I recently received some HGH which has me questioning if it's g2g after it passed a pregnancy test! Now I know that doesn't mean it's 100% bogus, so I'm not saying it is! My objective here is to communicate with all members who have delt with this supplier and or HGH or IGF-1 from this Particular source! We all need to stick together and communicate with one another which keeps everyone safe and happy!
No announcement yet.
(Uncle Z )comments anyone?
Only thing a pregancy test tells you is if there is hcg in it. It will not test for hgh, only a female hormone.Stay In The Grind......Muscle Comes With Time
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, somewhere, somebody is tired of her shit !!
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
but HCG powder is used to fake HGH.
Just read this on another board?? "Per example most of the well known sources from Poland, Uncle z, has recall their HGH because it where fake. He sale a lot of fake hgh batch."??Last edited by ODB; 04-06-2012, 09:05 PM."GYM + JUICE"
DIRTY HGH “BLUE TOPS”- most hgh is fake!!!!! BEWARE!!!!
DIRTY HGH “BLUE TOPS”- most hgh is fake!!!!! BEWARE!!!!
Human growth hormone (somatropin) is widely used outside of normal medical situations. For example, in bodybuilding it is taken to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. Being so far removed from the hands of legitimate pharmaceutical distributors, doctors, and pharmacists, preparations of doubtful origin and low quality frequently find their way to the (black) market.
In the last few years,counterfeited, contaminated, and very poor quality somatropin have been located and analysed, both in the European Union and in the United States. There were many counterfeited preparations found, some of which instead of the expected recombinant growth hormone rhGH, contained the pregnancy hormone HCG. Other illegally prepared preparations contained growth hormone from human cadavers (pituitary glands), veterinary somatropin variants, vitamins, insulin,etc. Looking at the more than 50 proven cases of the transmission of the Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease by contaminated growth hormone preparations, mainly during the 1980’s [1-4],we feel people should be urgently warned before using questionable growth hormone preparations .
Per example most of the well known sources from Poland Uncle z, has recall their HGH because it where fake. He sale a lot of fake hgh batch.
That product is supposed to come from China; presumably from one of the many unlicensed producers/exporters
In a bottle with a blue,green etc it can be anything, not even if you lab test 1 of them you cannot have a consistency insurance.
Blue,green etc tops is a game.The human growth hormone somatropin (hGH) is a protein hormone with a chain length of 191 amino acids and a molecular mass of approx. 22 kD. The tertiary period structure of the protein becomes stabilized by two disulphide bridges (fig.1).The endogenous synthesis and release of growth hormone takes place in the pituitary gland, under control of hypothalamus peptide hormones. Endogenous somatropin is first synthesized as a precursor hormone 217 amino acids in length. During secretion, a signal peptide with 26 amino acids is spliced from the hormone, yielding the active GH molecule [10]. The target gene for human growth hormone covers five coding sections of the primary transcripts become removed during its subsequent treatment [11]. In the majority of the cases, the result is one mRNA for the complete growth hormone with a chain length of 191 amino acids and a mass of approx.22 kD (22-kD hGH). A certain portion mRNA is, however, subject to an alternate splicing process. It develops, among other things, one 45 nucleotide shortened variant mRNA, which after translation into those appropriate protein sequences leads to a variant of growth hormone with the amino acids in position 32-46 missing (fig. 2).The resulting 20-kDhGH is not formed during genetic manufacturing, which is based on the already correctly spliced gene. It can be used, therefore, as a marker to identify growth hormone preparations taken from human pituitaries [11–12].Table 1 gives an overview over the different growth hormones
Manufacturing HGH in China
Manufacturing HGH in China
There are about 7 places making HGH powder in a lab in China, mostly the 192 amino acid variant known as somatrem. On the discussion boards there is much arguing about blue tops or red tops, but this means nothing as no one is sure which one you are getting from,nor where it was packed. These vials and tops are readily available and used for the packaging of all sorts of peptides.
Everybody speaks about GeneScience Jintropin and its quality, but their main technical man left GenSci a year ago. He still owns 6% of the company, but he reportedly left due to a dispute. He has since started –producing HGH generic powder, which is the correct 191 amino acids growth hormone (somatropin), although it is made without GMP license. This individual is selling the technology and powders to many people, and subsequently there are many new brands of HGH now in circulation. Much of it makes use of this legitimate powder, but are all the products made of it of acceptable quality? The answer, of course, is no.
Undergournd HGH packing
The key problem with HGH is packing. It cannot be packed in a kitchen. It cannot be packaged in a simple lab with a basic clean room or iso9001 (enough for tablet production) climate system. It must be done in a very specific controlled area with the right machinery. Otherwise, the powder, even if it is good itself,may degrade and cause welts or injection point problems when administered. The powder cannot sit for a long time when exposed to air, even the small amount trapped inside a vial when producing it. The problem with a GMP license in China is that it is not centralised. Every province has its own SFDA GMP personnel.
