Section 2: Personal Experiences of Long R3IGF-1 - by MuscleTalk Moderator POWERHOUSE585
NB: all references made to IGF from here on refer to the Long R3IGF-1 form of IGF-1
From my own personal experiences of IGF cycles I have seen no site-specific growth in any areas, although if used pre-workout the pumps from training the actual muscle the IGF was administered into are unbearable, something which I would seek to avoid. On another note it is said that many people who have used IGF have had no effects from it and in studies some have been known to be non-responders, irrespective it seems, of the dose administered. This is something one must consider when running such compounds. Another consideration to make when running IGF is the effectiveness of either receptor or media grade IGF. Receptor grade is way too expensive and has to be administered for effectiveness around 10-15 times per day.
?Media grade - 72% pure (use 3-4 weeks before antibody build-up)
?Receptor grade - 99% pure (use 4-8 weeks; little to no antibody build-up)
This is something to take into account when choosing your grade - in my opinion media is best and always will be for gains and convenience. As with anything, more is not always better with IGF, and more does not mean better protein binding effects. Also one must bear in mind that higher dosages will mean greater side effects, which are best avoided.
Many users have reported great gains from 20mcg every day combined with a good steroid cycle. It has also been suggested that once a user has completed an IGF cycle, subsequent cycles require increases in dosages. I for one and many others know this to have no truth whatsoever and be completely unfounded, and feel it is merely a fallacy suggested to facilitate greater source sales.
The products I have personally used are GenSci and GroPep, and I have found both to be very good. GroPep can be bought in larger amounts and reconstituted and used over longer periods thus using smaller amounts i.e. 20mcg every day, whereas GenSci's IGF is reconstituted using bacteriostatic water because they have secured the correct pH level required so as to not use complicated methods of reconstitution. This is beneficial for various reasons beyond the comprehension of the not-so-chemically-minded amongst us. However, it has a life of only 48 hours thus using the whole 100mcg bottle within that time frame. From personal experience I can tell you (and I am a high level user of performance enhancing drugs) that anything over 25mcg will result in extreme headaches. I for one suffer very badly having to use 50mcg every day.
IGF is best used when in a highly androgenic/anabolic state, and, as discussed in Section 1, works great when running PCT. Although I have seen many guys trying IGF after only a few years of steroid use, I find this a waste and a quick route which does not work; you still have to put the years of effort in! As for a cycle while using IGF, I suggest many years of constructive steroid use, and a solid nutrition and training regime under your belt. Please post on MuscleTalk for cycle advice while running IGF (as diet alterations will perhaps need to be considered as well).
Can IGF-1 be used with GH and is it any better?
There are so many studies and personal accounts out there so this is a not as clear-cut as one would hope. If using IGF with GH, then I tend to administer IGF morning and PWO, and HGH at night at around only 2IU. Remember that HGH also indirectly causes muscle growth by stimulating the release of IGF when it (the GH) is destroyed in the human body. Many people think running HGH with IGF is a waste of money for this same reason. So there is no definite answer.
NB: all references made to IGF from here on refer to the Long R3IGF-1 form of IGF-1
From my own personal experiences of IGF cycles I have seen no site-specific growth in any areas, although if used pre-workout the pumps from training the actual muscle the IGF was administered into are unbearable, something which I would seek to avoid. On another note it is said that many people who have used IGF have had no effects from it and in studies some have been known to be non-responders, irrespective it seems, of the dose administered. This is something one must consider when running such compounds. Another consideration to make when running IGF is the effectiveness of either receptor or media grade IGF. Receptor grade is way too expensive and has to be administered for effectiveness around 10-15 times per day.
?Media grade - 72% pure (use 3-4 weeks before antibody build-up)
?Receptor grade - 99% pure (use 4-8 weeks; little to no antibody build-up)
This is something to take into account when choosing your grade - in my opinion media is best and always will be for gains and convenience. As with anything, more is not always better with IGF, and more does not mean better protein binding effects. Also one must bear in mind that higher dosages will mean greater side effects, which are best avoided.
Many users have reported great gains from 20mcg every day combined with a good steroid cycle. It has also been suggested that once a user has completed an IGF cycle, subsequent cycles require increases in dosages. I for one and many others know this to have no truth whatsoever and be completely unfounded, and feel it is merely a fallacy suggested to facilitate greater source sales.
The products I have personally used are GenSci and GroPep, and I have found both to be very good. GroPep can be bought in larger amounts and reconstituted and used over longer periods thus using smaller amounts i.e. 20mcg every day, whereas GenSci's IGF is reconstituted using bacteriostatic water because they have secured the correct pH level required so as to not use complicated methods of reconstitution. This is beneficial for various reasons beyond the comprehension of the not-so-chemically-minded amongst us. However, it has a life of only 48 hours thus using the whole 100mcg bottle within that time frame. From personal experience I can tell you (and I am a high level user of performance enhancing drugs) that anything over 25mcg will result in extreme headaches. I for one suffer very badly having to use 50mcg every day.
IGF is best used when in a highly androgenic/anabolic state, and, as discussed in Section 1, works great when running PCT. Although I have seen many guys trying IGF after only a few years of steroid use, I find this a waste and a quick route which does not work; you still have to put the years of effort in! As for a cycle while using IGF, I suggest many years of constructive steroid use, and a solid nutrition and training regime under your belt. Please post on MuscleTalk for cycle advice while running IGF (as diet alterations will perhaps need to be considered as well).
Can IGF-1 be used with GH and is it any better?
There are so many studies and personal accounts out there so this is a not as clear-cut as one would hope. If using IGF with GH, then I tend to administer IGF morning and PWO, and HGH at night at around only 2IU. Remember that HGH also indirectly causes muscle growth by stimulating the release of IGF when it (the GH) is destroyed in the human body. Many people think running HGH with IGF is a waste of money for this same reason. So there is no definite answer.