because it is time to lose the fat and simply get into shape. Finally there is a chance that you realize that your overall health is of a greater importance than anything else; hopefully, no matter who you are, for the sake of your own wellbeing, no matter why you?re here your overall health comes into play. As a beginner, you probably have a vast array of questions; thankfully for you, you?ve come to and we have the answers.

    No matter your goal, physical exercise along with a sound diet is one of the best things you will undertake in your life. With regular physical exercise and proper nutrition, you will make your immune system stronger, lower your risk to diseases such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes and the most prevalent disease in our world today, obesity. If this is not enough reason, on top of that, regular physical exercise coupled with a sound diet does in fact improve your overall mental health and in many cases can prevent or help cure depression. Regular exercise seems to have a very positive effect on mental functions and capacity. Studies have shown that regular exercise can have a positive effect on neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases. Further, regular exercise can in fact reduce damage to or even reverse alcohol abused induced brain damage.

    Whoever you are, no matter what your goals, the following outlines will start you down the right path. Many will read this nutritional outline and at first glance be left with many questions and doubts. Such questions and concerns might be:

    Q: I want to ?Get Big? how is this enough food, enough calories? Shouldn?t I be eating like there is no end in sight?

    A: You?ve just begun, chances are you already carry too much body fat, if not, chances are you?re not used to eating multiple meals per day; if you are, the odds are slim that you?ve had proper nutritional intake planned out in your diet. Following this outline you will ensure you don?t add tons of extra body fat; you will accustom your body to proper nutritional intake. For the first time in your life, you?ll be eating correctly, feeding your muscle the nutrients they crave.

    Q: Isn?t there too much fat in this diet?

    A: Fat is an important tool in our diets; the right fats. This is discussed in the outline.

    Q: What about carbs, how can I train effectively on this amount of carbs?

    A: As it was mentioned with calories, you are new to this game. If you are overweight or if you are what we call ?physique overweight? then excess carbs, sure you may be able to push more weight, but you will get fat. If you are in fact a hard gainer, then yes, you will need more carbs. If this is the case, see the ?Hard Gainer? outline at the bottom of the page.

    Q: The big ripped guy at my gym said I need to eat everything in sight, he said that?s how he does it, why shouldn?t I listen to him?

    A: Just because this is the way this guy does it, does not mean you should too. The odds are slim, very slim that he ate like he does now when he first started, sure there are exceptions, but these are the genetically gifted and few fall into this camp.

    Q: My trainer says if I eat like it says in this diet I?ll get too fat, he says that I shouldn?t eat any more than 1200 calories per day. Who?s right?

    A: There are good trainers and bad trainers. All trainers, no matter what they tell you are first and foremost there to make money. There is nothing wrong with this, they have to make a living too. But some trainers will sacrifice efficiency for fast short term results. If they starve their clients enough and drive them hard in the gym, the scale will go down, their clients may even shape up a little bit, but as a result, it will be at the expense of excess muscle loss, and cause long term metabolism failures.

    ***Note: This diet is designed assuming all things are perfect. Assuming that the individual who will use this diet is following all guidelines perfectly, is in perfect health, has had a positive genetic response to the beginner diet, and is not someone who suffers from some type of metabolism dysfunction.

    ***Beginners Meal Plan***

    Meal 1:

    -8 egg whites or liquid equivalent

    -2 whole Omega-3 eggs

    -1/2 cup of oatmeal


    -40 grams whey isolate powder

    -1tbsp natural peanut butter

    -1/2 cup of oatmeal

    When time is a factor first thing in the morning, simply mix in a shaker bottle your 40g of whey, 1tbsp of PB and your oats. Shake and drink. It may sound unappealing but you?ll find it?s not that bad.

    Many will choose to simply drink their egg whites for convenience. Sounds gross but they have no taste. Use actual egg whites, not egg product.

