I've got to try something different. I've been largely a lower sets, high intensity guy for a while, and have good results from it, but I need to do something different with legs.
All the high intensity seems to do for me with legs is make me sick. By the 3rd set of leg presses I start feeling nauseous, and 4 puts me over the top. I end up doing a couple half ass sets of extensions and curls, but I'm too sick and spent to be any good on em and usually I've been skipping calves and going and curling up by the toilet in the crippled stall.
I've read this is suppose to be a badge of honor to puke after leg workout, but it certainly doesn't feel like it is. It actually feels like a wasted workout.
Being more of a high intensity guy, I have a hard time with believing a bodypart like legs would respond to lower weights and higher sets, but perhaps I need to change my thinking on that.
So, I come to you with an open mind and ask:
Can anyone offer a routine that seems to work for them, that may allow me to finish a leg workout without the nausea and feel like I've accomplished something, while getting some results? Thanks.
All the high intensity seems to do for me with legs is make me sick. By the 3rd set of leg presses I start feeling nauseous, and 4 puts me over the top. I end up doing a couple half ass sets of extensions and curls, but I'm too sick and spent to be any good on em and usually I've been skipping calves and going and curling up by the toilet in the crippled stall.
I've read this is suppose to be a badge of honor to puke after leg workout, but it certainly doesn't feel like it is. It actually feels like a wasted workout.
Being more of a high intensity guy, I have a hard time with believing a bodypart like legs would respond to lower weights and higher sets, but perhaps I need to change my thinking on that.
So, I come to you with an open mind and ask:
Can anyone offer a routine that seems to work for them, that may allow me to finish a leg workout without the nausea and feel like I've accomplished something, while getting some results? Thanks.