Hey Guys,
Thanks for reading my post, Hope you are all good! Also hope theres no flamers in the house
! I was looking to run a "Dry Cycle", consisting of 6-8 weeks using oral turanabol and pct clomid & nolvadex, Looking for any feedback on my endavour!
P.S. I have ran some gear past but drifted from bodybuilding through commitments but I didnt stop training I maintained a good level of fittness and strength and continued to use cardiovascular and weights in my regiment.
I am in my late twenties. I had my bf% measured by calipars and Its in the range of 16% I am a tall guy 6'2 and weigh 233lbs.
My desire is to achieve a athletic Rugby players physiqe or that of an in shape Boxer/MMA physiqe not that of James Tony! . I suppose essentialy what I wasnt to do is reduce body fat increase physical strength encourage new muscle growth and lean out.
My excerise sheldule consits of Day1: Upper body, push & pull excerises. 8-10 reps 4-5 set x excerise.
1.Dumbell press positive and negitave grip.
2.Supline row.
3.Standing shoulder Press.
4.Lat Pull down
5.Bodyweight Pull up's
6.Push pull push ups using dumbell
7.Seated row
Followed by core work.
Plank, Elbow to Hand Plank, Side Plank, Push up using one leg raised 10 each arm.
Rowing Macheine 20 Mins High intensity.
7mins cooldown and stretch.
Day 2
20-30 min jog
25-30 min cycle
Day 3
Bodyweight Squat 12reps x 5
Step Up lunge using flat bench 5 kilo each arm 15 reps each leg x 5 sets
Weighted Squat 10 reps x 5
Bulgarian Lunge 10 reps x5
Leg Extension 15 x 4
Leg Curl 15 x 4
+ core work & cruntches
25 Min High Resistance Cycle
Day 4
Mixed mix and match session lasting 40-45 mins with 20 mins cardio upper and lower.
Day 5
Same as day 2.
with Core work included.
Thx for reading. Need any info let me know.
Peace 9mm
Thanks for reading my post, Hope you are all good! Also hope theres no flamers in the house

P.S. I have ran some gear past but drifted from bodybuilding through commitments but I didnt stop training I maintained a good level of fittness and strength and continued to use cardiovascular and weights in my regiment.
I am in my late twenties. I had my bf% measured by calipars and Its in the range of 16% I am a tall guy 6'2 and weigh 233lbs.
My desire is to achieve a athletic Rugby players physiqe or that of an in shape Boxer/MMA physiqe not that of James Tony! . I suppose essentialy what I wasnt to do is reduce body fat increase physical strength encourage new muscle growth and lean out.
My excerise sheldule consits of Day1: Upper body, push & pull excerises. 8-10 reps 4-5 set x excerise.
1.Dumbell press positive and negitave grip.
2.Supline row.
3.Standing shoulder Press.
4.Lat Pull down
5.Bodyweight Pull up's
6.Push pull push ups using dumbell
7.Seated row
Followed by core work.
Plank, Elbow to Hand Plank, Side Plank, Push up using one leg raised 10 each arm.
Rowing Macheine 20 Mins High intensity.
7mins cooldown and stretch.
Day 2
20-30 min jog
25-30 min cycle
Day 3
Bodyweight Squat 12reps x 5
Step Up lunge using flat bench 5 kilo each arm 15 reps each leg x 5 sets
Weighted Squat 10 reps x 5
Bulgarian Lunge 10 reps x5
Leg Extension 15 x 4
Leg Curl 15 x 4
+ core work & cruntches
25 Min High Resistance Cycle
Day 4
Mixed mix and match session lasting 40-45 mins with 20 mins cardio upper and lower.
Day 5
Same as day 2.
with Core work included.
Thx for reading. Need any info let me know.
Peace 9mm