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sust and cyp... doses

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  • sust and cyp... doses

    So i m starting a cycl with dbol sust and cyp. Should I do the sust270 twice a week or 540 once a week? And the cyp... should I do 250 twice a week or 500 once a week? Need some input bros on which way I should do this to get the best gains out of it. And do u guys think that it'd b a good decision to run the sust the 1st 5wks and then th cyp the last 5wks? Does any1 agree with how I intend to run it? Object?
    Last edited by graffix; 01-17-2011, 08:43 PM.

  • #2
    just my thoughts i would run 1 1/2 cc of the sust on mon then 1 1/2 cc of cyp on thursday run it till its dry you should get great gains but this is my opinion


    • #3
      Id like 2 do that but I've only got 10ml sust and 10ml cyp. I really wanted 2 get another 10ml of either one but I decided 2 make sure I had enough nolva,clomid, exemestane. Oh ya and wen I ordered I totally 4got 2 get pins lol. That woulda been hard to get any kinda results jus lookin at it haha


      • #4
        if you just have one bottle of each, i would probably do 1cc of each, once a wk. if you ran all your sus first, then started the cyp, you would crash while you waited the several wks it would take for the cyp to start working
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        • #5
          I don't think he would crash because sust is mostly long ester (longer then cyp ) with a little prop.

          I would run the sust first then the cyp.

          You could play with the roid calculator (google it) to try to figure out the best dosing protocal to keep blood levels as stable as possible.


          • #6
            I take that back. Seems only 100 of the 270 is a long ester. Not sure how I would deal w that. Maybe .5 cc of each 2x per week


            • #7
              I'm a little lost as to why you want to put the 2 together other than trying to get max Test levels. If thats the case then take 1cc of each together twice a week that would give you 1040mg of test a week (obviously the sust will release slower than the cyp) which is quite the cycle. Is that what your after??? I'm sorta confused


              • #8
                Originally posted by limo View Post
                I'm a little lost as to why you want to put the 2 together other than trying to get max Test levels. If thats the case then take 1cc of each together twice a week that would give you 1040mg of test a week (obviously the sust will release slower than the cyp) which is quite the cycle. Is that what your after??? I'm sorta confused
                So limo u think this will be okay? .5 sust and .5 cyp mon then the same on thurs? I wana get as much outa this as I possibly can. Evrythings gp except the dbol which I've decided 2 go 30mgs ed 4 6 wks instead of 40 4wks. I was planning the nolva 10mg ed then 20 at the end. Also have exemestane. How should I administer the exem? And I'm takin proviron 25mg daily


                • #9
                  dude im going wit sam the cyp would take too long. hey do what i do make my own fucking sust. rite now im using 2 dif sust one has cyp and the other is gp sust and its working fine. just use them at the same time its not a problem 1/2cc each to make 1cc. no big deal the cyp will squeeze in between the isocaproate and the decanoate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by limo View Post
                    I'm a little lost as to why you want to put the 2 together other than trying to get max Test levels. If thats the case then take 1cc of each together twice a week that would give you 1040mg of test a week (obviously the sust will release slower than the cyp) which is quite the cycle. Is that what your after??? I'm sorta confused
                    he only has 1 bottle of each. so if he did 1cc of each, twice a wk, he'd run out of gear in 5 wks! the math bro! j/K
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                    • #11
                      Right. I'm jus gna do 1cc of each a week.


                      • #12
                        do the half and half so you can stay with the kick from the acetate and the propionate


                        • #13
                          do 1 cyp and one sust 2x a week say mon and thurs or friday .or you can do 1x week ,,500mg or 1000mg week 1sust and 1 cyp =500 mg week or 1 sust and one cyp on mon oand fri or thurs do you understand


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by olaphg10 View Post
                            do 1 cyp and one sust 2x a week say mon and thurs or friday .or you can do 1x week ,,500mg or 1000mg week 1sust and 1 cyp =500 mg week or 1 sust and one cyp on mon oand fri or thurs do you understand
                            Ya I understand jus fine but as I said in the beginning I've only got 10ml of sust, 10ml of cyp. Therefore if I do 1 cc of each twice a week then ill only hav enough for 5 weeks. So I think ill hafta do it like this... .5 sust + .5 cyp monday/ .5 sust + .5 cyp Thursday. Or possibly .5 sust + 1ml cyp monday/ .5 sust Thursday. That will then last me 10wks. U guys think that will b ok or is there another way? I'm obviously goin to b bulking but how do u guys feel about adding winny at the end? Jus wondering


                            • #15
                              Ok the bottom line here is you only have 1 bottle of each. So this is your plan. Wait and buy some more and then you can run the 2cc's of each a week with your 30mg of Dbol for a full 8 weeks and you don't have to worry about it or just take 1cc of each once a week for 10 weeks with your dbol those are your choices. It all comes down to how high of a dose you want to run........................

