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  • personally, i would up the EQ a little. 600mg EW. keep an eye on that prop. it may crash again, especially if it gets cold

    Originally posted by Frazer View Post

    I put vial in hot water and shook it often. It went back in solution. The gear I get from you guy comes in Double strength at times. I have EQ that is 500mg/ml and Test prop that is 200mg per ml.

    I have been taking 200mg of Test prop EOD and 400mg of EQ once a week. In reading your other post I notice you think anything under 600mg of EQ is to low. Is that correct? should I get more EQ. The Cycle is already set up for 16 weeks so I have enough Test prop.

    O, and to all new Test Prop users. This shit gives you a REAL bite in the ass after about day two!!!!!!!! This was even with a mix with EQ!! Nothing we cannot handle though!!

    Thanks SAM!
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    • hey bro, post as much as you want!! GP is very good gear. i'm currently missing being able to use it while our sponsor is regrouping. timing looks goot to me. for what it's worth, i never use more than 30mg of dbol. never felt a need. for most of my cycling career, i have done 25mg. if you're using GP, it is very strong. i would do less, BUT i would do it for a little longer. 6 wks.

      and yes, i would use a low low dose of adex. maybe .25mg 2x a wk to start. it'll help keep estrogen under control and keep more of your test from converting to estrogen. if you start getting gyno, you can up it to protect yourself.

      Originally posted by xamo View Post
      Hey Sam, so I decided to post a last time here to make sure my cycle is ok as I'd like to finally make an order. Can you tell me if this seems alright?

      week 1-5 : GP Dbol @ 50mg day
      week 1-12 : GP Test E 250 @ 500 once per week
      week 14-18 : Nolva 40/40/30/20

      I was maybe considering Arimidex but wasn't sure if I should include it in... It seems to me that it is all good but I'd rather ask the pro.
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      • Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
        (this cycle is designed for male athletes)
        12 wks
        test cyp or test e 500mg per wk, split into 2 injections
        adex .5mg EOD to E3D

        PCT starts 2 wks after last injection (wk 14)

        nolvadex 40mg ED for wk 14
        20mg ED for wk 15-17
        This is gonna be my cycle;
        -SUS 300 for 12-14 weeks
        -GP Dbol 20-30 MG for first 4-6 weeks
        -Adex .5mg EOD to E3D (but when i switch to E3D?)

        Then im gonna do PCT with Novaldex as you suggested. What do you think about this cycle, Sam?


        • Fake Gear???


          I have handled a lot od Dbal in my days but my supplier, who has been good in the past supplied me with Dbal that arrived and were white tabs. All the Dbal I have ever seen was pink. Maybe I am just out of the loop with all of the Underground lab gear but what do you think??? It seems to me that after a week I should able to feel this for sure and it seems I am not!!!! It might be time to look for a new supplier. I know what the rules are on this site so how can I get info on GP gear and how to get sum without people posting what they are not supposed to?? How do I get contact info properly?



          • Originally posted by optitan View Post
            This is gonna be my cycle;
            -SUS 300 for 12-14 weeks
            -GP Dbol 20-30 MG for first 4-6 weeks
            -Adex .5mg EOD to E3D (but when i switch to E3D?)

            Then im gonna do PCT with Novaldex as you suggested. What do you think about this cycle, Sam?
            it looks ok. the test dose is lower than i would suggest. if you can do a little more, i think you'll be happier with the results. as of now, your test dosing is only a little above hormone replacement therapy dosing. when i've said 350 to 500mg EW, i mean 350 at the outside lowest dose. if you can, raise it up a little. maybe 400mg. as for teh AI, when i said "Adex .5mg EOD to E3D" what i mean is find what works for you. at 3-400mg test EW, i think you can take less. i would suggest starting out at .25mg 2 to 3 times a wk and see how that works out. if you are gyno sensitive, you may or may not need a little more while on the dbol. just remember though, too much AI will reduce estrogen too far and may effect your gains.
            finally, if you are using sust, which is a test blend, it has a long acting ester which requires more clearance time before PCT. i would start PCT about 3 wks after last injection
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            • hey bro, do they have a design on them? naposim has a triangle on one side. i've seen a couple others around that are white. your best bet would be to snap a pic and post them on the board. if there is anyone who knows his brands, its our mod ronny t. post up a thread with pic and i'm sure he'll know whats up. i will say, sometimes, i haven't noticed much off of dbol until i get closer to 2 wks. other times, its about 10 days. also, if they are a UGL and happened to be a little underdosed, they just might take a little longer to build up.

