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back into training and need advice.

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  • #16

    Originally posted by MrBig View Post
    I don't do a PCT (go back to HRT-TRT) but I heard guys say, to use it both ways. I'm going to say, that everyone is different, so why not try it both ways and see what works better for you???? Again I don't know much about PCT's, but I'm good with trying things either way.
    True that.


    • #17
      Recovery(pct) is a pre-individual thing. You'll probably have to tweak your pct a couple of times to find what works best for you. I'm able to start hcg towards the end of a cycle and take anastrozole alone for my pct and recover well with that combo but that may not work for everyone. Also when running AI's you'll find that some people are sensitive to them and some are not. Some take them daily some every other day some every third day and I've read where some don't have to take them at all. I think starting at .5mg e3d is a good starting point and adjust as needed. I'm one that responds well to a .5mg a day dose but that dries a lot of guys out. You'll have to listen to your body to find your sweet spot and go from there. You asked in an earlier post about tracking your progress. You can go to the cycle log section and keep a detailed log of your progress there if that's something you wanted to share. Good luck and I hope all goes well with you. The key thing to me is listening to your body. It'll tell you what's working and what isn't if you listen to it and adjust accordingly.

