Currently on my first AAS injectable cycle. Liked it, just thought it was going to be more explosive but hey. You live and you learn. After taking oral winni, i want to cut out all oral AAS and go all inject able in hopes of saving the liver (in the bigger picture). And like i said this cycle will be next year for 2012. So after this cycle a full year off.
Weeks 1-20 - GP Test E 600mg/wk (because the GP stuff actually clocked in at 306mg per cc)
Weeks 1-20 - GP Primo 600mg
Weeks1-20 - Arimidex .25mg-.5mg ED/EOD if needed*
HCG & PCT dosed accordingly
Pretty plain and simple, not really looking to go above 200lbs. i want to recreate frank zanes dimensions primarily because our stats r the same 5,9 185-191 comp. 200 off-season. And choosing test e w primo so both esters release at the same time. I have no experience w/ primo so anyone who has please do enlighten me if i need to change anything.
Thanks bros
Weeks 1-20 - GP Test E 600mg/wk (because the GP stuff actually clocked in at 306mg per cc)
Weeks 1-20 - GP Primo 600mg
Weeks1-20 - Arimidex .25mg-.5mg ED/EOD if needed*
HCG & PCT dosed accordingly
Pretty plain and simple, not really looking to go above 200lbs. i want to recreate frank zanes dimensions primarily because our stats r the same 5,9 185-191 comp. 200 off-season. And choosing test e w primo so both esters release at the same time. I have no experience w/ primo so anyone who has please do enlighten me if i need to change anything.
Thanks bros