I pinned my left ventrogluteal for the first time the other day. I normally pin my quads as past cycles have been twice a week injections. I am currently working up to EOD injections of Test P and Tren A, thus the introduction of the new site. I used a 25 gauge 1 inch needle, 1 cc of Sust 350. The injection itself was fine, although I was a bit stressed about pinning the new site. I am 95% positive I pinned in the correct location. I pinned on Wednesday, was fine on Thursday, but by Friday afternoon, I was basically limping. The site was rock hard with swelling, heat and redness about 4 inch diameter from the injection site. I iced it and took some Advil. Saturday was better, but still swelling and hardness. Same for Sunday. Should I be worried or is it because it's a virgin muscle or possibly needing an inch and a half needle for a deeper injection?
Edit: after even more research and reading and looking at pics, I have concluded that I may have injected 2-3 inches lower then I should have. For you pros out there, is this an issue, or do I just ride it out?
Edit: after even more research and reading and looking at pics, I have concluded that I may have injected 2-3 inches lower then I should have. For you pros out there, is this an issue, or do I just ride it out?