title pretty much asks it all anytime I try to search it especially about hcg it pretty much talks about prego women, not exactly what im looking for so if anybody knows how long it shows up plus your AI's and PCT's id greatly appreciate the info
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how long does hcg and pct's show up in your system for contests?
hCG falls with a half-life of 24 to 36 hours.
What r u using for PCT? specific compounds? then look at their half-life, then do the math - best way.
So 50mg is 25mg after half life, then 25mg is 12.5mg after half life, then 12.5 is 6.25 after half life....you get the idea (its not exactly like that but you get the idea).
So you need to also know normal levels so you know when your within normal range."GYM + JUICE"