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1st time user need suggestions

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  • #16
    I spent a lot of time reading before I even asked a question on these boards. People and young guys are the worst for it. Sticking shit in there body before
    reading as much as they can on the subject. I'm still a noob my self and find I'm learning every week I'm here. People need to slow down and read.

    It would be just a waist of money and time to do any AAS and not have all you shit in order.

    Example: All of this weeks foods are already cooked and stored so all I have to do is pull out what I need and hit the micro and I'm ready to eat.
    I already have my Whey shake and supplements stored for the next 2 weeks. Enough grocery's in the house to hold me over for the week.
    And I'm breaking out on some trash food here and there just to keep the extra build going. I don't play. These kids should not either. All want the quick
    fix.. It don't work like that. WORD!
    Building my self for a better tomorrow.


    • #17
      i would also recomend a simple testo and dbol probably
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      • #18
        Originally posted by tahril View Post
        then whats high? 1g week?
        500mg a week is the most common first cycle.
        Ain't no use in lookin' down
        Ain't no discharge on the ground
        Ain't no use in lookin' back
        'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
        Ain't no use in feelin' blue
        'Cause Jody's got your lady too

