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Primo bridge?

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  • Primo bridge?

    Was curious if its safe to run a primo bridge thru pct to next cycle of say 100 or 200mg per week? I read that it doesnt shut own your hpta and therefore is ok to run between cycles?

    Can anyone confirm or deny this and give any advice should it be safe to use?

    Many thanks

  • #2
    im not sure it will close you down with that dosage, but keep it out of pct.


    • #3
      What William Llewellyn thinks if bridging.

      There are many issues with “bridging” that should make the average person think twice about it. For starters, every anabolic steroid known to man will suppress testosterone production when used in doses sufficient to promote muscle gain. Studies have confirmed notable testosterone suppression with therapeutic doses of oxandrolone, so you are S.O.L. if a recovery bridge with Anavar is what you (like many) were hoping for. The next issue is the simple and more general fact that you are not going off steroids with a steroid bridge, and are potentially exacerbating the negative health aspects of their use, such their effects on serum lipids and cardiovascular disease risk. If you are spending your entire year going from strong cycle to lesser oral (Anavar) cycle, you are undoubtedly always going to be negatively altering your lipids (orals tend to be particularly harsh here, in fact). You may be putting yourself in some notable risk as the years progress. You need to remember that the whole point of cycling is to minimize the negative health risks of steroid use. The fact that these drugs have potential risks really cannot be disputed, just addressed intelligently. Bridging may be a very unhealthful way of sustaining these risks indefinitely, instead of mitigating them with off time. Don’t bridge with steroids!


      • #4
        And one more quote, stating that bridging is not a good idea.

        Q: I heard some guys talking about using a ?bridge? between cycles ? something to tie one cycle to another and bridge the gap so you don?t have the ?downward turn? physically and emotionally between cycles. Is this essential to do between each cycle to bridge shut down?

        A: If you mean, AAS sandwiched in between AAS, it?s a lot more complicated than you may imagine. Taking a maintenance does of gear in between cycles can be good for intense joint soreness, but then again so can being on a good PCT program to ensure your own testosterone production restarts too. I only recommend doing this occasionally because then you get in the habit of never coming off. You can do a SMALL amount of D-bol or Anavar to bridge soreness and come down gently, but then again, your cycle should be constructed that way to begin with. Also, this doesn?t bridge shut-down, most importantly. You still need to come off though to help your body function on its own. It?s like when a woman goes too long without letting herself have a period ? those are her hormones and her body needs to remember how to function on its own.

        One to two periods per year is all a woman needs to have her body remember the sequence of 5 hormones to restart her own system and function normally. Likewise, a man needs to take at least 2 to 3 breaks per year from AAS. So if you figure that out, it?s about 16 weeks of AAS with about a 4 to 6 week break in between. I usually recommend more, but that would be ample. You?re better off cycling 12 to 18 weeks in one go, dropping substances in and out of the pagination, than to just take little bits ongoing. It?s like that with NSAIDs too ? don?t take 2 or 3 tablets of ibuprofen daily to stave off inflammation, take 4 or 5 per dose a few times daily, for a period of a week or two, and then leave it alone. Go in hard and heavy and then get out of there ? it?s the way with chemo, with AAS, with NSAIDs and a host of other drugs. It?s just smart strategy and that?s every bit as important as the actual drugs you take themselves ? maybe more!


        • #5
          Good info Ipenetratah. Just had a conversation about "bridging" with a buddy of mine today. I personally don't want to be "shut down" for the rest of my life.


          • #6
            Originally posted by allergate View Post
            Was curious if its safe to run a primo bridge thru pct to next cycle of say 100 or 200mg per week? I read that it doesnt shut own your hpta and therefore is ok to run between cycles?
            Can anyone confirm or deny this and give any advice should it be safe to use?
            Many thanks
            I have never used a primo bridge but what I have read about Primo is in the 50mg dosage range.
            (ur not going for AAS type growth/feeling).
            Senior Member
            Last edited by ODB; 06-07-2011, 04:21 PM.
            "GYM + JUICE"


            • #7
              imo 100-200mg of primo isn't worth it, and it still might shut you down a bit. There is no proper 'bridge'. All aas, at the amounts needed, will shut down the hpta. If you're gonna do it, just cruise on some test e. Once my current cycle is finished, I'm thinking of going pharma testviron, one amp (250mg/1ml) a week for a bit, and then blast off!


