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boldenone undecylenate - labmax test results

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  • boldenone undecylenate - labmax test results

    here good bold from AccordioRx, I did not have too much luck to find a good one recently all bunk, here is a good one,

    but masteron prop from this company was bunk as tren ace was

    labmax test showed that masteron prop was indeed test prop.

    at least they have something good
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Originally posted by RonnyT
    Thanks for sharing result and pics, bro..
    x 2 nice to no

    thanks OP


    • #3
      Labmax are unreliable, if anyone understand its working principle can easily adjust their fake gear to give false positive. If you want substance identification a mass spectrometric analysis is less than 50$ and you get an exact clear idea of what inside a vial (molecular weights, AUC, impurities).


      • #4
        looks like you the only one who does not understand the test.

        how do you think analysis were done before HPLC, GC I will tell you it is called clorimetric analysis.

        Colorimetric analysis are very accurate but time consuming. Labmax is colorimetric test, simple but reliable.

        I remember it from chemistry course, which you have never had this why you are talking nonsense.

        I have had this test for over 2 years and it has never failed me.


        • #5
          You sell this product and you keep promoting it on boards. Its fine, you need to eat also so I respect that. But don't act like you really know what you're talking about. We're in 2014. HPLC is here since 1950. You're promoting quick-tests in 2014, that's patethic and shows you're limited access to real testing capabilities. Buy a MS/HPLC and sell analytical services, don't be pathetic and fool people into buying a unreliable quick-test.

          And by the way, there is no such thing as "clorimetric analysis", its called COLORIMETRIC. You don't even know what you're selling, patethic! I've studied colorimetry for my Ph.D and being involved in analytical sciences since 1987. I'm not sure if you were born that year but by then we knew that colorimetric analysis is very limited and the operator has no reliable guide to turn the analysis into a reliable experiment. I admit, I still use Titration in my lab applications but rarely, its the reverse of colometric analysis but I'm sure you already knew that, you studied chemistry in high-school right?

          By the way, this is juicedmuscle not meso or other forum where people have flunked chemistry or even school as a whole, don't insult our intelligence with your pseudo-science practices and primitive so called analysis.
          Last edited by Mr.Wong; 11-24-2014, 05:55 PM.


          • #6
            Wong stop promoting your mass spectrometric analysis for 50$ because you do not have clue what you are talking about.

            We know that you scam in China by selling bunk gear now you want to sell fake analysis too.

            I do not think that you can analyse anything.


            • #7
              I see people like you selling bunk gear with fake mass spectrometric analysis all the time and you will discredit any test proving that you are scammer.


              • #8
                I'd say that you're claims are at least weird. First of all I proved you don't know even the name of the analysis type you're promoting (and selling). "clorimetric analysis" right?

                Second, yes I do provide HPLC/MS analysis services for 50$, which I think is pretty reasonable price. Because we didn't accept you for analysis is because you didn't had analysis item volume, for 1 sample we won't complicate our life. Sorry you're of no interest for our analytic services, we usually provide to companies that require at least 10 units analysis (500$), we don't work for 50$ / client invoices, sorry for having a life and a business that works pretty decent. But thanks for promoting our business out in the open, we were thinking of promoting it discreetly but you seem to be a better sales agent than we are.

                Third, I find offensive and un-based on any proof the claims that "we sell bunk gear" and that "we discredit labmax" because they prove we are "scammers". If you wouldn't be a ignorant fool you would easily see we promote MS-HPLC as a technology not as our service, everybody is free to make the HPLC/MS at any lab in the world and there are out there tens of thousands. You're method is unreliable and you're marketing practices are highly suspicious, the fact that you appear now and then on board claiming some gear is fake, you being also the promoter of this method of analysis, makes me easily draw the conclusion you are heavily BIASED. I wouldn't go that far to call you a liar and say you're "tests" are fabricated only to discredit and stir up debate in order to up your reagent business.


                • #9
                  To conclude in an educational atmosphere, none of the worlds Pharmacopoeias accept colorimetric analysis even as an identification method. USP, BP, Ph.Eur, JP or even WHO standards, none use colorimetric analysis. Wonder why? Because its limited and unreliable. Spectrometer is the minimum if you want to identify a substance (quickly but limited as well). HPLC is a MUST if you want do any type of quality assessment over a substance. EIA or ELISA tests are quick-tests that are used mostly in the food industry where you must test thousands of samples in few minutes or hours (chromogen/Substrate based).

                  I wonder why Ronny.T is doing HPLC, GC and MS or why William tested with GC/MS for the Underground Anabolics and never used the colorimetric. They spent tens of thousands of USD on useless HPLC rather than using reagents. Wonderful!
                  Last edited by Mr.Wong; 11-24-2014, 09:02 PM.