    KCL: 430-480, PT: 40-45, Carb: 40-45, Fat: 10-12

    Meal 2:

    -40 grams whey isolate powder mixed in water

    -2tbsp of natural peanut butter


    -6oz filet or lean beef

    -green vegetables or green salad

    Peanut butter mixes easily with your whey. You do not have to do this but doing so is fine.

    How you cook your steak makes no difference. Grilled, baked or pan cooked with Pam is great.

    Green vegetables should not have added ingredients such as cheese or butter.

    KCL: 400-450, PT: 40-45, Carb: 5-10, Fat: 20-25

    Meal 3:

    -8oz chicken breast, turkey or fish

    -1/2 cup rice

    -1oz almonds or cashews

    -green vegetables


    -8oz chicken breast, turkey or fish

    -1 sweet potato

    -1oz almonds or cashews

    -green vegetables

    Baking, grilling or boiling your chicken is the easiest. Cook enough to last you several days as well as the rice.

    Sweet potatoes can be cooked quickly in the microwave. Just poke a few holes in the skin with a knife or fork

    KCL: 575-600, PT: 40-50, Carb: 30-35, Fat: 20-25

    Meal 4:

    -Same as meal 1 or 3

    -If meal 1 option 2, add an extra tbsp of PB

    Mix it up to help with variety

    KCL: 530-600, PT: 40-45, Carb: 40-45, Fat: 18-25

    Meal 5:

    -Same as meal 2

    Vanilla or fruit flavored protein mixes well with Crystal Lite

    KCL: 400-450, PT: 40-45, Carb: 5-10, Fat: 20-25

    -8 egg whites or liquid equivalent
    -2 whole Omega-3 eggs
    - 6oz filet or lean beef
    -40 grams whey isolate mixed in water
    -2tbsp natural peanut butter

    Last meal of the day, it should be eaten not too far off before bedtime. Being hungry before you go to bed is never any fun.
    There are no carbs in this meal since you don?t need them. You?ve already trained.
    KCL: KCL: 450-480, PT: 40-45, Carb: 0-10, Fat: 10-20

    Daily Totals:
    Calories (KCL): 2785-3060
    Protein (PT): 240-275
    Carb: 120-150
    Fat: 98-132
    *Note: Diet does not take into account carbs from green vegetables. This will take your carb total over the amount listed but don?t let this worry you at all. Good news is, although on paper it looks very low in carbs, you will have more then enough energy to train. Further, you will be eating a substantial amount of ?Good? fat to fuel your training more then adequately.
    All-in-all, this diet is designed to get you going in the right direction, so as to not put on too much fat. In fact some will see their body fat go down and more importantly, all will learn how to eat.

  • #2
    -At this point alternate each meal, in one meal have foods that give you carb sources, but take away the fats, in the next meal take away the carb sources and keep in the fats.
    -You may need to begin cycling your carb intake. Not in the manner in which you might do if you were dieting hard for competition, you?ll need to experiment with this, you are strongly advised to seek out the advice of an approved trainer.
    -When we speak of ?Carb Cycling? in this case, simply cut the carbs down one day and then go back to the normal amount the next. At times it may be wise to keep the carbs cut back 2 days in a row, use sound judgment; this is the kind of thing that cannot be written out in detail since it would greatly vary from person to person.
    *Your daily caloric intake should be split into 3 sections that are adequately planned for utilizing Proteins, Carbs and Fats to the fullest extent possible. Protein being the bulk of your calories but this does not mean the other 2 nutrients are not of equal importance. Protein will make up 50% of your daily intake, while carbs will be at approximately 30% and fats will make up approximately the remaining 20%. Now this only refers to your actual food intake. Fat intake will in actuality be slightly higher than this due to the supplements you take, which will be discussed further into the diet outline.

