Today was more MMA circuit style training than anything.Object of this circuit is to perform as many reps as you can in 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise resting no more than 10 seconds between exercises.Run this circuit 3 times and its done......
Box Jump
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Kettle Bell Swings
Sled Push
Weighted Crunches
Barb Squat and Overhead Press
Scissors Jump
Decline Push Ups
Alternate Renegade Rows
Medicine Ball Twists.
Cool down walk for 20 minutes and straight for the showers.LOL
Today was more MMA circuit style training than anything.Object of this circuit is to perform as many reps as you can in 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise resting no more than 10 seconds between exercises.Run this circuit 3 times and its done......
Box Jump
Push Ups
Pull Ups
Kettle Bell Swings
Sled Push
Weighted Crunches
Barb Squat and Overhead Press
Scissors Jump
Decline Push Ups
Alternate Renegade Rows
Medicine Ball Twists.
Cool down walk for 20 minutes and straight for the showers.LOL