              as far as GP dbol goes, i think it is the bomb. i was just telling another member yesterday, GP and naposim are my personal favorites. due to cost though, GP wins every time for me now days if you are interested in them, look at the sponsor section of our board. not sure if the sponsor is 100% open for business in all sections of their web site, but they are the place i get mine

              Originally posted by Frazer View Post

              I have handled a lot od Dbal in my days but my supplier, who has been good in the past supplied me with Dbal that arrived and were white tabs. All the Dbal I have ever seen was pink. Maybe I am just out of the loop with all of the Underground lab gear but what do you think??? It seems to me that after a week I should able to feel this for sure and it seems I am not!!!! It might be time to look for a new supplier. I know what the rules are on this site so how can I get info on GP gear and how to get sum without people posting what they are not supposed to?? How do I get contact info properly?

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              • Hey again Sam,

                I've told a friend of mine who has been using AAS for several years the cycle I was about to start which is as you probably remember Test E 500 w dbol the first 6 weeks at 20/30.. Arimidex twice a week, and pct with ari and nolva. His reaction was that I would probably lose 75% of the gains I made afterward. Is that true? If so, what can I do to prevent that? He's suggested HGH, but I'd rather stay away from that stuff..
                Senior Member
                Last edited by xamo; 11-08-2011, 05:28 AM.
                Ain't no use in lookin' down
                Ain't no discharge on the ground
                Ain't no use in lookin' back
                'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                • test should be the base of every cycle. thats why its a great place to start when you enter the world of AAS. you start with your base and go from there, you can add other compounds as you go. in this case, you're adding dbol. the dbol is going to add a good amount of water weight fast, whcih will allow you to lift heavier. you will quickly be in a positive nitrogen state, so if you are eating enough, you will add good lean mass. then, as the cycle continues, the test will kick in and you'll really see the magic of running AAS. you will gain a fair amount of water from a bulking cycle like this, depending on how much AI you end up using. the water retention is a good thing though, as i mentioned. it'll help keep you strong. as the end, the water retention will go away and you will be left with your gains. the water wasn't "gains" to begin with. i would expect to keep about 40-60% of what you see on the scale, depending on how well your diet is. if your diet is poor, you wont retain anything from any cycle. on my first cycle i put on 20 lbs by the end, i think i kept 8-12 lbs when everything was said and done. thats just the way this game goes. its a constant game of 2 steps forward, 1 step back. eventually though, you can get there how much you gain will depend on your genetic potential, your diet and how much muscle you already had.
                  now lets look at're not going to gain anything from gh unless you run it at high doses and couple it with test and possibly insulin. if you run 4iu a day on its own, you might gain a few lbs over a much longer period of time, but the gains from gh are nothing like the gains from AAS. plus, you're going to have to drop up to a few grand to get enough gh to run for the minimum time...4-6 months AND you still wonf gain much unless you're on test!!! after you get used to gh, you hold little water on it, so what you see on the scale wont drop the way it does when you come off of AAS, but i promise you, you are NOT going to gain 8-12 lbs in 12 wks on gh.