    ***Notes on diet***
    ? If you train first thing in the morning, do not do so before eating your first meal of the day
    ? If you train later in the day, your post workout meal should be meal 2, 5 or 6
    ? Try to eat meals 1, 3 and 4 before you train.
    ? There are no added in post workout carbs at this stage in your diet. You?re body is new to training, new to eating multiple meals per day. As a beginner your body will store all the glycogen it needs in the meals before training and from the meals from the previous days. Our focus is gaining lean muscle tissue, not fat.
    ? Meal order is unimportant, specific meals should be eaten at certain times, as said in bullet points, however, the specific layout of the meal plan is not set in stone?make it fit your routine as best as possible.
    ? Try alternating between the meals in red and blue each day as much as possible
    ? Try your best not to drink shakes back to back. Try to limit it to no more then two shake meals per day. This is not a must but will aid you a great deal. However it will not always be possible due to time constraints, and that?s fine.
    ? For the last meal of the day there are 3 meal choices, again mix and match
    ***Notes on Food Types***
    1. Eggs: eggs are one of the best sources of protein you can take in. With all foods, no matter how much protein the food has, the body can only actually use and process a limited amount from each food. Eggs however rank higher than almost any food we can ingest and process almost the entire amount of protein from the food. Omega-3 eggs have even more benefit for the bodybuilder, as well as for general health overall. Omega-3 eggs have Omega-3 fats in them, a huge building block to a well tuned physique; as well as an added bonus in helping to control cholesterol. If you can?t find Omega-3 eggs, which should be very rare, regular eggs will work fine.
    2. Whey Protein: There are a million brands and types of whey proteins on the market today and it can be a difficult task to know which one is best.
    Choose a protein powder that is of isolate form, not concentrate. Isolate protein absorbs more efficiently then concentrate.
    Choose a protein powder that is very low in sugar, close to no sugar or even no sugar is what you want.
    Choose a protein powder that is not full of saturated fat.
    Choose a protein powder that is not high in cholesterol.
    Once you have narrowed your search down to meet the above requirements, choose the protein powder that taste the best.
    3. Peanut Butter: use only natural peanut butter. Your peanut butters ingredient list should read, ?Peanuts and salt? that?s it. It should have no added sugar. A jar of Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter will have 2 grams of sugar listed on the back label for one serving of 2tbsp.
    4. Beef: your choices of beef should be filet minion, top round sirloin, lean ground beef (4%-*% fat) in that order.

    5. Chicken: make chicken breast your primary source of chicken. High in protein, low in unhealthy fats, a perfect bodybuilding food.
    6. Green Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, spinach and green beans should be your main source of vegetables. Other vegetables can be acceptable and can be good for you, but the before mentioned should be your primary source. Vegetables such as corn, white potatoes, and tomatoes should be held to a very minimal consumption?there is no benefit for these in your diet at this stage.

    7. Fish: choose fish such as flounder or cod, Salmon is also a great choice in place of beef.
    8. Turkey: choose the white meat
    9. Rice: Brown or white is fine. If you put on body fat easily stick with Brown. Both are very similar, however, brown rice is lower on the glycemic index. (see definition for glycemic index)

    10. Sweet Potatoes & Oatmeal: simply excellent sources for your carbs, perfect foods for aiding in putting on muscle in your diet.
    ***Measuring Food***
    1. Meats: measured raw, NOT cooked

