so far so good...but its hard to say...i have gained 3 pound this week just on their tren a and im adding in t400 this far it seems legit
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tren acetate only cycle
Gained another 1.2 lbs today!! I have been eating more than usual but i have gained about 6 lbs already and its only been a week and a half...did shoulders today..noticed some strength increases on certain exercises..first time doing shoulders on tren a and t400 sure i'll see a lot more srength increases later on...can't wait for the t400 to kick in...
its day 16...i have gained about 12 lbs now..but I know at least a couple of those pounds are fat on my belly. i have gained about an inch on it. noticed small strength increases. like 10 lbs on some exercises. hopefully once the t400 kicks in i will see a lot more results...I'm doing my 4 th shot of t400 tomorrow
ya i know...everyone always says your strength increases rapidly on strength has increased but nothing i said 5 or 10 lbs on some diet and routine are def in check....must be underdosed which is dissapointing....i've had no sides except minimal acne and horrible gonna ride through the cycle tho...looks like i may not buy from naps again...which is sad..its days 18 and i lost 2 lbs! my gut is bigger as well....;(
Def something up with that gear. I have done several runs of tren throughout my illustrious But no seriously, quality tren gets me diesel strong with a ravenous appetite. My metabolism goes ballistic and the fat melts off. It is suppose to be 4x more anabolic than test, so theortically you should see good gains. Especially if havent used it a while. Performance Metabolics is the shit!
lol..well i have gained half an inch on my arms and an inch on my chest and it hasnt even been 2 weeks yet...absolutely no fat loss.....some days i have loss of appetite..somedays im hungry as hell...i noticed really crazy strength increases in my back...about 20 lbs more i can lift now...but everything else has been only like 5 or guessing cuz its a bigger muscle group...this stuff does feel underdosed...I'm guessing I'll feel the t400 start to kick in some this upcoming my size and strength should go up even more...I'll keep yas far no sides except insomnia, and anxiety which i know is from the insomnia and really minor sweating...only during nightmares, which i have been having quite a lot of. :s.....
make sure ur diet is in check and get ur pct stuff ready ahead of time also some sort of anti estrogen on hand would be a good idea if ur gonna be taking 800mg test i'm not sure why u arent really seeing the strength gains but the size and weight gains are defently therebut hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me
well im starting to nitice more and more strength gains...its slow but steady so far..ill add a least one rep for each expercise everytime i hit the weights...havent really gained any weight this week either...i actually lost 2 lbs earlier this week...i have letro, prami, nolva, and clom on hand already...still no side effects except insomnia..possibly smaller loads? lol
o ya im pounding back water like a mad man pissing all decided last minute to add t400...the t400 shots hurt like hell...the day after it gets swollen hard and red...then gos away in a few days..the other day when i jabbed 1 ml in my shoulder, it hurt a lot just to move it and then it traveled to my bicep and it swelled 3 quarters of an inch!! im ony doing .5 ml now in one place..still doing 800 mg/ noticing pretty big strength increases in everything except my biceps and triceps..its odd..still no loss of fat...wondering if this is even tren?? seeing strength and size gains but no fat loss or sides...i supposse thats mainly a good thing tho...this is my second cycle and i have never had really any sides besides acne insomnia and a little testicular atrophy for both...first cycle was sust 250 dbol and anavar...i guess im not prone to all the negative sides so far.