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Adex half life and potency question

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  • Adex half life and potency question

    Does anyone know what the half life if Adex/arimidex/anastrazole is?

    the reason I ask is that I have been experimenting with different dosages and not yet found one that doesn't cause joint pain... the more I take the sooner it happens but it always does... at .25 e3d it takes about a month, but then my joints are killing me... when I drop off it only takes a couple of days for all joint pain to subside... which implies that the half life is only a couple days (is that correct?)... so taking it e3d is about as far out as you can stretch it... which means I need to experiment with lowering the dosage I think... but that is difficult as the pills I have are 1mg and small triangles... so getting it into pretty even quarters for .25 is already difficult... to go lower i will probably have to get a scale and powder it and use tweezers to pinch out a tiny bit...

    or could I disolve the adex in bacteriostatic water and then use a dropper to control the dose?? that may work best... if it will stay stable once hydrated... thoughts??

  • #2
    half life of adex is about 50 hours

    I don't know your affinity to develope side effects or the quantity of aromatizing steroids you are taking, but i can say make sure you are not taking too much adex with it

    I personally steer clear of it because of the effect you mentioned, and it detrimentally affects my blood lipid profile.

    I have been very pleased over the years to have great results from just nolva and clomid(estrogen blocker only)...but i don't usually exceed 500mg test/week....followed by at least 6 weeks of PCT

    dozens of people I know use about same amount of test i do, and don't take more than 0.25 mg EOD, maybe twice that for a few weeks at the end of and immediately following a cycle. more is not better. everyone is different, and there are several alternatives to adex as far as anti-aromatase drugs

    do some research, and I believe there are other threads here that will help you decide if you need it, and how much.....good luck bro
    Employ your time improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for. -Socrates


    • #3 would personally take masteron propionate 100 mg EOD.Masteron is not clinically used for weight gain (as is common with most steroids), so this makes it a very unique steroid from that perspective. Unfortunately, much of the information on Masteron available in medical journals doesnt focus on weight or strength gain or even fat loss, for those reasons. Most information on Masteron focuses on its use in treating certain forms of breast cancer, and it does this reasonably well.To give you an idea, Masteron + Tamoxifen actually fared better than Chemotherapy for immediate objective responses from patients .So? What does this tell us? Well, this makes it a very exciting drug for a lot of reasons. Clearly it wont aromatize at all nor will it have progesteronic sides, remember, Nolvadex (and most ancillaries) are used to reduce estrogen for breast cancer patients, so a drug used to treat breast cancer obviously wouldnt convert to estrogen...and in fact Masteron may interact with the aromatase enzymes to inhibit aromatization of other steroids into estrogen, and may additionally interact with estrogen (as a "blocker" of sorts) at the receptor site. This is how it helps to combat breast cancer, obviously, but this could also be part of the reason that Masteron is considered a "cutting" or "Pre-contest" drug. Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right, if you include Masteron in your cycle, you may not need other "ancillary" drugs like Arimidex or Letrozole). Hence, much like Proviron, Masteron could be used as an anti-side-effect-drug (remember, most ancillary drugs we use to combat estrogenic sides, like nolvadex, letrozole, and arimidex were originally developed to combat breast cancer...and thats exactly what Masteron was developed and used for). Along a similar line, being a DHT (DiHydroTestosterone) derivative, its got a very nice ability to add muscle hardness to an already lean physique, remember, Masteron has a deceivingly low anabolic/androgenic ratio, but since DHT is 5x as androgenic as testosterone and has a 3-4x higher affinity to receptor sites, Masteron provides a lot of "bang for the Buck" when examined on a Mg for Mg basis.(Drostanolone Propionate)
      [17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one propionate]
      Molecular Weight: 360.5356
      Formula: C23H36O3
      Melting Point:N/A
      Manufacturer:Syntex, Various Underground Labs
      Effective Dose (men):350mgs/week (*100mgs Every other day) to 500mgs/week
      Effective Dose (women): 25-50mgs Every other Day to Every Third Day
      Active Life:2-3 days
      Detection time: 3 weeks
      Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:62:25
      Senior Member
      Last edited by siberiantiger; 02-01-2012, 05:58 AM.


      • #4
        I have used it in an alcohol suspension and it worked. Had to shake well before each use


        • #5
          thanks for the input guys... i'll have to do some more reading on Masteron...
          ... I keep nolva on hand and have considered switching to clomid but already have a surplus of Adex on hand so hate to not use it... will probably sitch to clomid on my next cycle and see how it does the joints.


          • #6
            atavist have u considered that u might be one of those people that does not even need to always run a ai throughout there cycle? if adex even in low dosages is making ur estrogen low enough that ur joints hurt and u have not run into any estrogen sides then ur estrogen might be staying in check without the need of a ai why not drop the ai all togethere and see if u get any estrogen side effects? or if u wanna feel more safe maybe just try a natural ai like erase or 6-bromo or maybe even just a cheap little herb supplement like prolab horny goat weed it has maca and a couple other things that promote healthy estrogen levels
            but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


            • #7
              hmm... i guess only one way to find out... will drop AIs when I start the next cycle... will of course keep them on hand.