    2. Rice: measured cooked, NOT raw

    3. Oats: measured raw, NOT cooked

    4. Nuts, peanut butter: simply measured in a cup or tablespoon

    ***Cheat Meals***
    ? For most, one cheat meal per week is acceptable and recommended
    ? For those that have extremely fast metabolisms, 1 small cheat food or treat is acceptable, but limit the entire meal to once per week. You should already know if you have a very, very fast metabolism.
    ***Foods to be Avoided***
    1. Milk of any type: all milk contains massive amounts of sugar, regardless if Whole, Skim or in between, it contains the same amount of sugar
    2. Processed foods: most processed foods contain large amounts of sugar and often lack the nutrients you need
    3. Soda: any soda that is sugar free, i.e. Diet Coke is fine, if it is not diet or sugar free, then do not drink it.
    4. Fast Food: this should be a no brainer. Fast foods are loaded with sugar, all the bad fats that simply make you fat. What?s even worse, is they are packed full of calories but many of these calories are the wrong types. Fast food is more often than not made up of so much sugar and saturated fat that the bulk of your calories in those meals come from those two physique building enemies
    5. Excess Cheese: a little cheese here and there while is not going to be the end of the world, but there is not a lot of benefit from eating cheese if you?re following a proper diet; proper meaning, gaining lean muscle with as little fat as possible. Don?t go overboard, don?t do as some and cover everything you eat in cheese. The less you eat, the better you?ll do.
    6. Excess Condiments: condiments are things that cause many bodybuilders to consume more calories per day then they should be. Many condiments are riddled with sugar and this is a major downfall to many diets. See list of ?Acceptable Condiments.?
    7. Bread: bread for many is one of the best or rather favorite things for many to eat. For a true hard gainer bread may have a place in a diet, in a real pinch at times it may be slightly necessary, but it should be avoided as much as possible. As a part of a regular diet, eating bread is one of the surest fire ways to add excess body fat.
    8. Cereal: this has no place in a bodybuilder?s diet. Even the healthy cereals are in loaded with empty calories; in fact, the so called ?healthy cereals? are often packed full of more empty calories and more sugar then the so called ?Kiddy? cereals.
    ***Acceptable Condiments***
    1. Mustard: calorie free, eat all you want
    2. Vinegar: all you want
    3. Any spice such as pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, etc.
    4. Low carb Ketchup: Ketchup itself has no place in your diet, but a little low carb ketchup which has 1g of sugar per serving will be acceptable.
    5. Low Carb Buffalo Sauce: this can be a great addition to your chicken, a low carb buffalo sauce should have no sugar added and only 1 carb per serving.
    ***Condiments or Additives to be Avoided***
    1. Regular Ketchup
    2. Barbeque Sauce
    3. Regular Salad Dressings. See list of approved salad dressings
    4. Creamers
    5. Any sauce with sugar or abundant carbs. If the sauce has more than 1 gram of sugar, avoid it.
    ***Approved Salad Dressings***
    1. Oil & Vinegar
    2. Sugar free Italian, Balsamic or Greek
    ***Protein Bars***


    • #3
      *As a rule, protein bars and other so called bodybuilding snacks or meal replacements should be avoided as much as possible. Most of these items will have more sugar in them then a regular candy bar. True, they may indeed be packed full of protein but the sugar far outweighs the benefit.
      -If you are bulking and if you find yourself in a jam and there is no other option, choose a protein bar that has the least amount of sugar. This should be a very limited occurrence, because if you are serious about your diet, you will plan out and make arrangements to ensure you’re getting the proper foods.
      ***Hard Gainers***
      -If you are in fact a true hard gainer, some adjustments may need to be made.
      ? For your post workout meal, add in 40-50 grams of a fast acting carb. Your best choice will be waxy maze or similar products. Other acceptable resources include dextrose powder, Gatorade, or fruit in that order.
      ? If you follow the above outline for 8 weeks and are still not gaining, follow the “Hard Gainer’s” diet further down.
      ***The Diet Outline itself***
      The above diet outline will help you make the progress you desire, however, be it as this is a guided plan, there are substitutions that are acceptable. When it comes to the meats and protein sources, what you have read above should be followed fairly closely. There are instances when other meats are acceptable, i.e. things like beef tenderloin can be great, but foods like this are never a staple.
      -If you desire other carb sourced foods, and this is the big one where many people want change, always examine the glycemic index. You should make your choices from foods that are lower on the glycemic index. If you want to sub one carb source food that is on your diet outline with another, gauge the glycemic index to make your choices. See the discussion on “Glycemic Index” below.
      -Fats, these will be harder to substitute then carbs. Fats are a very important aspect to the diet, but keep in mind that as great and as important as fats are, most of the best ones have been mentioned in the diet outline already. Foods loaded with saturated fat are not acceptable. Foods that have fats that lack the connecting piece of the puzzle when it comes to “healthy” fats are not acceptable.
      ***Glycemic Index***
      The glycemic index (GI) measures the effects of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels. The faster the carb breaks down the faster it will release glucose into the bloodstream; the foods that do this the fastest are labeled high GI foods. The slower the release of glucose, the lower the food will rank on the GI.
      -Foods that are lower on the GI will typically have higher health benefits such as keeping insulin levels under control, and preventing type-2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
      -Foods low on the GI will have a ranking of 55 or lower on the GI
      -Foods that are Medium GI foods will have a ranking of 56-69 on the GI
      -Foods that are High foods will have a ranking of 70-99 on the GI
      -The ranking of 100 on the GI is pure sugar.
      Below is a chart to show how some foods rank on the GI.

