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First Cycle Log - Test E 500mg/week

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ADONIS View Post
    Well said - think on this - act on this - live this
    Amen, I'll continue to do my best guys!


    • #17
      As mentioned yesterday, took my 3rd shot of Test. I'll be doing another one in a few days (split the 500mg into 2x 250mg). I'm loving this GP test; it's as smooth as silk. Not had one bit of PIP, and it draws/goes in smooth through a 25g.

      Also, I'm increasing my calorie intake to 3800-4200 daily. I imagine I'll be at 4500+ soon enough.
      Last edited by As'ad; 10-29-2013, 06:33 PM.


      • #18
        Hit chest and tris today!

        Bench - 8, 8, 8, 6
        Incline Bench - 8, 8, 6
        Decline Bench - 8, 8, 6
        Flys - 10, 8, 8
        Dumbbell pullover - 8, 8

        Tri Extention - 10, 8, 8, 6
        Weighted Dips - 8, 8, 8
        Skull crushers - 8, 8, 8

        Warmed up with some light jogging, and hit it hard! Arms and chest are killing right now. I'll try to get some more detailed pics up after I get back home (heading out of town for a couple days -- will hit the gym while I'm away). I'll post up my weight and other stats tomorrow morning.

        I took the 2nd shot of test-e today. Besides that, I'm just taking my aromasin 12.5mg ED (gyno prone), and getting ready to start HCG injections next week.
        Last edited by As'ad; 10-31-2013, 07:06 PM.


        • #19
          On the right track keep it up.
          Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by bigpa View Post
            On the right track keep it up.
            Thanks mate!

            I'm back home now. While I was gone, I've noticed what I believe to be the test really kicking in. I'm not going to exaggerate and say I FEEL LIKE SUPERMAN!!!!11one, but I feel very strong, libido is uncontrollable, and after a good lift I feel like I could kill a lion. I'm loving this cycle thus far, and cant wait to see where it takes me.


            • #21
              dont worry what everyone else looks like. I think most people would agree that youve come a long way since that first picture. You seem to have a pretty good head on your shoulders and are doing things right. Just keep doing what your doing and i have no doubt youll achieve your goals and then some. good job bud.


              • #22
                Originally posted by CharlieBron View Post
                dont worry what everyone else looks like. I think most people would agree that youve come a long way since that first picture. You seem to have a pretty good head on your shoulders and are doing things right. Just keep doing what your doing and i have no doubt youll achieve your goals and then some. good job bud.
                Thanks a lot brother! I've put a lot of hard work/time into this. I hope to continue to progress.


                • #23
                  Chest / Tri today mates!


                  Bench: 4 x 10, 8, 8, 6
                  Incline: 3 x 8, 8, 6
                  Decline: 3 x 8, 8, 6
                  Flys: 2 x 10, 10
                  DB Pullover: 2 x 8, 8


                  Tri Ext: 4 x 10, 8, 8, 6
                  Dips: 3 x 10, 10, 10
                  Skull Crushers: 3 x 8, 8, 8

                  Took my 5th shot today. Libido is uncontrollable, I feel like a lion! Calorie intake has increased to 4500 daily. Weight is up to 227 from 215 (started at 215, 5 weeks ago).


                  • #24
                    Wise choice to go simple with just test for your first cycle. Far too many eager beavers who want to blow up quick, burn out quick. Shows that you want to do it the right way. Keep us posted.
                    Lucky rabbits are without their feet


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Toastinloaf View Post
                      Wise choice to go simple with just test for your first cycle. Far too many eager beavers who want to blow up quick, burn out quick. Shows that you want to do it the right way. Keep us posted.
                      Thanks brother! I put lots of research into this, and it was kind folks like you guys here that helped me make the right decisions. Cheers mate!


                      • #26
                        Back and Biceps today!

                        Chin Ups 2 x 8
                        1 Arm DB Row 3 x 8
                        Seated Row 2 x 8
                        Lat Pull Down 3 x 10, 10, 8
                        Bent Over DB Row 2 x 8

                        Barbell Curl 3 x 8, 8, 6
                        Preacher Curl 3 x 8, 8, 6
                        Concentration Curl 2 x 10
                        Incline DB Curl 2 x 12

                        Stats Today:
                        Height: 6'3 / 193cm / 1,93m (Of course this shouldn't change)
                        Weight: 228 lbs / 103 kg (+14 lbs / +5.8 kg)

                        I'm feeling quite lean despite eating 4000+ calories daily. The anti-e seems to have removed a LOT of the bloat I was having during the first weeks on test.
                        Last edited by As'ad; 11-12-2013, 08:40 PM.


                        • #27
                          I'm jumping on HCG now. Took my first shot today. I'll run it EOD for the duration of this cycle before PCT. I will gradually increase the dosage up until the end of the cycle. As of now, I'm on a low dose. I'm doing 666 iu/week split into 4x injections. I didn't try for 666 , but I got 10,000 iu / 30 ml (bac water reconstituted) which ends up being 333 iu per ml. I'm doing 0,5 ml each injection and as I mentioned above, I'm doing that 4x a week. The closer I get, I'll bump it up to around 1200+/- iu/week towards the end of cycle. I know a lot of fellas run it throughout and a lot of fellas run it during the last few weeks of cycle. I figured I have it on hand, I might as well get on it as early as possible.

                          Used a 30g insulin syringe, and it went in as smooth as silk. No pip; no problems.


                          • #28
                            Apparently I need some sleep. My math is all kinds of messed up. I could run this at 1000 iu+/week if necessary. What do you fellas think?


                            • #29
                              Took another shot of test E today, along with 0,5 ml of HCG.

                              Weight is stable at 227 lbs this morning. I'm not sure if it's the anti-e or what, but I'm feeling very lean these days. I don't feel bloated at all.


                              • #30
                                I've been getting plenty of protein in lately, but the one difficulty I've had was getting the calories some days. I started taking a new protein which has 1200 cals / 50g protein / 3.5g fat per serving. I plan to add in 1-2 of these shakes/day depending on how well my macros are looking. If I end up taking 2 shakes a day, I'll split it into 4 small shakes so I can evenly spread those 2500 cals around, and still get 100g of protein off of it. As of now, I'm getting 285g+ protein daily, even if it's only 2500 cals. Now I'll be making sure it's consistently 3500 cals +.

