Hi guys i need ya advise etc. am ex military and so not new to fitness etc but am sick of wasting money on so called natural stuff that claims to work,so after seeing my mate just use a small amount it got me thinking.
i do have high metobolic rate so putting weight on is hard work,so just want to use just oral stuff as i dont like needels.
i was told to use dbol,tren and dianbol as a starter..what you guys think
im 39
im not into compertion etc its just for me to get my fitness n strength back and i eat heathy.
i am serious when i come to the guy am always push myself,but in away its more for fun..kinda!
i do a week of heavy then a week of lights
heavy 6 x 12 last rep go max
lights 25,20,15,10 reps.