      *Omega-3 Fish Oil: 3000mg every day, split into 3 doses, taken with food
      *Coral Calcium: 100mg-1500mg every day, taken with food
      *Potassium: 99mg every day, taken with food
      *Juice Plus+: 2 garden blend in the morning, 2 orchard blend at night, both taken with food
      *Omega-3 Fish Oil: an unsaturated fatty acid essential for good health.
      -Benefits: reduce risk of coronary heart disease, increase blood circulation, therefore decreasing circulatory problems.
      -Reduce blood pressure
      -Reduce blood triglyceride levels therefore reducing heart attack risk
      -Reduce flair up of arthritis or its onset
      -Improve cholesterol levels
      -Stronger immune system
      -Works as an anti-inflammatory
      * Coral Calcium: a very important mineral for your overall health.
      -Keeps bones strong and healthy
      -Helps maintain good oral health (teeth)
      -Aides in muscular contraction
      -Deficiency can lead to blood clotting, rickets and osteoporosis
      * Potassium: Important mineral for electrolyte balance in the body. Granted, the green vegetables you are eating in your diet provide potassium, as well as the Juice Plus+ that is strongly recommended, however, it is easy to fall below what your body adequately needs due to the hard training. Potassium deficiency coupled with hard training can often lead to some serious muscle cramping.
      -Maintain electrolyte balance
      -Decrease risk of hypertension
      * Juice Plus+: is whole food based nutritional supplement, including juice powder concentrates from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide a broad range of nutritional benefits. As a physique athlete it is easy to not get as many of the nutrients you need from fruits and vegetables; Juice Plus+ will take care of this completely.
      - Juice Plus delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body
      - Reduces markers of oxidative stress.
      - Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness.
      - Helps support a healthy immune system and protect DNA.
      *You can take other supplements if you like, but try to stay away from anything that has added sugar in it. A lot of supplements do, and as someone looking to build a great body, sugar is one of the number one enemies. That said, the supplements above, along with the diet you’ll be following is all you really need to get the job done. What’s more, you’ll be keeping your pocket book fuller if you spend less on supplements and rely on food as the bulk of your daily intake.
      ***Hard Gainers Diet***
      ? This should only be followed if you are in fact a “True” Hard Gainer. Many believe they are because they have been skinny their whole life. This is simply not true. The truth, most have not eaten properly their entire lives, they haven’t fed their bodies the necessary nutrients.
      ? Follow the original diet in this outline when you begin, stay on that diet for a minimum of 8 weeks, no matter who you are. In that 8 week time it is important for your body to adjust to eating correctly, for it to begin to learn how to handle structured meal planning.
      ? If you follow the above diet for 8 weeks and find that you are losing weight rapidly and not making gains, immediately jump to the following Hard Gainers diet.
      ? If you follow the above diet for 8 weeks, and the scale is going up and it is not fat, meaning, you are not gaining large amounts of body fat; however your progress is minimal, jump to the Hard Gainers diet.
      ? If you are overweight, if you carry too much body fat, by no means should you make the switch to this diet; it would be a disaster.
      ? If you follow this diet for any length of time and find yourself putting on tons of excess body fat but were struggling on the above diet, you’ll need to adjust to find a balance between the two.
      Meal 1:

