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Test E/EQ/Dbol Cycle Log

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  • #76
    Week 5...Day 30

    I did my 9th injection yesterday. I end up putting 1.2 CCs of Test E into my syringe, which =300mg of Test in that injection. The reason I did it was because that was all that was left in the 1st vial of GP Test E. I also put in 1.5cc of EQ... thus having a total of 2.7ml in the syringe. I did everything I usually do...even blood...and started to inject. My arm was getting tired, so I took breaks. I pulled the needle out and BAM...the most blood as of yet. I was like...WTF?!?! Took out another alcohol wipe and cleaned the area and placed a band aid over it. It was pretty sore the rest of the day, but today though, it's MUCH better. Clearly wasn't the best injection... I worked out Chest yesterday. I hit my rep target for flat bench and decline bench. I feel short on incline bench and flies. So, I'm going to keep the load the same next week for flies and incline and go up ten pounds for flat and decline. On the last set of my incline bench, I grunted, which is RARE. I'm usually a "silent" type, but I got pretty loud on my last set. I took my ear phones from my ipod out of my ears and apologize to the people that was in the area because they had the "WTH" type look going on. I also was wearing a hoodie, and I took it off and had a sleeves undershirt on and damn I was getting looks...and I caught myself posing infront of the mirror too. I couldn't help it! I was looking diesel! I went home, fixed me a shake, and took a couple of pics. I put the pics on facebook and GOT A LOT OF COMMENTS!!! On my pic, on my wall, everywhere.... Started getting messages from peeps asking for advice...asking if I was bodybuilding...the whole nine was amazing. One girl put, DAAAYUMM YOU BIG AF!!! Another girl put, is that really you??? A dude put, man, you on steroids!!! That was just three...there were a shit more...I started getting comments in less than a was tight! Today, I worked out back. I did the following:
    BB Bent Over Rows-3 sets of 10
    Vertical Rows: 3 sets of 10
    LAT Machine: 3 sets of 10
    Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10
    Back Extensions: 3 sets of 10

    I hit my target reps with every exercise but the LAT machine, so I'm going up in weight on everything but that. My work outs are going great! Like, I'm so glad I changed my work out routine, so I can hit the gym EVERYDAY. Remember, I'm working out one muscle group/day. Even the muscle groups I hate working fun! Tomorrow, I'm working out Shoulders. I'll update after that.

    Physically: Dramatic increase in recovery time...Great traps and delts are rapidly growing than before...
    Mentally: Sexually heightened and have a sense of well being, or should I say....I feel GREAT!
    Emotionally: I'm not moody at all...
    Side Effects: I'm not exp. acne, anxiety, bloat, gyno, hair loss, aggression, ED, or any other negative side effect. The ball pressure I was having is not there anymore. Again, it wasn't painful...just felt like someone was adding slight pressure to's nonexistent now though.

    On a sidenote: I'm going to incorporate dbol at the end of the cycle. I know yall don't advise that, but let me try it. This way, we can ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENS. If it doesn't work out well, I will say, "I should have listen to yall...daMN!!! I won't do this ever again...I'm sorry for being stubborn!" As for my post cycle therapy, I have my I'm g2g there...I will just take a few weeks now and get everything just right to the tee....because my PCT isn't starting until 11 weeks from now anyways...thanks yall...



    • #77
      Dude you're huge. I'm ruuning the same cycle accept deca rather than eq and im 2 weeks behind you. I can feel it blowin me up and my strength is way up. Keep it up man. Btw, gp methan10 is the shiznit, i know


      • #78
        Originally posted by PushinWeight View Post
        all i do is look at this pic and die from laughing... thats a sweet perm ya got there

        Lmfao!!! Pushin..who is that??? Is that maged?


        • #79
          Originally posted by dboss10 View Post
          Lmfao!!! Pushin..who is that??? Is that maged?
          yes that is page 3 half way down, but c'mon guys let not get personal keep this a friendly board


          • #80
            ROTFL!!! Maged you're a fucking pimp!