Hygetropin, for example, has a real GMP certificate, which can be checked on the SFDA website. Chinese FDA allows only 8IU, so that would be the approved item.A form of Hygetropin is made with 10IU, but it is produced for export only without SFDA approval. This goes for all Chinese manufacturers.
So with all these different product and regulations, how can you tell you have a quality HGH product? One way to find out if the powder is correctly packed is to pay close attention when you first add the dilutent to the powder vial.
When you pierce the needle (a small insulin needle is preferred) through the rubber septum,the water should be sucked into the vial without the need to push the plunger.This is because it was properly packaged without air, but a low-pressure vacuum,inside.It will literally suck the diluent in to fill the void. If you need to squeeze the syringe to inject your liquid in order to get any inside, it is not a good sign. It probably means there is air inside the vial, and your powder has been degraded to some degree.
Immugenic Reactions and Antibodies (GH-AB)
Red welts, painful injection spots, and increased site temperature are indicative of an immune response to GH injections. This could be caused by residual bacterial protein from the inclusion bodies, but it is also very possible that it is caused by somatrem. The additional amino acid, methionine, is enough of a difference that the immune system recognizes it as a foreign protein in 50-80% of the users in these studies [41-42]. In the worst scenario, this can lead to an immune response against all forms of hGH including the endogeneous GH, a kind of autoimmune response. If the immune system recognizes a variant like Met-somatropin or des-phe1-somatropin as foreign, and starts an immune response to it, the possibility exists that the antibodies can turn against endogenous growth hormone as well. This is because, aside from the extra or missing amino acid, the rest of the growth hormone sequence is identical to endogeneous growth hormone. Concerning the source of the GH-antibodies, this study [44] suggest that the immunogenicity was not due to the n-terminal methionine or e.coli protein impurities, but rather was probably caused by small amounts of growth hormone with subtle structural alterations whose life remains unknown. This study [45] confirms the high immunogenicity of Met-somatropin, especially in patients not treated earlier with rhGH.Once present, the GH-AB remains detectable throughout the period of treatment with Met-somatropin, however after stopping met-rhGH,or changing to 22kD-rhGH,the GH-AB disappeared rapidly in most patients.
Chinese HGH
A new phenomenon seems to be informative research websites regarding human growth hormone. These websites often come from the Chinese manufacturers, for examplewww.hgh-research.com andwww.somatropin.net. It appears that a group of Chinese manufacturers of growth hormone actually launched the latter website. This website wants “to inform users and oppose abuse of growth hormone”, accord-ing to a press message. But the website is in reality an ingenious marketing-instrument of GeneScience, the manufacturer of the growth hormone brand Jintropin. The press message that announced the launch of somatropin.net is surprisingly honest about who are the most important users of growth hormone. It is not the children with a deficiency of growth hormones,but athletes, bodybuilders, and anti-agers.
Most common HGH on the black market are those Chinese :
A laboratory from holland has performed a analyses and examined ampoule of BLUE TOPS that’s came from Poland from a well known sources.
A vial Blue Tops growth hormone compound was analysed through Ergogenics in January 2010. It did not contain growth hormone,but a substance that caused violent pain after the injection. The reason became clear after analysis by an accredited laboratory. The scientists first searched in the sample for peptide pieces between 5 and the 220 kilo daltons. Because they did not find any, that excluded that the ampoule contained the correct 4 iu of GH. This analysis took place using SDS-PAGE and LC-MS. Because the owner of the compound had got violent pain after injection, the scientists searched in the ampoule further for toxicological substances.
With Hplc-DAD method they found out that the ampoule contained a thiamine derivate, which at closer research with LC-MS proved to be thiaminediphosphate, a derivative of the vitamin B1 that is not suitable for injection. The valued quantity was estimated at 25 milligram per ampoule. Because the scientists had performed already some analyses with the ampoule they could not determine the exact quality. That vitamin alternative was produced as a byproduct/contaminant of inclusion body technology, and it was causing injection pain. When dissolved in water thiaminediphosphate reduces pH.NO ONE SHOULD DIE IN CHAINS!!!
Originally posted by BLUELABEL View Postuncle z is well known..it wouldnt be fake..
"Currently we have become aware that some of the most recent HGH that Z remarkets from China is not up to UncleZ standards. If you are in doubt of HGH within the last 60 days time period-please provide testing. We have spot tested and determined that older batches were 100% correct, but the newest batch in blue boxes is not within our standards. The Z team are working directly with the main HGH source to have new shipments sent to those that qualify. Note: this is ONLY for Blue Tops marketed directly from UncleZ. ( 191AA) If you have an issue with another source you will need discuss with them. Please be patient and provide order #- unused product and date of purchase. We will determine qualifying shipments via our time period-batch and order numbers. UncleZ and his representatives work very hard to bring you the best products possible.
Thank You-UncleZ and team."