whats up guys! last year, i competed in 2 shows and chronicled the events leading up to my first show, here at JM. to fill everyone in that hadn't read it, last year was my first time moving into the LHW division. i was happy with the improvements i made, but i still have a lot more to strive for. this is a slow process and i am still hungry to reach the vision i have for myself. there were a few areas that i wanted to focus on in my off season, back being the main body part. i took 2nd place in my class last year and may have had a chance of doing better, if i had an impressive back. it isnt that i wasn't working back. i lifted heavy, looking to guys like dorian for inspiration. still, last year i came in with a narrow and shallow back. i had brought up legs some, but they still needed more work. although i earned a national qualification, i decided it would be in my best interest to keep plugging along and get bigger before i went that route. i am far from having developed the perfect legs and back, but i did spend a year working my ass off, and learning what works best for me. through this time, i've been eating more than i ever have and training with a new intensity. i've run geneza gear and am pretty happy with the results i achieved over the course of this off season. the gear i used though my off season was the GP test/eq blend, GP injectable dbol, and GP NPP and GP deca. not all at once and not in that order.
now its time to start dieting again, and i'm excited to see how the new muscle looks on me. i want to share with everyone here, the progress i've made in a year's time. at this point, i am 13 wks out and still able to eat a ton of food. i'll be running all GP gear from here to the show. i also have some of Naps' hyge's and i'm interested to see what difference they make. gh is a new addition to prepping for me. heres what i'm currently using...
GP Sust
GP aromisin
Hyge 5iu 5 days on, 2 days off
GP clen, i've been using 40mcg and as of tomorrow, i will go to 60mcg
in the future, i will add in GP t3, and swap out the NPP for GP Mast 200. eventually, i will drop the EQ and add in tren ace and eventually GP halo for the last 4 wks.
i will update this regularly though the prep with pics and details about my experience. i hope that it is an entertaining and informative read. if you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask! i think the only thing i'd like to avoid is talking about dosing of AAS. i'm not going to lie. i'll be using more than the average newer AAS user and i dont want to give them the wrong idea. the drugs help, but it all comes down to diet and training. i am busting my ass every day to eat exactly, down to the OZ, that i need to eat, to achieve the best look i can.
thanks for checking this out
now its time to start dieting again, and i'm excited to see how the new muscle looks on me. i want to share with everyone here, the progress i've made in a year's time. at this point, i am 13 wks out and still able to eat a ton of food. i'll be running all GP gear from here to the show. i also have some of Naps' hyge's and i'm interested to see what difference they make. gh is a new addition to prepping for me. heres what i'm currently using...
GP Sust
GP aromisin
Hyge 5iu 5 days on, 2 days off
GP clen, i've been using 40mcg and as of tomorrow, i will go to 60mcg
in the future, i will add in GP t3, and swap out the NPP for GP Mast 200. eventually, i will drop the EQ and add in tren ace and eventually GP halo for the last 4 wks.
i will update this regularly though the prep with pics and details about my experience. i hope that it is an entertaining and informative read. if you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask! i think the only thing i'd like to avoid is talking about dosing of AAS. i'm not going to lie. i'll be using more than the average newer AAS user and i dont want to give them the wrong idea. the drugs help, but it all comes down to diet and training. i am busting my ass every day to eat exactly, down to the OZ, that i need to eat, to achieve the best look i can.
thanks for checking this out