I'm going to be starting my fourth cycle of Deca, Cyp, D-Bol. wanting to know best injection spots. in the past I have been injecting Quads with great results in mostly leg growth. Now I am looking for better gains in chest and arms. any suggestions?
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looking for advice.
Only experience with GP...if it's not broke, why fix it? I never had an infection with GP. The quality is great. So, you're thinking if you inject the oils in your arms, they will get bigger? I can understand that logic. In "some" cases, it's shown that whichever muscle group was injected, it became slightly bigger. I used glutes though. Glutes are better absorption than any other injection site. It's a proven fact! And you can put 3ccs in each glute!!!
If you want bigger arms, do compound movements. When you work out your back, go heavy. When you work out your chest, go heavy. When you work out your shoulders, go heavy. Back is a great way to get that bicep to grow...Chest/Shoulders are a great way to get that tricep to grow. I notice tricep isolation movements work well with me a few days later after I work out shoulders/chest. That's most of your arm right there. Lightweight for your bicep isolation to tone it up, but you get the bulk of your bicep by lifting heavy on back...
not trying to be a dick bro but i hope those are just rep range goals? i am guilty of quitting on the 12th rep just because i had it in my head before the set that i was going to do 12. you should increase the weight with each set (95% of the time) and go till failure.
remember, triceps and biceps are smaller muscle groups so its more important to not overtrain them which is very easy to do and to hit them from different angles. like Vulgarity said, tris actually make up 66% of the entire arm so if you do an arm only day, like myself, do them first to put maximum energy into them. for me, my tris need to come up a bit so i usually do 4 or 5 sets of a tri isolation movement just to really finish them off from helping with my chest workout (tuesday). as far as biceps go, personally for me, i go by how hard my back workout hit the bi's on wednesday. if theyre tight wednesday or sore thursday then i will go with a lighter session on saturday (armsday) to make sure they dont get over trained but just pump a fuck ton of blood into them with about 12-14 sets from a few diff angles and what not but after i hit tris. if i dont feel it after a back workout, they get anihilated with heavy weight for no more than 12 sets with a rep range of 5-10 on the following saturday.
its just all about knowing your body and trying different things to see what works for you man. theres a ton of guys on here with alot of experience and great advice, just open your mind and take it all in and remember no one is TRYING to be a dick, even if they come off that way.
Yea that's true. Do what your body responds well to. I'm just going to add that you just wanna have great form...slow contracting movements...food... and rest. That's all you need right there. Break the muscles down, eat, rest...do it over again. As long as you break your muscles down...(doesn't matter what scheme you used)
Like my scheme...I don't see people doing. But this is me. My body responds to it well. I gain in strength and mass even when I'm not on gear even if it's a by a rep or two. I rarely have any sessions that it was 100 percent the same. Like, I said...nobody but me will do this. If I'm cutting, I hit the gym EVERYDAY. There isn't one day out of the week that I'm not in the gym. But Am I over training, nope! If I'm on gear, my Mondays are leg days. I hate pinning in the glute then working out legs. I just don't like it. It's not painful, it's just UNCOMFORTABLE. I get paranoid when I'm squatting thinking the gear will leak out. I'm like that. But I work out legs come home..take a shower and then inject. It works for me. On Legs, I just do Leg Press, Squats, Leg Curls, Leg Extensions, Seated Calves, and Standing calves. That's it! You will be shocked but I actually work out legs better when I'm doing cardio, which I do on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Check it out, you will notice at your gym that obese people have the BEST LOOKING CALVES in the whole gym. You know why? They are on those damn cardio machines man. My legs look so much better doing cardio than they would with just doing leg day alone. Seriously...with me anyway. On Tuesdays, I work out Back. I do DB Rows or Substitute the BB. So, DB Rows, Vertical Row Machine to really focus on contracting, LAT Machine (Keep in mind, if you go heavy on these, your biceps will break down), Dead-Lifts, and Back Extensions. The deads and back extension are for the lower back muscles (which duh you knew)...but I don't stop there. Then, I hit WIDE GRIP PULL UPs till failure. Wednesday, I work out Shoulders. I do DB Shoulder Press, Side Raises, Front Raises, Shrugs, and Rear Deltoid Machine. You can sub in BB for DB or even the shoulder press machine. Thursday, I work out Chest. Flat Bench, Incline, Decline, and Flies. That's all you needThen I do cardio. I do not start out doing Chest earlier, and I tell you why. When I work out my chest, it gets really sore. To the point where, it's very uncomfortable doing the motions of some back/shoulder exercises...and I'm all about form so...that's why I do my chest towards the end of the week.Friday, I hit Biceps. It's been three days since I hit back, and my biceps should be healed. I do standing BB curls, (USE YOUR BICEP AND DONT SWING), Seated Curls, Hammer Curls, and I finish them with close grip pull ups. 3 sets till failure. Saturday, I hit abs and cardio. You will see people hit abs more than once a week. That's normal. I don't and my abs are nice although I don't have much fat. That's really the reason why. But I swear, you can hit abs HARD three times a week, and wont have anything to show for it if you body fat is high. I promise you that
Sunday, I finish off the week with Triceps. I do DB Tricep Extensions. I would like to do skull crushers, but my I don't like the discomfort I have with my elbows. Then I do Tricep push downs, tricep machine, and finish off with 3 sets to failure on weighted dips. I LOVE DIPs. When you do each of your exercises, focus on the form. Do slow and contracting movements. You might have to drop some weight, but I promise you, the results will be great! You will add weight week by week. Focus on that form, and I promise you, you wont snap your shit. Cause once you snap some shit, It's OV. And using that method while on steroids is perfect. You wont get too strong too fast. You tendons will support the weight...you heal quicker too.
Now, if I'm bulking. I have a very very fast metabolism. My metabolism is seriously on crack. I hit the gym three times a day, but three times a week. That's it. I do no "INTENSE" cardio. Warm up, but that's it. I do Legs on Day One. I go in, hit Quads...leave..eat...go back(lol) hit hamstrings hard...leave...eat...GO BACK and hit Calves hard. Day 2, nothing! Just eat and sleep...that's it...Day three: Back/Biceps/Abs. Hit back hard...leave...eat...come back...hit biceps hard...leave and eat come back and hit abs hard, leave, eat. Day Four: Nothing. Day Five: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps...same scheme...you get the drift now. Day Six: Nothing. Day Seven:Nothing....REPEAT. This works for me. I dont see anybody else do this, and I don't have a work out partner, but this is PERFECT for me. Both cases. Now, I do switch it up. I switch up EVERYTHING after 12 weeks. Give you an example: Chest: Instead of using the BB while doing flat, incline, and decline, I'll use DBs. You have to do this or you will not MANIPULATE your body.
It's just what I do, and I don't expect you to do this. I don't expect you to flame me either because this ACTUALLY works for me.
~VulLast edited by Vulgarity; 04-19-2012, 02:44 AM.