As a lot of you probably already know, Naps is now carrying a number of brand new products by Geneza Pharmaceuticals. This is an exciting time, as many of these compounds are uncommon to see on a sources list. One of which, 1-Test Cyp, aka Dihydroboldenone, has raised enough interest that Naps himself has proposed a trial, to let a small handful of individuals, with real world knowledge and experience, use this product and log their results for the world to see. I was selected by Naps Rep to be part of the team. This idea shows a great deal of confidence on behalf of Naps, as he's given us the green light to give our honest feedback. I am grateful to be a part of this project and once it begins, i will update this thread on a regular basis, chronicling my personal experience, as i use 1-test cyp in conjunction with the first 12 wks of dieting for a bodybuilding contest. so keep your eye on this thread, as i will update it with info, experiences and various pictures along the way. if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to post them up as we go. if you'd like to know more about 1-Test Cyp, you can look check out this profile i posted in the 'drug profile' section of JM.
thanks and i will let you know more details as they come my way!
