So, I was on vacation for three weeks. I didn't plan on being gone that long, it just sort of worked out. Anyway, so here goes. It was tough to stick to the diet while on vacation, but that's in the past.
I started back into cardio and was about 10 minutes in when I felt a "pop" in my left calf. I felt instant pain. I couldn't continue. To make a long story short, three days later and it's much better. I was afraid I tore a muscle. That would've been my luck.
Here's a line out of the gear I'm taking...I'm on HRT of test cyp 200 mg twice a week, 1 ml Tren E twice a week, 1 ml test prop eod. I find that the tren has a tendency to make me break out. Another thing I've noticed about tren e vs. tren a. I'm less likely to get the tren cough if injecting E. It only happens with A when I knick a vein.
Stats 5'10", 235 lbs 43 years old.
I have been doing my cardio religiously before I went on vacation.
My main goal in this is to lose more weight. A little over a year ago I was 270 and pre-diabetic.
Starting week we go!!
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