What's up everyone...
So I'm starting my winter bulker today. Before I get into the details, a little history on me.
This is not my first time bulking, but it has been a good while since I've undertook such an endeavor. In my grown years I have weighed anywhere from 135lbs up to 170lbs. I've worked out for a good portion of my life, but until fairly recently have never made much of an attempt at being "big".
The majority of my teen and adult life has been spent dedicated to being lean and what would be considered "strong" for my size and weight. I wrestled through high school, competed in BJJ, and until fairly recently raced sportbikes...all hobbies that made sure my weight was in check at all times.
My recent focus has been to put on some quality weight and then eventually cut down to a respectable size. I started switching up my training and diet almost 2 months ago with the help of Sam1976 and I have since moved from 142 lbs back up to 152 as of yesterday. I'm fairly used to walking around pretty lean with a 6pk year round, so this has definitely been a big change for me. Learning to eat to grow has probably been one of my biggest eye-openers this far. I've been eating more meals than at any other point in my life.
So onto my bulker. I will be running the following for 12wks...
Test E: 500mg/wk
Deca-Dura: 400mg/wk
Dbol: 25mg/ed (first 6 weeks)
I will also be using adex @ .5 three times a week and HCG @ 500iu's 2x/wk. As well as some milk thisle thrown in for good measure. I will not be requiring any PCT as I am on HRT and will return to my normal regiment following this cycle.
I plan on updating this thread with some progress pics for everyone. I only have one set of progress pics at the moment, but it gives you an idea of what I'm starting with and where I've come from vs. where I was.
The first two pics are after about a month and half of solid training and diet. The before pics is just a quick bathroom shot I had on a phone of mine from a few months back. Sorry I don't have better "before" pics, the cell phone shot was all I could scrounge up.
After 1 1/2 months:
Front: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/1025front.jpg/ (click again on the jump for a bigger image)
Back: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/714/1025back.jpg/ (same thing, click again for a bigger view after the jump)
Looking forward to updating this again.
*UPDATE* 12/8
Sorry I have not updated this as of late. I just recently moved and it's taken me a few to get settled in to the new place.
Tomorrow will be the 3rd week of my cycle. All is going well, last time I hit the scale about a week or so ago I was 164. The Dbol has me holding some water, but i'm feeling my pumps and strength coming up fast and hard. The test and Deca haven't hit fully quite yet, but I'm expecting it shortly here. Usually by the end of the 3rd week I can feel my Test kick in when I'm on.
Sam shot a couple pics the other day, so here they are. My back appears to be coming along nicely, but I definitely need to get the wheels up to par with the rest. So far, so good. My strength is going up by the week and I'm putting on size at a consistent rate. I'm hoping to end up somewhere around 175 by the time this is all said and done.
So I'm starting my winter bulker today. Before I get into the details, a little history on me.
This is not my first time bulking, but it has been a good while since I've undertook such an endeavor. In my grown years I have weighed anywhere from 135lbs up to 170lbs. I've worked out for a good portion of my life, but until fairly recently have never made much of an attempt at being "big".
The majority of my teen and adult life has been spent dedicated to being lean and what would be considered "strong" for my size and weight. I wrestled through high school, competed in BJJ, and until fairly recently raced sportbikes...all hobbies that made sure my weight was in check at all times.
My recent focus has been to put on some quality weight and then eventually cut down to a respectable size. I started switching up my training and diet almost 2 months ago with the help of Sam1976 and I have since moved from 142 lbs back up to 152 as of yesterday. I'm fairly used to walking around pretty lean with a 6pk year round, so this has definitely been a big change for me. Learning to eat to grow has probably been one of my biggest eye-openers this far. I've been eating more meals than at any other point in my life.
So onto my bulker. I will be running the following for 12wks...
Test E: 500mg/wk
Deca-Dura: 400mg/wk
Dbol: 25mg/ed (first 6 weeks)
I will also be using adex @ .5 three times a week and HCG @ 500iu's 2x/wk. As well as some milk thisle thrown in for good measure. I will not be requiring any PCT as I am on HRT and will return to my normal regiment following this cycle.
I plan on updating this thread with some progress pics for everyone. I only have one set of progress pics at the moment, but it gives you an idea of what I'm starting with and where I've come from vs. where I was.
The first two pics are after about a month and half of solid training and diet. The before pics is just a quick bathroom shot I had on a phone of mine from a few months back. Sorry I don't have better "before" pics, the cell phone shot was all I could scrounge up.
After 1 1/2 months:
Front: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/1025front.jpg/ (click again on the jump for a bigger image)
Back: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/714/1025back.jpg/ (same thing, click again for a bigger view after the jump)
Looking forward to updating this again.
*UPDATE* 12/8
Sorry I have not updated this as of late. I just recently moved and it's taken me a few to get settled in to the new place.
Tomorrow will be the 3rd week of my cycle. All is going well, last time I hit the scale about a week or so ago I was 164. The Dbol has me holding some water, but i'm feeling my pumps and strength coming up fast and hard. The test and Deca haven't hit fully quite yet, but I'm expecting it shortly here. Usually by the end of the 3rd week I can feel my Test kick in when I'm on.
Sam shot a couple pics the other day, so here they are. My back appears to be coming along nicely, but I definitely need to get the wheels up to par with the rest. So far, so good. My strength is going up by the week and I'm putting on size at a consistent rate. I'm hoping to end up somewhere around 175 by the time this is all said and done.

