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Pinning and Vacation

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  • Pinning and Vacation

    Hey guys! Not sure what to do about this!

    I am currently taking a test e (500mg/wk) test only cycle and I am pinning Mon and Thurs.

    I am going on vacation (leaving on a Wednesday and returning on the following Thursday). I should be ok moving the first Thursday pin to Wednesday, but it looks like I will have to miss a Monday pin.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Best advice: Plan your cycle better next time :P
    Can you not take the stuff with you I'm guessing?


    • #3
      do an xtra pin subQ the wed b4 u leave (longer absorption) works ok for 1 wk.
      I did this last Business trip worked good.
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
        Best advice: Plan your cycle better next time :P
        Can you not take the stuff with you I'm guessing?
        Hahaha Ethan, some things just arise unexpectedly! I find it hard to believe guys that pin don't have to unexpectedly go somewhere!

        ODB thanks for the advice. I will have to try that!


        • #5
          How long you been on? If its been a while just pin before you go and when you get back. Believe me you'll be fine. You wont even notice it if there long acting esters. Sometimes things just come up.


          • #6
            Yeah, just giving you a hard time haha. I had an "unexpected vacation" come up mid cycle once. I was able to take the stuff with me though so it wasn't a problem. Just do your pins as normal and just skip that week. I don't think shooting extra will help anything. Half-life of the ester is the same no matter how many mg you inject as far as I know. You'll probably won't even be out of enanthate's half-life by time you get back. Levels may not be ideally stable, but sometimes you can't help it haha.


            • #7
              I would up the dose onthe wednsday that u inject


              • #8
                was in the same position for a business trip overseas. altered my cycle so i would have only 1 inj. loaded up 1 inj of the cocktail, clear sterile vial, and put it in toiletry bag. barrel was also in bag and pin tips with other needles n threads to look like a sewing kit. No issues

