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First Cycle!! Comments please!!

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  • First Cycle!! Comments please!!

    5'11 160lb 11% bodyfat on Accumeasure (have nearly all of ectomorph characteristics)
    2 years of lifting experience.

    Been eating quite healthy for years, but been quite strict about it past year or so with macronutrients, 6 meals a day, 1-2 meals on average end up being fruit+nuts+protein shake when I'm at work(gotta be quick).

    Working 60+ hours a week, somewhat physically demanding, I'm pretty sure my cortisol lvls r high Haven't seen much improvement in terms of both size n strength in past half year, although I'm pretty sure I'm not at genetic max. Forcing to workout on preworkout supplements just seems to ruin my health somewhat now.

    That's my profile so far. Here's my goals:

    1. Increase strength, with help of AAS, strength that will stay with me after cycle's over which will help me breakthrough this plateau n keep me interested in bodybuilding.
    2. Increase some lean mass.
    3. Get experienced with AAS.

    Here are my limitations:

    1. I can't do needles. I have couple roommates as well as friends that will come over n make themselves comfortable. I do not want them to find out about this at all. Plus I'm very shy of needles.
    2. I can't gain too much mass. Too much strength is fine, that's just what I would take, but I cannot take sudden big mass gain, I can't have people at job n friends find out about this.
    3. Long hours at work, my recovery time will be somewhat inadequate, although I'll try to keep rest priority during cycle.

    With all strong androgens n injectables eliminated, I have few left to mix n match with. Those are:

    Anavar, Primobolan, Winstrol, Andriol.

    Andriol is said to be very ineffective, that leaves me with other 3 with no test :x I have read hundreds of threads stressing that test should be base of all cycles but, that just can't be option for me. Anavar and Winstrol are both 17aa so taking both together would be hard on my liver, so I'll have to choose one. Primobolan is said to cause baldness at high rate so I'll definitely cross this one out.

    Leaves me with anavar n Winstrol. I have seen a lot of "first cycle, Anavar only", many experienced members stressing test should be base and first cycle shouldn't be wasted using such flemsy AAS fact being first timer gets most gains, not cost effective etc.

    Then again, for my goals and limitation, this seems to be what I can use, Anavar only cycle. I have quite a bit saved up to use so finance isn't an issue, and big gains in size in short time is definitely what I can't have.

    Cycle I came up with is simple:

    week 1-8 40mg/ED start, will up the dose up to 100/ED gradually every few days till i see effectiveness.

    PCT week 1 40mg nolva
    week 2-6 20mg nolva

    And list of questions I have here I need to ask you guys because, informations I get from sources differ from one another n doesn't give me clear one.

    1. How much would I be able to keep after this cycle in terms of %? roughly.

    2. During cycle, if Test lvl falls low, people say I'll feel like shit. Describe this for me ><

    3. My pct plan seems to be kind of long, but is it harmful to make it longer than necessary?

    4. Milk thistle or Liv52, or both, and are they for during cycle, post cycle, or both. I hear some say it hinders AAS's performance, others say not.

    Post got real long, but I've been planning this for quite a while with lot of researches. Good comments will be very appreciated, thanks guys in advance!!

  • #2
    Why don't you go with the cycle every first user is told best? Test Enanth at 500 with a jump start if wanted?
    Ain't no use in lookin' down
    Ain't no discharge on the ground
    Ain't no use in lookin' back
    'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
    Ain't no use in feelin' blue
    'Cause Jody's got your lady too


    • #3
      Ya I'm doing a first cycle and it's test c 500 a week and u will be happy with it,Look at it like this about the needles,do u say no to the doc
      When ur sick or hurting and he has to poke u lol.Its really not that bad as people think
      It's all a mind game


      • #4
        I just want to point out that pre-workouts supplements are safer for your health than steroids...
        Ain't no use in lookin' down
        Ain't no discharge on the ground
        Ain't no use in lookin' back
        'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
        Ain't no use in feelin' blue
        'Cause Jody's got your lady too


        • #5
          "2. I can't gain too much mass. Too much strength is fine, that's just what I would take, but I cannot take sudden big mass gain, I can't have people at job n friends find out about this."

          Saw this and stopped reading lol.. If you aren't wanting to gain mass, why take steroids? Anything you take is going to make you bigger lol


          • #6
            welcome i will comment shortly just wanted all of u to know that lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by miakis View Post
              Here are my limitations:

              1. I can't do needles. I have couple roommates as well as friends that will come over n make themselves comfortable. I do not want them to find out about this at all. Plus I'm very shy of needles.
              2. I can't gain too much mass. Too much strength is fine, that's just what I would take, but I cannot take sudden big mass gain, I can't have people at job n friends find out about this.
              3. Long hours at work, my recovery time will be somewhat inadequate, although I'll try to keep rest priority during cycle.

