Here are pics of legit hgh from china, if you are the first receiver, you will receive it in a silver foil. These products come straight from the factory. Unless your supplier removes them from the foil. As I said most foil is from The factory, not UGL. UGL may sell it to you and remove the foil. It appears to not be much of a differnts with the 10iu's and the 20iu's. But if you look at closely in your hands you can tell. It's a matter of product settling in vials. picture in the middle the 20iu's is on the left and 10iu's red cap is on the right. 98% pure. Must of the bust is from a UGL supplier. The factory stuff gets to where it is going, it's has the proper paper work and sent to legal place in the usa, where they label and box their product in the medical field.
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Ligit hgh 20iu's and 10 iu's always comes in =
nice! looks sweet. i see a green box of 'easy touch' in there. thats what i use. cheap and gets the job done.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE