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  • #16
    you can try mixing it with something else, thatll be better than nothing, but inj winny is known for being one of the most painful injectibles
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body


    • #17
      That's right!
      My left shoulder hurt me for few days, but after a week it start to hurt less after injection..


      • #18
        Hey Bro
        can you mix the winstrol-50 inj with say test for your pinning and will this mabey reduce the pain! and the winstrol should be what eod


        • #19
          ive never ran winny so im not speaking from experience, but try to mix it with what you got and see how it works. but winny needs to be pinned ed
          Pain is just weakness leaving the body


          • #20
            Hey pushingweight

            can u mix the winnie with oilbased is the safe and possible,like sust,eq,or test


            • #21
              Originally posted by rickiepcb View Post
              Hey pushingweight

              can u mix the winnie with oilbased is the safe and possible,like sust,eq,or test
              I wouldn't agree with mixing winni with a long ester..(Never tried it myself) But I loaded winni with test prop!! Always keep the fast esters with fast esters,and long esters with long esters... Hope I help ya??


              • #22
                Hey mbig245> What u think would better the sust or the eq...
                Thanks u been a big help!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rickiepcb View Post
                  Hey mbig245> What u think would better the sust or the eq...
                  Thanks u been a big help!
                  Fisrt things first, You need to always run Test.. And sust is test... So its not a question of whats better, sust or eq... If anything you would want to run them both together.
                  I'm not a fan of sust myself but alot of fellas like it... I like to keep it simple with test..( no blends) Test cyp. is my favorite.
                  Its alot of research and trial and error... Read up on the different compounds and see how they work... Thanks ...


                  • #24
                    Bro.. Never, I mean, never mix oil based gear with water based gear...
                    If you have oil based winny then go for it, but if it's water based as I sad, big no-no...


                    • #25

                      What is good to do with Winstrol-50 inject,.Is there any thing to help with pinning site pain????


                      • #26
                        I wouldnt know what to mix with a water based, maybe GSO? Someone else would know more about that then me but you definately dont wanna mix oil based and water based gear.


                        • #27
                          thanks u say someone else would know..