            • #81
              Postman woke me up today, but I didn't trip because he had my order! I signed for it and opened it up. I received another vial of EQ, Liv 52, and of course DBOL!!!!! I told myself I wouldn't do dbol until the last 28 days of my cycle, but guys....I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started taking the dbol today. I took one 10mg and I'm going to take another 10mg an hour before I work out, and another 10mg pill like four hours after that. I'm going to do this for 28 days starting, my dumbass, today. Right before I took my first pill, I did a search on google and a lot of people were saying GREAT things about taking dbol mid cycle. Do the search, and you will see....I was amazed with the feedback. So my dumbass went ahead and did it. Also, my liver support was in another language...hehe...and check this out: Naps is smart as hell. If you order Liv. will see what I'm talking about. I'm not going to say what they, but you will see once you get Liv 52...well that's it for now. Weight gain is slow but steady...strength is great though...



              • #82
                It's going down Dboss10!!!!!!!!!


                • #83
                  JM, thank you for banning Maged...I will continue to update this log daily now. Next update will be tonight!



                  • #84
                    Week 6, Day 36

                    I did my 11th shot today. Wow, time is sure flying! I did 1.5cc of EQ and 1cc of Test E. I'm a pro with it now guys. I mean, usually it takes minutes to inject, now, it took a little over a min. No blood at all came out after I pulled the needle out. I had a hard time seeing wear to put the band-aid. I also took my first pill of dbol...W00T W00T!!! A few hours later, I took my second pill and went to the gym. I had a great work out tonight. I did chest. I started out with 135x10 for my warmup. I did 225x10, 235x10, and 245x8 on BB flat bench. Before I started my cycle, I could do, I can almost do 245x10. Next week, I'm going to hit my target rep with 245 for sure. I followed the work out by doing DB Incline Bench. I did 85x10, 90x8, 95x5. I was like damn! I did 90x10 last week; however, I hit chest harder this time around, so that def. could have influenced the matter. Anyways, I'm going to repeat the same next week and should be able to do 90x10 and 95x8...possibly 10. We'll see. Then, I went straight to Decline Bench. I did 225x10, 235x9, and 245x6. I'm going to repeat it again next week and try to reach my target reps. I finished my work out by doing flies. 145x10, 160x10, 175x10. I'm going to keep it the same because of my form. It struggled a bit on the last two reps with 175. I did it myself, but the form wasn't there. I'm all about yea.

                    Also, my work out partner and I had about the same strength, and he was about 20 pounds heavier than me. Now, I'm WAAAAAAY stronger than him. He can't even do a full ten reps with 225. I have to spot him on the fifth rep. Put it like this: He used a lot of his "muscle energy" on the first working set of 225. I had to take 45s off, and he had to go with 185 to get a good working set in. All I can say is...GP...thank you...Naps...thank you! He's not taking any juice...just creatine, protein, zma, and other amino acids. Also, he's like 5 pounds. if that. heavier than me now...hehe!

                    I'm not noticing anything from the GP dbol yet. I only took two I'm going to take my third and final dose in a couple of hours. That's 30mg/day. I'm only doing dbol for 28 days, 4 weeks. So yea, no painful lower back pumps yet. Tomorrow, I'm going to work out back. TTYL!!!



                    • #85
                      Good job. Dude yer gonna know for sure when the dbol starts leveling out in your blood. Stuff is bad ass shit. I personally don't think I will use it again. Let me know how it treats you.
                      MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER


                      • #86
                        What are you weighing now??


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Vulgarity View Post
                          Week 6, Day 36

                          I started out with 135x10 for my warmup. I did 225x10, 235x10, and 245x8 on BB flat bench. Before I started my cycle, I could do, I can almost do 245x10. Next week, I'm going to hit my target rep with 245 for sure.
                          next time you do chest, try something like 135x6, 225x2, 235x2, then give 245 a shot. when i work up with sets of 10, i can never get reps with the heavy weight, but if i only do sets of 2 to get the muscles ready, i can do waaay more with the heavy weight. then i start dropping the weight and go to failure on every set.
                          Pain is just weakness leaving the body


