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D-Bol....take with food or without food?

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  • D-Bol....take with food or without food?

    Got my gear on the way. First cycle I have done, I got test E250 plain on taking 500mgs a week and use d-Bol to kick start it. I was thinking 30 Mgs of d-Bol ED an hr or two before my workout. Is the a good amount of test and d-Bol? .....oh and I will be taking my estrogen blocker throughout the cycle and clomid for PCT. should I be taking d-Bol with food or without?

  • #2
    Your cycle is a good first cycle, but if you think about it, you take the D-Bol with food it will take longer to get in your system, then if you took it on a semi empty stomach. If you're doing things right you should never have an empty stomach. I like to take mine all at once, one to two hours before I train. jm2c
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    • #3
      Thanks for your advice and time. I will def take it all at once, in between meals.


      • #4
        Everyone seems to have their way of doing orals. I usually feel them no matter how I take them. Before a workout seems good but so does before sleep. When you sleep your body rebuilds, makes growth hormone and how sweet it would be to add DBol to the mix. You could also spread them out to keep it more stable. Personally I take them all at once too because otherwise I sometimes forget the second dose.


        • #5
          I am sure Ronny has posted some stuff about the bio availability of orals and how food relates...
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