                  • #10
                    You look to me like somebody who is running UGL, people with a job, scientific degree and career do not see spend time on steroids forums unless you are involved in production and distribution. You look to be very informed.

                    And on my part your conclusions that I promote or sell any tests are simply idiotic. I trust more this test that somebody in HK offering some questionable analysis and I personally doubt that you even do them.

                    This test has been around for a long time and based on you conclusion each user of the test is promoter or distributor, just get a clue.

                    Those type of test (drug and steroids) are used by LE, customs for preliminary identification. They are approved by government labs and you come with claim that they do nothing. Am I supposed to trust some steroids dealer or government lab about its effectiveness, just get a clue.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mercury View Post
                      You look to me like somebody who is running UGL, people with a job, scientific degree and career do not see spend time on steroids forums unless you are involved in production and distribution. You look to be very informed.

                      And on my part your conclusions that I promote or sell any tests are simply idiotic. I trust more this test that somebody in HK offering some questionable analysis and I personally doubt that you even do them.

                      This test has been around for a long time and based on you conclusion each user of the test is promoter or distributor, just get a clue.

                      Those type of test (drug and steroids) are used by LE, customs for preliminary identification. They are approved by government labs and you come with claim that they do nothing. Am I supposed to trust some steroids dealer or government lab about its effectiveness, just get a clue.
                      Can you debate on the background of the issue discussed, regarding the advantages and limitations of colorimetric analysis and reagent color analysis? I can easily see you are a weak and uninformed individual simply by the fact that you avoid any background discussion and focus exclusively on personal attacks (based on suppositions obviously). Lets get back to the subject, maybe you learn a thing or two, I don't think you get the chance every day to find a Ph.D willing to waste 5 minutes on you. I'm willing to do that in the name of charity and good will (© Jules).

                      So, you mention customs and LE preliminary identification. I'm sure you are aware of the high number of false positive quick-test results that end up in failed investigations and public humiliation of LE right? You know that amphetamine quick-tests give a positive also for Ibuprofen (15687-27-1) and Ranitidine (66357-35-5)? Pretty accurate right? Please mercury, read about EIA and ELISA, fluorometric and luminometric and its limitations and use, their only purpose is in critical conditions where no accurate machinery can be used (on the street, on a customs check point, in an airport where you must screen 5000 parcels a day, at a food safety control point). Arguing that colorimetric and enzymatic tests are reliable and accurate just because the cops use them all the time during high-way controls its at least foolish. I think you can self acknowledge that you're in a embarrassing position and cornering yourself with each post and it all starts from the fact that you precisely don't know chemistry and its basic principles. Not to mention analytic chemistry is a field where study is required, no Google search or pseudo-science can replace core knowledge which you obviously lack. The question however remains: why are you so hard headed to promote this type of test? Is it because you are financially interested in it? And if you are, what about the chain of custody and viability of your analysis on this forum and on other forums where you claim Balkan Clen is fake and that Accordio goods are fake? Are this true tests or is just your marketing campaign to stir up debate and get more attention to your flimsy useless quick-tests? Don't know....


                      • #12
                        you are definitely well informed but stop the baseless assumption that I am promoting or selling it.

                        it sounds more that this tests are hurting your business whatever you are involved in.

                        and I do remember my chemistry courses and colorimetric tests, they are very reliable, this is why I trust the test and I am finding it very reliable.


                        • #13
                          No, this kind of tests are not hurting any business, I just hate to see people promoting unreliable testing methods as reliable and making a profit from profiting off naive bodybuilders. I have just gave a heads up to whom it may concern but you seem extremely sensitive about this. I recommend anyone who really wants to test their gear to do at least a MS or a coupled HPLC/MS. Not with our lab, with an lab they want, I recommend a technology not a company.

                          The fact that you claim everybody on any forum that has an informed opinion has to be involved in trafficking or a UGL proves your limited understanding capacity. You have absolutely no proof to support your claims but you claim i'm a dealer just because I know what I'm talking about. Weird, totally weird.
                          Last edited by Mr.Wong; 11-25-2014, 08:50 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by RonnyT
                            We have been testing with reagents a lot. William asked a university lab in Russia to experiment with it. They mnged to improve the test more and more but with as MrWong allready said, some false positives.
                            I remember something about Univeristy of Miami working like 20 years ago on quick test to identify steroids once they were banned, the same idea used to identify drugs since you cannot expect every cop walking with GC/MS. But I do not know the end of the story.


                            • #15
                              there was a thread on bos methandrostenolone tested with marquis reagent

