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HCG help

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  • HCG help

    So I ordered hcg from jintani for pct followed by clOmid, here is where I need help the bottle is 2000 I.U. Which I only need 500 a week now it came by itself as an instramuscular injection. Everything I'm reading about apparently has some kind of bacteria mix for some diet I cant find anything on hcg for pct without mixing it. Here's my other question each ml has 2000I.U. How do I determine I.U. In ml I have a 3ml syringe and there 2000 IU in one ml. Help anyone have experience using hcg I would appreciate all info.And by the way instramuscular means the shot is going in my ass.
    Last edited by jj_tv; 02-03-2014, 06:03 PM.

  • #2
    Ok so I found out that 500 iu is .5 ml so I got my dosage but I still have not found anything on this type of hcg I have only learned of hcg drops which come ready to use I guess this is kind of the same as far as ready to use.


    • #3
      Ok so I'm answering my own question but I figure this could be for anyone who get the same hcg. So the hcg I bought comes reconstituted already which means its mixed says it on the label. Only comes in 2000iu when it's already mixed. 500iu is .5 ml which would be enough for one month if I do 500 a week. And as an istramuscular injection it goes in the butt like gear does not in the belly like your usual hcg I don't know the reason why but I'm going to follow the directions on the package.