              Post got real long, but I've been planning this for quite a while with lot of researches. Good comments will be very appreciated, thanks guys in advance!!
              too much for me to read - - but like ethan said This quote from U says it all - thats 3 good reasons not to use AAS.
              If u want more strength switch to powerlifting moves.
              "GYM + JUICE"


              • #8
                Thank you for comments so far, still waiting bluelabel's comment to pop up >_<


                • #9
                  First of all its easy to hide.. put in a safe and bring it in with u n ur rubber ducky.. u have to pin... atleast test... and since this is ur first cycle i think that is really all u shuld be using.. 500mg test e or test cyp will be fine.. u said u dont want to gain crazy mass or let things get out of hand so this will be perfect and you will know what u can add on to ur next one to get where u wana go.


                  • #10
                    Sry to bump up thread and since my original post is long, I'd just like to get answer to couple things Im really curious about.

                    2. During cycle, if Test lvl falls low, people say I'll feel like shit. Describe this for me ><

                    3. My pct plan seems to be kind of long, but is it harmful to make it longer than necessary?

                    4. Milk thistle or Liv52, or both, and are they for during cycle, post cycle, or both. I hear some say it hinders AAS's performance, others say not.

                    Anyone has good answers to these? ><


                    • #11
                      Alright bro, it seems you have A TON to learn about aas and the anabolic world. First off here is why oral only cycles are what I call "unsustainable cycles" while yes everyone loses a portion of their gains when coming off but retaining and maintaining 50-60% isn't unheard of hell i know guys who claim they retain 100% of their gains. Well, when you take an oral any oral, those oral steroids are derivatives of testosterone or DHT. So when you do use them this will shut down your natural testosterone production, I don't care what anyone says, anything that is promoting more test or test-like properties in your system your body will start to shut down your testicles. Yes I know, everyone says that anavar & primo are side less and some even claim NOT to take PCT after use of these. So yes to answer your #2 when running oral onlys your natural testosterone levels will drop and since the orals aren't actual testosterone you will have the common side effects. Loss of libido, feel tired, lethargy, and probably slight depression. Oral only cycles aren't sustainable and also to even come close to the effectiveness of actual testosterone your would have to take straight up toxic amounts of orals to get similar gains from just test injections. Trust me on this, i'm speaking from experience not from the book.
                      Now to tackle #4, Yes you can run both pre, during, and post cycle however when taking orals the liver protection just slightly aids in the toxic effects of the oral compounds. I've run oral support and other times i haven't. I personally didn't notice any difference, but I would always recommend running some type of liver support when taking ANY oral.
                      Now for #3, Your pct set up is a bit longer than average. Average or from consensus people usually run a 4 week pct protocol, however I have heard people running pct longer even as long as 60 days. I am currently in PCT and I was curious to see if a longer PCT protocol had any beneficial traits, so I will run a low dose of clomid & torem from days 28 to 60 then 4 weeks after get bloodwork done to see if it helped at all.

                      Personally friend, I don't think AAS is for your. While I do have a full time job I treat my training, diet, meals, supplementation just like a 2nd job and I feel what is the point if your not going to attempt to maximize every aspect of supplementation then why dip your foot in? At 5'11, if your were truly dedicated to your training you wouldn't be 160lbs regardless of body type, I too was an extreme ectomorph when i first started training. And as for your job, it sounds like your on the trading floor or work in finance. I too have heard this from my buddies "I don't wana be a 250lbs goon walking around the office" Dude, trust me you will probably never reach "goon-like" size off your cycle unless your eat complete shit and put on 40lbs of fat and even then you'd prolly just b the fat guy in the office. I'm not trying to make fun of or ridicule you, im just being brutally honest. And i dont believe you posted up your age, if your under 21 dont even think about anabolics and if your over 21 then start eating more to pack on some size. I too am an ectomorph and to maintain my current size I definitely eat more than the average person. probably sitting around 3- 3.5k cals If your really serious your answer isnt going to be in a needle or a pill its gonna be in your diet and training. Post up your diet and lets go from there. Hope this helped and knocked some sense into you.

                      "Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit. Since that's where they usually end up anyway, it's a logical place to start."


                      • #12
                        thanks for lot of info Mont, best one so far Oh yea, btw im 29 turning 30 in couple month >_<


                        • #13
                          Aw I see, well your test levels are naturally started to decline so with that being said. Get ur training up and ur diet in check then starting pinning brah

