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EQ dose

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  • #16
    Not if we meet at SAFELIFES gym then they can't


    • #17
      We need to do it.. The all star work out session!!!!


      • #18
        back on topic, i dont use less than 600mg of EQ. if i were to use it again, i think i would probably go with 800mg
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        • #19
          I can post my stats, no flaming please, we all make our own decisions, leave it at that.
          age- 23
          height- 6' 2"
          weight- 172 lbs
          years training- 8 (serious diet and regimen-4)
          bf- <7% (I usually fluctuate between 5 and 8% depending on what I eat that week, I am a hardgainer)
          training schedule- I work out every day, usually take 1 or 2 days off per week, I do two sessions at the gym on training days, one for cardio (15-45 min. depending on the day) and about an hour and a half for weights, done after work and several meals. (usually start at 10pm, end 11:30, protein, HUGE meal, bed)

          Diet- EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. supplement with whey protein, weight gainer, casein, quick carbs, raw eggs, creatine, and vitamins (including fish oil, cla)

          I like to keep my dosages low because, comparatively speaking, I don't weigh that much. Once I am on your level (everyone in this thread) I will probably increase dosages.


          • #20
            Originally posted by mbig245 View Post
            That sounds like fun guys ( ME , SAM, LIMO and SAFELIFE) All in the gym!!!! They would kick us out!!!!!!
            Man I would love to see that, I could imagin the expression on the peoples faces, Ill bring my camera. lol


            • #21
              SO is this dosage good for my weight?

