I finally started my cycle. I got my stuff, but it wasn't online, it was through a friend. Prop, EQ, Deca, Win
Been on wini/deca for about 2 weeks, and eq/prop for a week and IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!! I love it!!!! I did the prop/deca stack like 13 years ago, and when that ran out, did white, pink, and blue d-bol 100 each. Have been dying to go back on since then, and finally made up my mind to do it again. This summer is going to be oft he chaiiiiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking about adding some Tren to the mix as well.
Been on wini/deca for about 2 weeks, and eq/prop for a week and IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!! I love it!!!! I did the prop/deca stack like 13 years ago, and when that ran out, did white, pink, and blue d-bol 100 each. Have been dying to go back on since then, and finally made up my mind to do it again. This summer is going to be oft he chaiiiiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking about adding some Tren to the mix as well.