My stats: 5'10, 182lb 10-11% bodyfat, 31 years old. 8 years of lifting on and off, past 2 years I've been really serious with diet and all.
Previous cycles:
Very fist cycle was Anavar only, 60mg ED 6 weeks (wasn't so bad, was from naps, gained 3-4 pounds dropped some bodyfat). Didn't feel all that well from mid cycle, lot of headaches n all , but was bearable. Just costed me so much...
Then I did a prohormone cycle, Hdrol + Furazabol, 6 weeks and this one was really bad, it only gave me acne, I felt like shit throughout the cycle, near no gains. Lesson learned, I'm staying away from prohormones.
I'm trying to set up a pin cycle, which I should've done as my first. Planning to do this in about 2 months, so I have time to ask for advices from more advanced users. Plan at the moment is this.
Either 10 or 15 week Test Enanthate 500mg per week(need some input)
Either Dbol or Tbol to start week 1-4, leaning more toward Tbol, I can't imagine myself being bloated.
Arimidex .5 every 2 or 3 days(need some input)
PCT I'll start 2 weeks after last pin(need some input)
for 4 weeks nolva 40/20/20/10(need some input)
I'll also order some letro to have on hand in case.
I hear long ester like Test E takes quite a bit to kick in to really get much out of 10 week. I need some inputs by more advanced users, I'm not toally new to cycling but pinning is.
Also, Test E does cause some bloating, would adding anavar at end of cycle get rid of bloat?
Need some recommendation between Dbol/Tbol as well, and on Naps site I was just gonna order a set stack, but seems everyone on this forum is leaning more towards adex. Is there specific reason why most r leaning toward adex instead of aromasin?
Sorry for so many questions, but info on the internet are just not agreeing with each other 100%, I would really appreciate your advices/inputs. Would be best if someone had cycles done at my weight previously and give some advices.
Previous cycles:
Very fist cycle was Anavar only, 60mg ED 6 weeks (wasn't so bad, was from naps, gained 3-4 pounds dropped some bodyfat). Didn't feel all that well from mid cycle, lot of headaches n all , but was bearable. Just costed me so much...
Then I did a prohormone cycle, Hdrol + Furazabol, 6 weeks and this one was really bad, it only gave me acne, I felt like shit throughout the cycle, near no gains. Lesson learned, I'm staying away from prohormones.
I'm trying to set up a pin cycle, which I should've done as my first. Planning to do this in about 2 months, so I have time to ask for advices from more advanced users. Plan at the moment is this.
Either 10 or 15 week Test Enanthate 500mg per week(need some input)
Either Dbol or Tbol to start week 1-4, leaning more toward Tbol, I can't imagine myself being bloated.
Arimidex .5 every 2 or 3 days(need some input)
PCT I'll start 2 weeks after last pin(need some input)
for 4 weeks nolva 40/20/20/10(need some input)
I'll also order some letro to have on hand in case.
I hear long ester like Test E takes quite a bit to kick in to really get much out of 10 week. I need some inputs by more advanced users, I'm not toally new to cycling but pinning is.
Also, Test E does cause some bloating, would adding anavar at end of cycle get rid of bloat?
Need some recommendation between Dbol/Tbol as well, and on Naps site I was just gonna order a set stack, but seems everyone on this forum is leaning more towards adex. Is there specific reason why most r leaning toward adex instead of aromasin?
Sorry for so many questions, but info on the internet are just not agreeing with each other 100%, I would really appreciate your advices/inputs. Would be best if someone had cycles done at my weight previously and give some advices.