Hey guys I plan on running my second cycle in 2 weeks, its been a long time coming I have had around a year's break from cycling after my first cycle (had appendix surgery).
the cycle:
Testosterone Enanthate @ 550MG PW for 12 weeks
Nandrolone Decanoate @ 300MG PW for 10 weeks
Dbol @ 30MG per day for 5 weeks or would it be more beneficial to run it at 40MG per day for 4 weeks??
Arimidex @ .5mg EOD for weeks 3-14 (12 weeks total ending when i begin my clomid PCT) should i be extending/shortening the amount of weeks?
PCT - Clomid 50/50/50/50 (50MG per day for 4 weeks)
Question 1) i have Cabergoline on hand for if i begin to notice any sides should i still run it for a short time even if i dont notice any sides?
if so when should i run it and at what dose?
Question 2) what would be the ideal way to run my Arimidex?
Question 3) is it more beneficial to run dianabol at 30mg per day for 5 weeks or at 40mg per day for 4 weeks?
thanks to anyone that can answer these questions, I greatly appreciate it.
the cycle:
Testosterone Enanthate @ 550MG PW for 12 weeks
Nandrolone Decanoate @ 300MG PW for 10 weeks
Dbol @ 30MG per day for 5 weeks or would it be more beneficial to run it at 40MG per day for 4 weeks??
Arimidex @ .5mg EOD for weeks 3-14 (12 weeks total ending when i begin my clomid PCT) should i be extending/shortening the amount of weeks?
PCT - Clomid 50/50/50/50 (50MG per day for 4 weeks)
Question 1) i have Cabergoline on hand for if i begin to notice any sides should i still run it for a short time even if i dont notice any sides?
if so when should i run it and at what dose?
Question 2) what would be the ideal way to run my Arimidex?
Question 3) is it more beneficial to run dianabol at 30mg per day for 5 weeks or at 40mg per day for 4 weeks?
thanks to anyone that can answer these questions, I greatly appreciate it.