Because I suffer from low test level , I got a prescription of testosterone . But u can figure out that 100 mg of cyp/wk won't do the trick when bulking up . So in order to try my friend's gear( just to know if I should buy more of that testosterone batch ) , I did 2 shot of Omnadren (500 mg each) in a single week. Then I came back to my TRT dosage . That was in May , and my blood work was 15 November . Well my doctor told me my testosterone level was still extremely high . I think the only way to cheat on a test TRT is to completely quit for the time needed to destroy the ester + 7 days (time needed by your body to dispose of ester less testosterone) . Then you may come back to your TRT dosage (in my case , 100mg of cyp weekly ). Otherwise your total test won't come back to 400ng/l .
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To all those who like to cycle AND are on a testosterone TRT . Read this !!!