      -5 egg whites or liquid equivalent

      -4 whole Omega-3 eggs

      -1 cup of oatmeal

      -8oz skim milk


      -40 grams whey isolate powder mixed in 8oz skim milk

      -2tbsp natural peanut butter

      -1 cup of oatmeal

      When time is a factor first thing in the morning, simply mix in a shaker bottle your 40g of whey, 1tbsp of PB and your oats. Shake and drink. It may sound unappealing but you’ll find it’s not that bad.
      Senior Member
      Last edited by GXR64; 02-26-2010, 04:19 AM.


      • #4
        Many will choose to simply drink their egg whites for convenience. Sounds gross but they have no taste. Use actual egg whites, not egg product.

        KCL: 770-810, PT: 50-55, Carb: 72-84, Fat: 20-25
        Meal 2:

        -40 grams whey isolate powder mixed in 8oz milk

        -2tbsp of natural peanut butter


        -8oz filet or lean beef

        -green vegetables or green salad

        -1/2 cup rice

        Peanut butter mixes easily with your whey. You do not have to do this but doing so is fine.

        How you cook your steak makes no difference. Grilled, baked or pan cooked with Pam is great.

        Green vegetables should not have added ingredients such as cheese or butter.

        KCL: 525-625, PT: 50-55, Carb: 30-35, Fat: 20-40
        Meal 3:

        -8oz chicken breast, turkey or fish

        -1cup rice

        -green vegetables


        -8oz chicken breast, turkey or fish

        -2 sweet potato

        -green vegetables
        Baking, grilling or boiling your chicken is the easiest. Cook enough to last you several days as well as the rice.

        Sweet potatoes can be cooked quickly in the microwave. Just poke a few holes in the skin with a knife or fork

        KCL: 500-550, PT: 40-50, Carb: 60-70, Fat: 8-10
        Meal 4:

        -Same as meal 3
        Mix it up to help with variety

        KCL: 500-550, PT: 40-50, Carb: 60-70, Fat: 8-10
        Meal 5:

        -Same as meal 2

        Vanilla or fruit flavored protein mixes well with Crystal Lite

        KCL: 525-625, PT: 50-55, Carb: 30-35, Fat: 20-40
        -5 egg whites or liquid equivalent
        -4 whole Omega-3 eggs
        -1/2 cup of oatmeal
        - 8oz chicken
        -1/2 cup of rice
        -1oz almonds
        -40 grams whey isolate mixed in 8oz milk
        -2tbsp natural peanut butter
        Last meal of the day, it should be eaten not too far off before bedtime. Being hungry before you go to bed is never any fun.
        KCL: KCL: 520-550, PT: 45-50, Carb: 20-30, Fat: 20-25
        Daily Totals:
        Calories (KCL): 3340-3710
        Protein (PT): 275-315
        Carb: 272-324
        Fat: 96-150
        -At this point alternate each meal, in one meal have foods that give you carb sources, but take away the fats, in the next meal take away the carb sources and keep in the fats.
        -You may need to begin cycling your carb intake. Not in the manner in which you might do if you were dieting hard for competition, you?ll need to experiment with this, you are strongly advised to seek out the advice of an approved trainer.
        -When we speak of ?Carb Cycling? in this case, simply cut the carbs down one day and then go back to the normal amount the next. At times it may be wise to keep the carbs cut back 2 days in a row, use sound judgment; this is the kind of thing that cannot be written out in detail since it would greatly vary from person to person.
        Post Workout Shake: Not listed on your meal outline, take in this shake immediately after you train, within 15-20 min after training and then eat your next scheduled meal approximately 60 minutes after the post workout shake. Your post workout shake should consist of approximately 15-20g of protein and 40-50g of fast acting carbs such as waxy maze or dextrose powder.
        Follow this diet for 4 weeks, if gains slow down, you may need to add in another meal or two. If so, there are some options.
        1. Add in more rice or oats to your meals that already contain them or slightly more milk to your shakes.
        2. Add in an extra meal or two. Start with just one extra meal per day, perhaps an extra shake.
        If you don?t grow from this, then there is something wrong with your training. See training outlines for advice and seek out a approved trainer in your area.
        ***When to Advance to a More Advanced Diet***

