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I Need Some Help/Advice

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  • I Need Some Help/Advice

    First off, I am a college soccer player. I am currently 5'8, 142 pounds and 18 years old.

    It is the off season and I need put on some muscle. At the same time I need to keep my cardio at a high level. I want to take my game to the next level so it is very important that I gain muscle while improving my endurance. Currently I play Soccer games 2 nights a week and then do ball skills 2-3 other nights. I run on the treadmill a couple times a week and lift a couple times a week as well, but I want to start lifting more regularly like 4-5 days a week.

    I just got a membership to a gym and i have access to my schools gym. I also need help with nutrition. What i should be eating, and also I am unsure if i should get protein or a weight gainer. Right now I just drink chocolate milk after working out.

    My goal is to be at least 160 Pounds by August 1, 2013 which I think is very realistic. The last time I checked my body fat percentage was last year and it was 11%

    So I need advice/help with the following
    -Workout program-
    -Amount of Cardio I should do-
    -Protein or weight gainer, or both-

    I don't really know much about any of this stuff, so any help is appreciated whether its your personal advice or a link to an article.


  • #2
    Your goal is very realistic. I would assume your BF% would be lower than 11 if you are 5'8" and 142 and do as much cardio as you do.
    I was once at that same stage anything do tons of cardio and lift occasionally.
    The trick is to eat right about 6 meals a day. 3 of them heavy 3 of them light (high in protein and or carbs)
    You will need slow digesting carbs...whole grain everything. If you don't like whole grain flavor throw some fruits in the mix.
    As far as sugars but a good source of dairy should be about all you need. I gained 10lbs in about 3 months just from eating correct and drinking protein shakes.
    You do not need weight gainers as you are only 18 and still can grow naturally. It will take work. It will be frustrating the first few months.

    Look up routines on youtube and get a diary and schedule planned out. Maintain the same level of cardio and see your results and adjust from there.
    No one can tell you a program. You have to find one that makes the most gains on your body type.

    Mine is something like this though:
    M - Chest
    T - Bi's n Tri's
    W - Shoulders and Upper Back
    T - Legs and Lower Back
    F - Recovery
    S - Repeat Routine.

    Protein - Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Lean Beef, Shakes.
    Sugars - Fruits
    Carbs - Whole grain oats, breads, cereal
    Veggies - Onions, Spinach, Celery, Carrots
    Go crazy with seasoning...and learn to cook.
    Go youtube leanbodylifestyle. They have some good ideas on how to mix foods up.

    Best of luck.


    • #3
      Since it seems as though ur a relative begginer to weight training u should see good results. I like to see beginners stick to the basic lifts.

      I would suggest 1on 1off cyle of 3, Full body workout ;
      Day 1 - Bench press, Deadlifts, Pull-ups or Pulldowns and Squats = 2-3set 8-12 reps
      Day 2 off rest + eat (try to schedule ur off days to land on ur game days) - if u need to take 2 days off
      cycle of 3 = do this 1on1off 3x then take 2 days off.
      Follow this for 2-3 months -solid base

      Then Switch to a 3on 2off - (get in the gym get it done + get out 30-45min max).
      Day 1 = Chest + Back (push/pull) 3exercise by 3sets by 8-12 reps
      Day 2 = Delts,Bis + Tris 3exercise by 3sets by 8-12 reps
      Day 3 = Legs (Quads,Hams+Calves) 3exercise by 3sets by 8-12 reps
      2 days off

      Ur getting alot of exercise with the games + practice so make sure ur recovering + not overtraining-eating lots of good food will help u alot. - No cardio ur getting enough.

      Ur a soccer player not a Bodybuilder so make sure u use good form + feel the weight, if its getting to be too much back off on the weight training (take a day off).
      Senior Member
      Last edited by ODB; 11-28-2012, 04:21 PM.
      "GYM + JUICE"


      • #4
        Originally posted by de_sandman View Post

        Protein - Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Lean Beef, Shakes.
        Sugars - Fruits
        Carbs - Whole grain oats, breads, cereal
        Veggies - Onions, Spinach, Celery, Carrots
        Go crazy with seasoning...and learn to cook.
        Go youtube leanbodylifestyle. They have some good ideas on how to mix foods up.

        Best of luck.
        de_sandmanu r right about learn to cook cuz not many people specialy Americans dont know how to cook now a days its all fast food beside people who train or workout now they dont count they do know how to cook maybe lol

