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Masteron E PIP/lump

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  • Masteron E PIP/lump

    When I inject Test E, pip is just for a day or two and gone, but with this Mast E the pip starts about 4 days later, been a week n there's still pip and there's big lump in my ass... I'm paranoid others will notice it. I also injected quad and I'm getting lump and pip there too, while other quad that took test e doesn't have that.

    Is mast supposed to hurt more than test? Pain I could suck it up, but lump I'm not happy with it at all... could it be dirty gear causing abcess?

  • #2
    Hmm, not sure why you're having this reaction. Are you using Geneza Mast 200? I used that for that last 10 wks of my contest prep this year. I ramped it up pretty high and was doing ED injects and never experienced any more discomfort than any other gear. Do you have more than one vial? I might try to crack open a fresh vial and see how that effects you, in case the first one got contaminated while drawing a shot out. I'd suggest using a smaller than average dose, in case your body reacts the same way.
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