                          • #88
                            Push, sounds like you are doing the 75/85/95 percent principle. That way definitely works. Especially on gear, you will push extreme amounts of weigh fast. I used that principle and gained serious strength by doing it. My only caution though from my experience is this: when using gear, it's like putting way too big of a hydraulic cylinder (muscles) between two weak points (tendons)
                            I got too crazy too fast and was on my third set, decline bench, put 315# and the fourth rep, I actually tore a rib from the sternum pocket. Now I have a free floating rib. All I am saying is be careful. I thought I was frickin superman until I got taught a huge lesson. I'm now looking at slow and steady gains. 5-7# increase in weight per month. I'm in it for the long haul now and I look at that being a 60-84# increase in your sets. That's huge on any scale. I now lift doing the failure to 10 method. On the last set when I hit 10 I add weight.
                            I'm older to though, my shit is all worn out.
                            MODERN DAY GUNSLINGER


                            • #89
                              Yea, Nephilim, I can understand that...that's why I'm kindof hesistant to do Push's way. I mean, it makes sense to give it your all on higher weights and lower the weight as you go through each working set. I'm really not taking advantage of the strength gains from doing it the way I'm doing it now...since I'm hitting each body part once a week and adding only ten pounds IF I hit 10 reps previously. The last thing I want though is to injure myself because my strength and tendons are not on the same page.

                              Week 6, Day 37
                              Tonight, I worked out Back. I did Bent over BB Rows, Vertical Rows, Lat Machine, Deadlift, and Back Extensions. To be honest, I don't think I'll be sore. The funny thing about it that I hit each of my target reps....WITH EASE!!! Last week, I fact, I didn't hit my target reps on the Lat Machine. Tonight, not only did I hit my target reps, I did so with ease! I mean, I CAN FREAKIN TELL the Test E/EQ is doing it's job now. If I had any doubts last week, I know 100 percent, without a doubt....the juice has finally kicked in! You might think it's DBOL, but I know it's Test E/EQ. Dbol is known for the amazing pumps, painful lowerback pumps, bloat, strength gains...weight gain...but in all honestly, it has to be the other juice. Day 2 on Dbol, I just don't believe it will kick in the strength gains that I'm exp. at this moment. I'm not exp. any side effects from the dbol yet either. With Test/EQ, I am having pimples pop up in never before's not acne for real. I mean, it' one pimple pimple's not like a lot of pimples in the same ball is like A lot smaller than the other...and the other is still small. My erections are very frequent and sex drive is intense. My voice is getting somewhat deeper as well. Like, I sound like a man for real. I have a higher, soft type pitch for a dude. (not gay like, but you know) Like sometimes, a customer service rep would say "yes mam" or something along the lines...well I guess it's kindof gay like... But now, it's pretty people think I'm trying to sound deeper...but it's naturally coming out that way. I really like it though. Phyically, I'm looking great. I weighed in at 165 today. I was like 172 a few days ago, so I don't know what's up with that...but I look bigger, hell. Diet didn't yea....I'm confused on that. I'm getting compliments everywhere I go. In the gym, people ask me if I'm a personal trainer. On facebook, people ask me if I'm a bodybuilder. Everybody thinks I'm juicing. It's kind of bitter sweet. Emotionally, I feel the same as I did before I started. On yea, vascularity and pumps are the same as last week...

                              I was going to hit up shoulders tomorrow, but instead of shoulders, I'm going to do legs. I'll update again tomorrow and let you guys know how things went...



                              • #90
                                Also....165 is still a 8 pound gain, and I still have seven more weeks to go!!! I just don't know...I was 13 pounds heavier...then 15 pounds I'm 8 pounds heavier...but I look might be the EQ though...that could explain it...or let me use a different scale...and i'll weigh myself one more time. I just got a new scale, and it was I'm going to use the gym scale and see what it says because this is really getting to me...

                                Oh yea, my chest was pretty damn sore all day today...we'll see how long that will last becausing I'm healing rapidly...
                                Senior Member
                                Last edited by Vulgarity; 05-18-2011, 04:49 AM.

