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next cycle advice

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  • next cycle advice

    Hey guys I appreciate all the feedback on my Andromix thread. I'm definitely leaning that way but figured I'd ask another question before deciding. My goals for this next cycle is to gain 10-12lbs and drop around 2%bf. In your guys opinion would the Andromix be better for that compared to maybe a prop/npp cycle. Definitely don't want a lot of water weight. Thanks in advance all advice is appreciated

  • #2
    10 to 12 lbs is a good amount of weight, if it's pure muscle. If you gain that amount of muscle and don't change your BF level, your BF% will automatically be lower. The key is in your diet. I dont think that prop is an ideal mass builder, nor do i think that npp, masteron or even tren are ideal. These are all better for hardening up, when your goal is lose fat and dieting down. I hear all the time that people dont want "water weight". I'm guessing that they envision a sloppy, over weight power lifter when they think of fluid retention. Heres the thing. unless your way under your genetic limit, gaining 10 lbs of muscle and looking ripped isn't going to happen. That doesnt mean you have to look sloppy and that doesnt mean you can't look great on "bulking" drugs. If you control your sodium, drink plenty of water and use an AI, you can keep fluid retention in the muscle, where it can be beneficial, helping you to push heavier weight and get stronger...helping you repair and grow. And any unwanted fluid you do retain will leave your body once you've come off. If you were to run something like Test e and EQ, while using a low dose of adex, you could make some good gains, while maintaining or even losing fat. This is just my opinion and my experience. Thats not to say that you can't make some gains on prop/mast/tren. I just wanted to talk about the bulking vs cutting drugs thing. keep us posted as to what you do and your progress.
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    • #3
      Thanks Sam. Honestly the 10-12lbs isn't a huge deal I'd be fine with like 6-8 as long as I could also shed like 2-3% bodyfat. My diet is super clean so there's no problems there. I'm currently like 9-10% bodyfat and was hoping to see 7-8% without losing a lot of muscle mass. Ive personally had great results with long ester test/deca and would definitely run it again. In your opinion, since my diet is very strict, should I just "lean bulk" with that again or would you advise the test/eq instead ( in terms of the results I just stated). Thanks in advance for your advice. Also my last test/deca run was 13 weeks would you recommend the same or longer for whichever cycle you think would be best (meaning test/deca and test/eq) I appreciate all your advice. Thanks again
      Last edited by Quadzilla420; 12-04-2013, 08:35 AM.


      • #4
        sounds like you're doing pretty well, down around 9-10%. you look pretty lean in your avatar. Personally, I do think that you could gain more with more of a lean mass building plan, and I don't think you'll have to worry about looking sloppy in the process. Like I was saying before, if you can add some good muscle, while not letting your Bf get much higher, you're % of BF is going to be lower by default. Add in a little cardio(by your looks, you won't want to do a ton), and you can probably reach your goals, while probably staying healthier than using tren. I'm not against tren, I just think it's over used and a pretty harsh drug with a lot of possible side effects that you don't need to risk putting yourself through to reach your goals. The leaner you get, the harder it's going to be to add muscle while still getting leaner. Everyone seems to be a little different. For me, I can get to 6%BF without having to really get restrictive with the diet and adding and aggressive amount of cardio. At that time, it becomes a lot harder to gain or even maintain the muscle I have, while shaving off a few more % fat. That when I'd break out the tren and masteron. So take my opinion for what it's worth and remember that my view point is always going to be extreme. When it comes to getting down with a serious, bone dry cut, tren/mast and maybe some winstrol or halo is what I would consider the golden formula, but I don't think you're looking to take things quite to that place in this cycle. When you are, I'd break that stack out. I'd also use fat burners and a more liberal amount of AI.

        Once again, this is all JMO. Not sure how much test you use, but I'd set it up, something like this.
        test e
        eq 4-600mg
        adex .5mg 2x wk to .5mg EOD, depending on how you respond

        Depending on how far you push yourself, I think you can make some great gains, while not looking sloppy and lowing BF. If you did something like this and really wanted to get a more grainy look, I might add a little bit of winstrol for the last 4-6 wks. Nothing crazy, 40-50mg ED.
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        • #5
          Sounds good to me. I know that u know ur stuff plus I believe you're right about that. So this is what im thinking
          Test/Eq at 700/600 for 16 weeks and winny at 50ed. Thanks again

