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post cycle therapy advice

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  • post cycle therapy advice

    running sust 250 tren acetate together about 3ml of sust a week tues/sat and tren eod at 1 ml. about 8 weeks sust and about 10 tren. its been suggested to take novedex xt during to prevent any issues and continue when off with clomid... my plans for the clomid are start 2 weeks after last pin then 4 weeks worth 150/100/50/50 Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    clomid can have some nasty sides that are much worse with high doses. I don't see the point in running 150mg ed


    • #3
      yeah man clomid makes me feel like shit, depressed big time, run 100/50/50/50 you have to feel your body out, everyone feels different during pct. I did 50 for all 4 weeks.


      • #4
        Clomid gives me blurry vision and I get emotional (usually short tempered). Nolva gives me low sex drive. I stick to nolva.


        • #5
          yeah all advice is appreciated as far as runnin novedex xt while being on is there a downside to that


          • #6
            Aside from being a waste of money to ever take novedex xt.. no.


            • #7
              lol would you recommend anything to take as far as a "blocker" while being on for the common unwanted stuff I read about im just trying to be OVERLY cautious about things aromatizing the way I understand it is tren acetate does not...but the sust 250 may- I also have about 4 weeks worth of dbol i was gonna throw in after 2 weeks in. I want to know as much as possible and really do appreciate any help. PCT is the main area I lack knowledge and im researching DAILY. right now im thinkin 2-3 weeks after last pin of sust gonna go w clomid for 50 -50-50-50 4 weeks and hopefully that should have me covered. Jam thanks for the insight


              • #8
                Anastrozole aka Arimidex at between .25 and .5 eod. too much will dry out joints big time


                • #9
                  Letrozole or Arimi.