              • #8
                Found this, interesting;

                First of, this is a BRIDGE. OK? a B-R-I-D-G-E.

                Your LH function and Test levels are supposed to RECOVER.

                Ok, now having said that.
                Here's the pharmo-kinetics behind Methandrostenelone, brand name Dianabol.

                10mg taken at once will increase your average testosterone level by 5 times and decrease your endogeneous cosrtisone
                by 50-70%.

                The reason why dianabol is a good choice for a bridge is that its VERY anti-catabolic. It also dopaminergic. Giving you the benefits of increased CNS strength modulation by its androgenic mode of action. Androgens, in case you don't know, increase neuro-muscular function, thus STRENGTH.

                OK. Now, lets delve into the metabolic chemistry behind dianabol's choice as a bridging agent.

                When are testosterone levels highest? Answer: In the AM, thats when.

                Your body releases a tesosterone spike in the morning. This is when tesosterone levels are highest.

                When are Insulin levels lowest? Answer: In the AM thats when.

                Low insulin levels=increased protein used as fuel. (Also fat, but protein is also being converted to glucose via glucogenesis)

                OK, here is where dball's short half-life works for us (Its 3.2-4.5 hrs btw)
                Lets take Subject X.

                He's in bridging mode. He has just woken up. The body is about to release tesosterone, thus creating a spike.
                His insulin levels are low. His LH and test levels are very low.

                He pops 10mgs of dianabol. Here is where things get interesting. The 10mgs of dianabol will cause a testosterone
                spike WHICH COINCIDES WITH the testosterone released ENDOGENEOUSLY in the AM by the testes.

                The body will be partially fooled. It will not entirely detect the increased levels of testosterone (above the normal test sipke), thus LH function WILL REMAIN only partially(Very little actually) suppressed.

                In other words, he is "piggy-backing" an extra dose of testosterone on top of the endogeneously reduced one,
                thus creating an "inflated" test spike.

                Henceforth, LH levels WILL BE ALLOWED TO SLOWLY RECOVER over time. Also, dballs anti-catabolic effect will help curb protein-loss in the morning from low insulogenic levels. HOWEVER, and here is where almost all of you go wrong. You CANNOT GO PAST 10mg of dianabol in the AM
                for this bridge to work!!!! Why? Because of the blood levels of dianabol you would generate.

                10mg in the AM will be broken down to 5mg in about 4 hrs (Probably less) 5mg of dianabol, is not enough to cause another rise in testosterone levels after the precceeding one. Thus, LH function is allowed to up-regulate.

                Anything more(Say 20mgs), will cause a SEDCONDARY testosterone spike which WILL inhibit LH function further, thus not allowing LH function to recover. Oh yeah...100mgs? ROTLMFAO!! Fat chance.
                The difference between 20mgs and 10mgs means the difference between allowing LH to recover slowly and not allowing it to.

                So, here's the scenario summed up: Beginning: LOW LH and test. Adding the 10mgs dball.

                LH is allowed to SLOWLY RECOVER over time as testosterone levels are kept at a level which will not cause muscle-loss. Also, dball's anti-catabolic effects will reduce protein degradation.(Via cortisone reduction)

                This is what i call a double positive. You have managed to INCREASE anabolism(Test levels) and DECREASE
                catabolism(cortisone), during a bridge to boot!!

                The bridge should last 8 weeks, NO LESS. I also have to say, that it WILL NOT restore complete LH function. It'll get you 80-90% of the way there but the only way you're going to get your full LH function back is if you go [B]OFF[/B]
                completely. Anavar WILL NOT restore LH completely either btw.
                (In case anybody is wondering.)
                The difference is that with anavar you can take it throughout the day and with dball it HAS TO BE
                once in the AM."
                "GYM + JUICE"

