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counterfeited Danabol

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  • counterfeited Danabol

    In the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis the researchers recount that they analysed pills they obtained from the police. The police had confiscated the pills after a street check using sniffer dogs. The hearts are shown in the photo below.

    Some of the readers of this website will recognise the tablets immediately. They look remarkably similar to the heart-shaped tablets that are supposed to contain dianabol. There is no consensus about their quality. If you Google something like heartshaped+dianabol+real+fake, then you'll see what we're getting at.
    The researchers initially assumed that the tablets would contain amphetamines or XTC, but the standard tests did not reveal these drugs. So the Italians ground up a few tabs, extracted any active ingredients using methanol and then analysed these using GC-MS.
    The results are shown below: the heart-shaped tablets contained two different substances.

    Both were anabolic steroids: methandienone [that's dianabol] and methyltestosterone. The tablets contained on average 1.5 mg dianabol and 1.7 mg methyltestosterone. In all the tablets they analysed the Italians found a 1:1 ratio between the methyltestosterone and the dianabol [structural formulae of both are shown at the top of the page]. Because there are no registered substances with this composition, the researchers assume they are dealing with a forgery.
    And a bad forgery at that. The heart-shaped fakes contain just enough of an active ingredient to give users the idea that their steroids are working, but not enough to build up muscle in the doses recommended.
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    Senior Member
    Last edited by RonnyT; 03-23-2015, 07:25 PM.

  • #2
    Sad shady life. I just want to be able to walk to my favorite Pharmacy and order gear just like a Soccer mom stopping at the liquor store for her wine. Is this really too much to ask???


    • #3
      usually when people put on a lot of water from "dbol" its usually because its not dbol but methyltest...i never understood why ppl fake dbol, its cheap so its no like there is a ton to gain from selling fake ones
      Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCN2318.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	93.9 KB
ID:	152567How does these ones look?
        Ontario Yours To discover


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mr Ontario View Post
          [ATTACH]4432[/ATTACH]How does these ones look?
          Not sure shoot me about 150 and I will let you know
          Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


          • #6

            Look at the picture the colouring is very bad, most of these counterfeits are from Turkey-Romenia or Bulgaria. The counterfeits from China made by our frind L. are very good and if you GOOGLE some will even say better. The synergistic action of MethylTest and Methandrostenolone is know for a long time and that is exactly the reason why people liked the old Akrihin.
            Originally posted by Mr Ontario View Post
            [ATTACH]4432[/ATTACH]How does these ones look?
            Click image for larger version

Name:	danabol tube1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	28.5 KB
ID:	152569Click image for larger version

Name:	untitled1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	34.6 KB
ID:	152570Click image for larger version

Name:	danabol tube1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	28.5 KB
ID:	152569
            A strange tube and the real March product


            • #7
              i had 500 of the counterfeits...utter crap

              stay away i say


              • #8
                I brought mine from a pharmacy. A registered pharmacy I notice on the top lot of pic that on the back of those ones up the top it has a bit of a dimple indentation the ones I got are dead flat besised the heart shape part. So I'm hoping they are they are legit but thank god I brought 500 for about $62 instead of my country people happily pay $6 a pill so at least if they are bunk it's not a big loss. plus Also guys you know what makes you sore my soreness is no longer after only 3 days so I really think these are ok. I have weighd myself so we shal see also ill take a front of shop picture guys so we can atleast get an idea of where to go here in Bangkok. If anyone wants me to research for them ( not source or buy just research) I'm here for 38 days. so shoot me a PM and I'll hope in a taxi sus it all out to help fellow JM members out and maybe save some coin wasting. I'm more than happy to travel a little bit as this place has helped me massively over the past 9 months. Fn counterfeiters I hate them lol
                Haters are always gonna hate. Your better being hated on than the one doing the hating love life live it.


                • #9
                  Would of being nice if mr Ontario gave a report I seen his post is from July lol oh well.
                  After looking at those pics mine are nothing like them thank god.
                  Haters are always gonna hate. Your better being hated on than the one doing the hating love life live it.


                  • #10
                    I believe there are fake companies out there sending fake d-bol to everyone yet I have and have been using this distributor for 3 years now and always the d-bol I get is the real deal. The heart shape product iss very reliable and you gain tons of strength and maintain it through out your workout and your cycle, so if anyone needs some advice on who to go to PM me and we can talk about the testing and the real thing that will make you very happy.

