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new Hygetropin
Originally posted by ItalianMuscle View PostGreat HGH!if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Lab test: no growth hormone in Hygetropin
There is no growth hormone in the Chinese growth hormone drug Hygetropin. According to an analysis by a certified research laboratory, the results of which Ergo-log has received, Hygetropin contains – wait for it – albumin.
The box of the drug that was tested is shown below in the photo. If this is the real manufacturer of the drug we don’t know for certain, but the pictures of Hygetropin that we found on Google Images look remarkably similar.
The Hygetropin website is also mentioned on the packaging: We haven’t searched the website for photos, and we advise you not to do so yourself either. There’s a Google warning that says that visiting the site can put undesirable programmes onto your computer.
"Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer", the search engine announces. "Of the 16 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 7 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 09/12/2008."
According to postings on the LEF longevity board, the website is a scam. [ 5/29/2008] The same goes for, another website that sells Hygetropin, and The site, according to LEF, is based in Moergestel in the Netherlands.
Postings on bodybuilding forums suggest that some people are nevertheless satisfied with Hygetropin. "Hygetropin is stronger than Jins. I have heard that thousand times already and personally experienced it", writes TooPowerful4U for example. [ 11-14-2006]
But has TooPowerful4U really used Hygetropin? Or is it just someone selling the stuff?
Other bodybuilding forum users describe less positive experiences. MassiveMonster has been taking seven units a day for a month and has noticed nothing at all. And he wonders why not. [ 22-02-2007]
Luckily for MassiveMonster, Pscarb came quickly to his aid. “Of course you haven’t noticed anything after one month,” says Pscarb. “You won’t until after twelve weeks.”
Isn’t internet a great place?
Angelo, dont know where you got that information but it is FALSE! This is the real story, and it was just posted by a credible individual and a person in the know a few weeks ago.
ok guys. the issue of the fake hygetropin hgh has been finally resolved and Zhongshan hygene biopharm has posted on their website that they DO NOT MAKE any hygetropin.
so all the website that claim that the hygetropin hgh is made by Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm are fake websites and their products are fake also ( and cliams the following in there website emid=58
(read point no 5)
they say the following:
Our website is directly under controlled by Hygene Biopharm. And it doesn't exist the relationship of distributors and manufacture.
but in actual fact the zhongshan hygene biopharm disputes that fact and they have cleared come out with the statement that they have nothing to do with product Hygetropin. they only make riptropin hgh which is their new product.
the one and only official website for hygetropin is
**Information above comes from a very credible individual, and is a person in the know!**
Originally posted by strongmann View Posthey IM, you know anybody that used their turbovital??
Lab test: no growth hormone in Hygetropin
There is no growth hormone in the Chinese growth hormone drug Hygetropin. According to an analysis by a certified research laboratory, the results of which Ergo-log has received, Hygetropin contains – wait for it – albumin.
A member of claiming to be a head laboratory put this on DBB and Willem put it on, as a scientist he should know better and wanted proof.
I was busy writing the peptidebook and bought a sample and sent it in for analyses to albimin. The outcome was meant for the book and is therefore never posted. But I'm determent never to write a book again, thus here it is ..clear as whistle.
I'll also post a a analysis of Hygetropin since people again start to question Hygetropin's quality. Later we will post some very very expensive analyses to the stability of rhGH and of the strength (RP-HPLC) for our members.
Lastly Nevos sells the real Hygetropin (from Dr. LIN)
Hey guys, I'm new here... nice to meet you all.
lots of great info here ...Last edited by atavist; 10-19-2010, 11:33 PM.