Hey fella's new to this site. Lots of useful info ! Have started HRT couple years ago and have unfortunately had to switch doc's a few times from insurance changes. I was originally put at 200mg once a week and also first doc. prescribed Arimadex 1mg tabs as needed. Upon seeing my second PCP he immediately cut my dose to 100mg based on nothing and discontinued my AI script. (says he does not believe in AI's, and "they" don't know the long term effects on men yet) to this I say WTF ! Really ??? sooo anyway I had blood work my test level came in at (264 total) , (28 free), and estro total at ( 70 ) although I waited 10 days after last inject to get blood draw. I have read somewhere that 10.1 to 15.1 ratio of T/E was healthy. what are some of your guys thoughts on the matter of ratio ? I know I am going to get my dose increased to get levels up to 500 or so as that is where I want to be. And I guess I will just get (liquid Litro) from CEM labs for AI cause doctors are becoming sue scared freaks. thanks in advance !
one up
one up