        -The five points have been mastered in the training section, endurance and strength is up, you have gained lean muscle tissue, yet your gains and progress have begun to slow down or even stop.

        -If you are a hard gainer and you are ready to move to the intermediate training level, then you are ready to move to the intermediate diet as well.

        - If you are not a hard gainer but are still relatively lean and have not put on too much body fat, and you are ready to move to the intermediate level of training, then you are ready for the intermediate level diet.

        -If you are someone who puts on fat easily, if you are carrying a little too much fat already or are right on that line, if you are ready to move up to the intermediate training level, you will more then likely need to stay on the beginners diet for a time until your body fat reduces to a more manageable level. Don?t let this concern you, even though you have moved to a higher level of training, you will still be making the proper gains. In fact, now that you are training even harder, now that you?ve mastered the basics, staying on the beginners diet will greatly benefit you in losing excess body fat and get you that much closer to your goals. However, it is important to note that as you continue to progress, there will come a point that you will need to advance to the intermediate diet level. Use the mirror as your gauge, not the scale.


        • #5
          Whats up bro maybe you can help me out i've been workin out for years did a few cycles in my time but get lazy in the winter time,any way its hard for me to put on weight,im 6foot2 205 when on 215 at most, on or off i eat a lot people cant believe im not fat the way i eat, id like to weigh 220-225 any ideas on diet & a nice cycle??


          • #6
            Sure man, whats your diet and macros look like right now and what have previous cycles look like?


            • #7
              Bro I just eat evertthing in sight for a diet...i've cycled eth. with d-bol,deca,& sust. eq.with cyp. d-bol & sust. I really dont get fat off im at like 10-12% body fat so lemme know what you think,just wanna put some size on & stay cut up!!!


              • #8
                Well for diet eat eat eat, high protein like 350-400g and high carbs like 450-500 if you can eat that much everyday. Also i would limit cardio if you do any now, keep it to like 1-2 days. As for a cycle go with something like this (kind of advanced):

                1-12 test E 750mg ew
                1-4 tbol 40mg ed
                1-12 Deca 500mg ew
                8-12 var 50mg ed
                HCG 8-12 500ius twice a week

                13-17 clomid 50mg ed for pct

                might also look into having some exemenstane on hand for sides.


                • #9
                  thanx bro much appreciated!!


                  • #10
                    No problem, keep us updated on your progress big timer.


                    • #11
                      well first off,u shouldnt diet...diets dont work and u have 2 make a life style change and never starve urself or go below 1600 calories...just eat healthy!!!!!! and please never starve urself!
                      u should never feel hungry and ignore when u are hungry! find foods that u enjoy eating that are healthy! dont eat foods u hate just cuz u think u "should" cuz its the "right" food to eat....then u will always be motivated to just be healthy...not diet!...and its ok to eat cakes and chips and other "junk" foods!!! just as long as u dont overindulge! its not like u will gain weight from 1 day of eating all bad or having a piece of cake! it doesnt work like that! enjoy your food and u can EAT WHAT U WANT!...i will give u a list of the basic foods and then healthy meals and snacks

                      -whole grain/wheat breads/pasta/brown rice/oatmeal
                      -low fat dairy(2% milk, yogurt, low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt, low fat cheese)
                      -lean protein/meats like chicken, turkey, egg whites)
                      -nuts/seeds...peanut butter is VERY healthy if u eat 2 tablespoons and stay within that limit