                  Originally posted by xamo View Post
                  Hey again Sam,

                  I've told a friend of mine who has been using AAS for several years the cycle I was about to start which is as you probably remember Test E 500 w dbol the first 6 weeks at 20/30.. Arimidex twice a week, and pct with ari and nolva. His reaction was that I would probably lose 75% of the gains I made afterward. Is that true? If so, what can I do to prevent that? He's suggested HGH, but I'd rather stay away from that stuff..
                  Senior Member
                  Last edited by sam1976; 11-08-2011, 02:01 PM.
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                  • hey Sam, been reading up on your thread and there's some great stuff on here, i was just curious about your opinion on tbol vs dbol to jump start a test cyp cycle. if i were to guess from reading your suggestions i would think you lean towards dbol, thanks again for your time brotha!


                    • Originally posted by JkW4244 View Post
                      hey Sam, been reading up on your thread and there's some great stuff on here, i was just curious about your opinion on tbol vs dbol to jump start a test cyp cycle. if i were to guess from reading your suggestions i would think you lean towards dbol, thanks again for your time brotha!
                      haha! then you would have guessed right, bro! i'll be honest, every time the option has come up, i always go with dbol, simply because it has worked so well and it is cheap. i dont have anything against tbol. i just feel that the main goal of this type of oral is to get your body into a positive nitrogen balance, quickly. dbol can do that at (usually) a much lower price point. i know some people will say "dbol makes me too bloated". well i dont suggest high doses of dbol. i keep the dose down and this, in itself, controls a lot of the sides people complain about. i hear newbies taking 50mg ED ! i never go past 30mg and have never seen a need to. i find that for a new user...or a more experinced user, 25-30mg is fine. more than enough to do the job of kick starting a cycle
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                      • Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
                        haha! then you would have guessed right, bro! i'll be honest, every time the option has come up, i always go with dbol, simply because it has worked so well and it is cheap. i dont have anything against tbol. i just feel that the main goal of this type of oral is to get your body into a positive nitrogen balance, quickly. dbol can do that at (usually) a much lower price point. i know some people will say "dbol makes me too bloated". well i dont suggest high doses of dbol. i keep the dose down and this, in itself, controls a lot of the sides people complain about. i hear newbies taking 50mg ED ! i never go past 30mg and have never seen a need to. i find that for a new user...or a more experinced user, 25-30mg is fine. more than enough to do the job of kick starting a cycle
                        Interesting.. most people who have done many cycles the lowest amount i see them taking is like 40mg foratleast 6 weeks.. crazy mofos.. 6 weeks is the longest ill go... anyway i like how u keep ur doses at an optimal level u dont abuse it with anything i have seen u post.... and i think u should push that too more people.. becuz in most peoples mind sets the mroe gear the bigger@! but then mroe sides ect... u just have to find a happy median.. and people listen to u..


                        • thanks for the great info as always! yeah i'm new to AAS so i'm planning on kick starting a 12 week test cyp cycle with 20 mg of Dbol for 4 weeks, so i was trying to decide whether or not to exchange the dbol with tbol or not but once again the words of the wise were enough to convince me, thanks brotha!


                          • Sam, I am looking at what to use for my very first cycle. My training is definitely there and i just hired George Farah as my nutritionist so i will have that aspect as well. I've heard test is the best thing to run but then i have also heard to run an oral and injectible together like Dianabol and test.. Let me know what your thoughts are
                            In order to do what others can't, you must do what others won't


                            • [QUOTE=Akpeaks907;41087]Sam, I am looking at what to use for my very first cycle. My training is definitely there and i just hired George Farah as my nutritionist so i will have that aspect as well. I've heard test is the best thing to run but then i have also heard to run an oral and injectible together like Dianabol and test.. Let me know what your thoughts are[/QUOTE

                              check the second post in this thread. you can add in a low dose dbol kick start for 4-6wks. thats what i would suggest. you could always ask farah though. if you're already paying him, i would get the most out of it. are you using him to get ready for a show?
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                              • I will run test cyp ,arimidex, nolvadex... Please review lab to make sure im good to go. Let me know if you need more info off my lab. Thanks....

                                Glucose,serum 87 Testosterone,serum 358 Estradiol 13.1 AST 24 ALT 40

